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We lost the ideological war against christian altruism, it is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism and a free market even though a free market so obviously raises the standard of living for everyone.
>What war did we lose?
The great goyim revolt aka the second brother war

Liberals will claim they won fair and square in the free marketplace of ideas using the scientific method.
>Why are we taught a history so anti-White?
Are "we"? What is anti-white about history? The slave trade? Jim crow? Colonialism? Those events really did happen, they weren't made up to slander the white race. Are we supposed to just pretend that those things didn't happen? Or that they did but it was actually all fine and dandy?
>What war did we lose? Who were the victors?
>The answers to these questions explain the modern world.
Ah, I see. It was le jews. Nevermind then.
You're thinking of classical liberals.

Lefty liberals are allergic to "free markets" of all sorts
We lost to nigger penis. The only reason slavery, Jim Crow, colonization, and apartheid is seen as bad is because of white women. Only they complain about it because they empathize with black men after seeing their cocks. We tried to stop it with anti-miscegenation laws and with KKK lynchmobs but we couldn't contain the secret. Nigger penis is too powerful.
>history is written by the victors
This is, at best, a rough rule of thumb.
>history is anti white
Not really, maybe to some degree at most.
Neither premise is strictly speaking true so it's useless for this kind of argument.
>>history is anti white
>Not really, maybe to some degree at most.
He isn't talking about the history that autistic people engage in studying, he's talking about the CRT taught in schools.
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>anti white pilpul
I deny the anti-christ in all his forms and embrace Christ the savior of the white race.
Nobody lost a war. For the same reason that white people "won" geopolitics in the last 300 hundred years, it was also the reason behind the idea of looking back into the past and resenting the immoral deeds: critical and rational thought.

You should be proud that your culture gives you the ability of self-awareness and self-critique, other cultures don't grasp that concept. If there is anything that proves the superiority of western civilization the most, is that.
True but the enemies use it against us and warping peoples minds especially in colleges. Rational is thrown out the window and turned into straight up suicidal. Just wish we could launch them all into a ravine with a trebuchet or something.
I wasn’t taught ani “antiwhite” history

What I WASN’t taught is the history lf the richness of China, the wisdom of India, the might of the Japanese, the heart of the Amerindians… I was only taught about Europe, North America and a few superficial notions about the Near East
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>Lefty liberals are allergic to "free markets" of all sorts

Why though? The free market is 100% on their side.
How many Chinese dynasties and Indian kingdoms were you taught about? And what of Indonesians? Or the Safavid? The Elamites? Or the Maya? Were you taught about those? At most a brief mention of Marco Polo and of Euros in the Indian Ocean or a very superficial view of ancient Mesopotamia in the first history classes

