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File: p54.jpg (389 KB, 900x718)
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If the Union were REALLY the good guys they would have,

>Deported all formerly enslaved nogs to Liberia, Haiti and other destinations, with enough money for them to purchase farm supplies to start themselves up in their new homeland, bringing the nog population down to below 4% in the modern day
>Only allowed black freemen from before the war, and a small number of black USCT that saw combat, the right to stay in America
>Banned all continental Catholic immigration; no Catholic Germans, no Catholic French, no Catholic Spaniards, no Catholic Italians, no Catholic Central Europeans
>Severely limited, but still allowed, German Protestant immigration
>Severely limited, but still allowed, Irish Catholic immigration
>Homestead Act limited to Protestants
Wrong pic, my bad, here you go.
can't tell the difference
There were no good guys in the ACW.
See https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/17051884/
Didn't Lincoln intend to send the blacks to Panama or something? And didn't Grant want to annex Saint Domingue to create a black state, but then he couldn't get congressional approval?
Why would you still allow Irish to immigrate but not French? That's dumb.

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