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What is it going to be? When? I think it might end up being neo-paganism.
Christian revivalism, just like always. People will always return to what familiar too them. Neo-paganism doesn’t even have a holy book and it’s all filtered through Christian authors.
It's a natural backlash and reaction to globalism. A universalist religion will now be less appealing to many.
I think only new religions could answer the problems caused by globalism and modern technological developments.
For every 1 right wing pagan who knows about indo europeans and shit you have 1000 obese witches who like crystals, tarot, and antiracism activism

Also I don’t think people are changing religions en masse right now because of globalism
They're becoming atheistic en masse because of globalism and modern technology, which logically leaves a hole for new religions to fill.
I suggest a personal path of self discovery and magick
Oh, it includes things like meditation, the forging of character and even caring for possible afterlifes.
Wagnerianism is probably the future
It already happened and its just the charismatic/evangelical movements + new age woo woo from the orient. And a little pseudo science for good measure.
The salvation army also qualifies.
>Christian revivalism, just like always
No, people are tired of a Jesus that only seems to exist in a book and in the local priest's sermons. Either he actually appears again or people will slowly forget about him

>People will always return to what familiar too them.
Except when they don't because it's no longer appropriate.
Do you have the same hobbies you had as a 10 years old?
>No, people are tired of a Jesus that only seems to exist in a book and in the local priest's sermons.
If this was true you wouldn't see prosperity gospel, pentecostalism, JW, etc, take off like it did. Jesus is only dead in the sermons of stodgy lutheran priests, sclerotic catholic fathers, and mealy-mouthed methodists.
>Do you have the same hobbies you had as a 10 years old?
No. But it is common for old, tired people to sink back into a more comforting past when in the greying dys of their lives.
>stodgy lutheran priests, sclerotic catholic fathers, and mealy-mouthed methodists
Forgot to add obnoxious orthobros.
Obnoxious orthobros and their tradcath equivalents are actually second religiosity too. Their faith is not dead, it's performative mystical, retarded garbage, but it is not dead.
I neglected to mention the orthodox because Faustian cculture has almost no organic orthodox presence, only exiles and migrants from eastern europe.
And just before you ask, Fr. Seraphim Rose is new religiosity too, very obviously so.
It already exists. It's called wokeness (literally a reference to enlightenment). It will not end until the white race has been sacrificed and the world is liberated from their evil.
The time is ripe for a whole new religion.
People are desperate for something supra-rational to believe in, but they also know that endless theological debates are pointless.

All we need is someone who can actually do bona fide miracles and the movement will spread like wildfire. A high threshold, of course, but also a necessary one
People like Jay Dyer sound like full blown atheists pretending to be religious when I watch religious debates.
Even if they are affecting belief. They are still borrowing foreign mysticism to do it. Rather than dress up like some anglican parson.
>this retard thinks religion is about having magicians do tricks for him
hey buddy, I have a car to sell you, interested?
So miracles are always just "tricks"?
The Gospels are just lying?
How about Mormonism? I could see Mormonism becoming the most widespread religion throughout most of the Americas.
This is definitely a religion in practice, and I think 'pseudo-religions' should be counted as much as real religions (Marxism would also fall under this). However, I'm not sure the Second Religiousness could be 'wokeness' because it's clearly inorganic and promoted by the business class. If it stopped being promoted by them, it would quickly become fringe.
It has already happened with evangelicalism and “tradcath” for Christianity, Wahhabism and general fundamentalist revival for Islam, child sacrifice for Judaism, increased cow worship for Hinduism, dude weedism for Buddhism, etc.
Mormonism is extremely unpopular among millennials and zoomers. I grew up with a lot of Mormon kids (not in Utah or Idaho) and virtually none of them still attend church or they go to nondenominational churches now.
That's sad to hear. I respect the Mormons a good deal.
Maybe some kind of Christian and pagan syncretism like Tolkein talked about.
Correct. Pagans have no holy books and oral traditions are very flimsy in the age of digital communications
Shut up, darkie
This is optimal but not likely
How did Tolkien talk about it? Sounds unexpectedly honest from a tradcath tryhard like him
No point in having a holy book if everyone interprets it differently.
The only difference is that when Pagans disagree, they make it clear that it's a matter of personal opinion. When Christians disagree, a new Protestant church is born
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but Wagner was an esoteric Lutheran.
LOTR mythology is a syncretism of Christian and European pagan beliefs. And he spoke about how certain aspects of pagan culture shouldn't be shunned by Christians, but praised and adopted by them. Like honor, courage, etc. being virtues. And was an enjoyer of pagan works like Beowulf and Poetic edda.. Norse paganism in general.
That's just European culture as it already was, no proposed change.
And yet, it exists
are these basically the same thing?

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