The history MOST whites are taught is a WHITE history, FACE IT, and it’s an ANTI NON-WHTE/PERSON OF COLOR history
Did you go to a school infested by niggers? Or maybe you are a nigger? Sounds like your school sucked.
>heart of the Amerindian
I get it, you sucked dick in the bathroom instead of going to class.
What? How dare you insult me like this you neonazi bastard?
>hello fellow whites
>did you know that ackshually everyone is brown!
How am I anti-white? Please point out the thing I said that was anti-white.
>The slave trade?
>Jim crow?
A moral necessity due to jews importing niggers.
A good thing.
Lmao confirmed. Nickname? My bet is sirsucksalot
If that's what you got from that you really need to work on your reading comprehension.
Well how about using the slave trade? Whites are the ones that stopped slavery and even blockaded the ports. Theres actually still slavery today but you faggots point to hundreds of years ago. Also who cares about Jim Crow have you lived around them before? I bet you think that Apartheid was bad too yet when they got rid of it south Africa started falling apart and now it's a full blown failed state.
No, you stick out like a sore thumb
Those damn jews FORCED us to enslave and purchase those filthy subhuman niggers that I don't believe deserve human rights, I, the enlightened white man would never enslave a person who I view as subhuman and utterly contemptible.
Jews enslaved niggers, brought them here, sold them to other Jews, then released them like a biological weapon, then made it illegal to move away from them.
So those events did happen. So then what's the issue? Does anti-white just mean anything that isn't in accordance with your obvious nazi ideology?
>Whites are the ones that stopped slavery and even blockaded the ports.
Does anyone deny this? That doesn't magically undo centuries of some of the most brutal chattel slavery the world has ever seen.
>Theres actually still slavery today but you faggots point to hundreds of years ago.
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that we were discussing history. Why would they teach about modern slavery in the third world in European history class?
>Also who cares about Jim Crow
Again, I was under the impression that we were discuss history. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
>I bet you think that Apartheid was bad too yet when they got rid of it south Africa started falling apart
That'll happen when you only build your infrastructure with 10℅ of the population in mind. Apartheid South Africa was a failed state for 90% of the population.
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You're blaming whites for what your kikes did.
>The slave trade?
Whites were only a fraction of it and later ended it globally. Whites should be lauded for ending it, Arabs Blacks and Jews should be criticized for it.
>Jim crow?
Only involves Southern American Whites
Mere empire building
I can't believe the Jews forced white people to force black people to farm cash crops on plantations.
Also forgot to add that millions of Whites were victims of the slave trade itself.
It's not illegal to move away from anyone. What's illegal is enforcing contracts not to sell your house to certain groups.
>if history is written by the victors
It's not. War never ends, and history is just a continuation of cultural warfare.
History is written by everyone, the victor is just whoever manages to silence other perspectives.
And a perspective triumphing doesn't imply that it will be forever unchallenged. People will pick an antagonistic narrative back up for completely unrelated political aims decades or even centuries afterwards.
>Whites should be lauded for ending it
I challenge you to find a school that does not teach about the abolition of slavery in the US and Britain. Or are you just mad that they actually actually teach the history of abolition and don't just say "White people ended slavery. The end. Please do not ask any further questions on the subject."
>Only involves Southern American Whites
And the history of the American South does not count as history?
>Mere empire building
"It was mere empire building. The end. No further questions."
My k-12 school framed slavery ending as America ending in the 1800s and the civil war. It never discussed who started slavery in Africa (Africans, Arabs, moors, possibly Jews) it never discussed the millions of White victims , nor did it discuss who ended the so-called Atlantic slave trade which now is even considered an anarchism since we know the so-called Atlantic slave trade was actually connected to a world-wide slavery network which wasn’t centered in the Atlantic. So what my school taught was far more simplistic than what I’m even saying here.
Jews did that. Whites farmed their own land.
I was taught a version of history where whites conquered most of the world
Is that "anti-white" now? What happened to bragging about being conquerors?
Yeah they don't cut out the atrocities but that's what conquest is, everyone does that shit when they're on top
No, its illegal to move away from niggers.
If you try, the government will air drop 20,000 Haitian cannibals into your area.
Big corporations are actors in a market.
They are not the market themselves, and their presence doesn't guarantee freedom in said market
Under which statute?
Retarded pol tranny. God hates racists.
Civil Rights Act.
Where does that criminalize moving away from black people?
Disparate impact clause.
It criminalizes preventing blacks from following you to whatever new suburb you built to flee from blacks
Learn what that means.
That's not the same thing as not being allowed to move away.
It means it's illegal to not live around niggers.
>That's not the same thing as not being allowed to move away.
>Just spend your life savings to build a new house
>We will immediately move 70 IQ cannibals next door and destroy its value
>Then you can move again
>We will immediately move 70 IQ cannibals next door
>Then you can move again...
Post civil rights act America is basically a Jewish torture chamber for the White people that built a global empire for Jews, where you have no property rights or freedom of association and Jews laugh as they repeatedly destroy all of the accumulated wealth of your labor by chasing you around with Congolese cannibals as a prank.
>christian altruism, it is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism and a free market
Lmfao are you really gonna go the "real capitalism has never been tried" route? We are living in the turbo capitalist world you wanted. Congrats no one cares about shit besides money.
We lost what was a covert war against the third world.
Every race has a history of slavery and colonialism, whites are the only living race that ended those things.

That aside most races are taught only postive things (Indians are taught that they used to be rich and invented everything etc.).

Only Whites are universally demonized while all positive things about our history and culture, especially w.r.t. intellectual achievements, are intentionally hidden from children in order to demoralise them. This is why far-right ideas are rising so rapidly in the youth because when they finally learn the truth and are able to regain an ounce of pride they rightly react with anger towards those who demonisef them.
Indeed, Whites lost the Napoleonic wars.
Liberalism is largely dead Anon. Leftism is not liberalism.
yeah, blame the religions that was around when the european natons were rulers of the wolrd, and not the ideologies (socialism and capitalism) that argue in favor of erasing borders and were implemented just in time when the white cuckery started.
>"muh real free market wasnt tried"
even if that was true, the whites allowed it
you lost agaisnt your own pride. Was western nations that not only benefited from exploting the nature and people from third world countries, but even export their delusional ideas about what progress should be. Reap what you sow
The fact that you think there's anything wrong with Jim Crow laws just goes to show how brainwashed you are to fight against your own interests.
>you lost agaisnt your own pride. Was western nations that not only benefited from exploting the nature and people from third world countries, but even export their delusional ideas about what progress should be. Reap what you sow
I agree. What we needed to do was depopulate the third world, but we failed, and we're now facing the consequences of that.
Yup, literally it was a form of spite for losing the civil war they mostly pushed former slaves into the neighbourhoods of lower middle class whites: i.e. the soldiers that fought for the union.
>I agree. What we needed to do was depopulate the third world,
This, literally what everyone else did.

