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/his/ - History & Humanities

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>look into the history of some illogical law (loitering, vagrancy, theft etc)
>find that it was created as an excuse to harrass/jail/expel black people from town
>Bro just let gangs of blacks hang around on every street corner, sleep on your property without permission and steal from you lol
*gets the lynching rope*
Delightfully subtle bait, I almost don't want to call it out.
Fuck off LBJfag.
>Aw c'mon, me and my homies, we was just chillin' and vibin' on this street corner.
kek, good bait
in most cases it was actually English lords controlling English peasants, and it only came to apply to black people in the American colonies
>theft isn't a crime
This is what blacks actually believe.
How is that subtle?
>finding ways to criminalize being black
>somehow a bad thing
Without crystal clear property rights there is no civilization. Just look at africa lol
When I hear vagrancy laws I imagine first English laws of the Victorian period.
Property "rights" are much more recent than civilization, even early modern euro monarchies had "forced loans" and confiscations for treason (read: taking the wrong side in country's periodic civil wars, which no magnate could realistically avoid) and such.
Yeah and that is why life sucked dick living there.
>Property "rights" are much more recent than civilization
Oh yeah? You think Grug would have let you grab his spear without asking him first?
probably, any hunter gatherer group would likely be very close knit and communal
>le proto-communist hunter-gatherers
t. Tulsa Tranny
it's technically their property anyway since this country was largely built on exploiting black labor
Before 1965 White people had property rights and freedom of association, so they could just legally exclude Congoids from their territory. After ZOG made freedom of association illegal, many communities tried to delay their destruction by Congoids through tendentious legal workarounds that mostly failed.
No it isn't. They should have been castrated once they were done *following orders*
Unquestionably, as long as you were part of Grug's tribe and respected his station within it.
Black men weren't allowed to congregate to prevent them from organizing.
Same should have been done with Italians and all Catholics for that matter
>federal immigration law only started because of an irrational fear of Chinese workers

>gun reform was pushed because of a fear of black communists owning weapons

>Jaywalking laws were created through autoindustry propaganda to victim blame walkers for accidents instead of drivers while also trading in human rights for 'car rights'.
>You can't have civilization unless you allow me to own an entire body of water and the air around it
Yes, publicly owned water is so much more clean, just ask Flint :^)
>federal immigration law only started because of an irrational fear of Chinese workers
Makes sense, as most immigration until then was by Europeans.
>gun reform was pushed because of a fear of black communists owning weapons
The founders have made it perfectly clear that the Constitution and Bill of Rights should only apply to moral white Christians. Wanting your enemies disarmed is natural.
>Jaywalking laws were created through autoindustry propaganda to victim blame walkers for accidents instead of drivers while also trading in human rights for 'car rights'.
Good thing they're never enforced and are openly a matter of ridicule, seems like the propaganda failed
>The founders have made it perfectly clear that the Constitution and Bill of Rights should only apply to moral white Christians. Wanting your enemies disarmed is natural.
Dilate, tranntard
>gun reform was pushed because of a fear of black communists owning weapons
I see, so you are actually for gun rights, is that correct?
Black Rifle Coffee nigger spotted
t. ranny
When you think about it all laws only exist to harass black people.

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