The mistake was this "White men's burden nonsense". Earth could've been paradise on Earth.
That is completely ahistorical and you are retarded nazi.
the only thing whitoids are good is in killing each other in maniac wars in order to defend "muh economy " and the jews. The arabs were far better african's killers than any white.
>People in a civilization are mostly taught the history of their own civilization unless they want to specialise in learning about others

Yes, you fucking retard. Did you think your post was insightful or interesting at all?

India doesn't even teach the Periodic Table of Elements because "there are too many elements named after White discoverers". Everyone on Earth does this. Whites already have far too much non-white shit in our history classes.
Jews weren't the slaves during the transition Atlantic slave trade. Angles were. /pol/tards are hilariously retarded
Arabs are retards who literally fucked SSAs into their gene pool. Arabs and Levantines used to have 0% black DNA in ancient times and today it is around 10%.

The brown skin, the low IQ, the dysgenic phenotype etc. it's all from this self-own of Arab coomers breeding African women.
>Every race has a history of slavery and colonialism
No one denies this except perhaps out of ignorance.
>That aside most races are taught only postive things (Indians are taught that they used to be rich and invented everything etc.).
Well then the Indians suck at teaching history. History class shouldn't just be a collective societal circlejerk.
>Only Whites are universally demonized while all positive things about our history and culture, especially w.r.t. intellectual achievements, are intentionally hidden from children.
What the fuck are you talking about? What achievements which can be attributed to white people are being hidden? Be specific.
>You should be proud that your culture gives you the ability of self-awareness and self-critique, other cultures don't grasp that concept. If there is anything that proves the superiority of western civilization the most, is that.
It's a massive weakness which played a large part in destroying modern Western civilization and everyone knows this, especially foreigners who finance a lot of the anti-White propoganda.

China did the opposite and suddenly transitioned from an agricultural society barely out of the bronze age into the most powerful nation on Earth.
yeah yeah, because europeans wdidnt do that,
right?'at least the spanish males were the ones that bred the native women, the bongs are letting their women to be fucked by migrants, lmao.
How much yuan does the CCP pay you to lie on 4chan all day? Can I apply online? Seems like a sweet gig.
you are right, a nation can become powerful only by explotation, of other nations or their own people.
>No one denies this except perhaps out of ignorance.
oh come on, in mainstream media everytime the slavery topic is touched, will be always be "muh poor blacks opressed by evil white people". Maybe they arent denying directly, but they are hiding it.
I don't want to defend the perpetually depressed narrative, but they are correct in that black people were actively oppressed by white people in the United States until very recently. Do you deny this?
>perpetually depressed
*perpetually oppressed
The fact history teaches slavery as a uniquely white crime and doesn’t mention the fact whites ended the global slave trade.
Who is this "history" you speak of? Why are you talking about of the concept of history like he's a guy?
>History class shouldn't just be a collective societal circlejerk.
It should be. It's good and healthy for a civilization by increasing social cohesion, geopolitical soft power, optimism, confidence and security.

>What the fuck are you talking about? What achievements which can be attributed to white people are being hidden? Be specific.
Every line of text wasted on anti-white nonsense could instead by used to discuss any number of left out civilizational achievements which are important to modern life including development of early mill technologies; windmill powered agriculture and automating ocean/swamp drainage/land reclaimation in the Netherlands (if such things were taught I promise you the water management in California would've had far better policies, and also the mid-West would still be lush and the agricultural yields much higher than today) and much more: Cathedrals being the tallest buildings on Earth for nearly a thousand years (and the pre-Newtonian mathematician of Statics and Physics to achieve this which is not taught anywhere), I could go on to fill 10s of post limits, but of course you are just here to fight to push anti-White narratives yourself and you're uninterested in real history and discussion.
I hate Chinks Anon. That doesn't mean I'm delusional about the fact that the West is declining and losing it's key intellectual capital while China is stealing our technology and industry thanks to retarded boomers who put money before culture and security.
>but they are correct in that black people were actively oppressed by white people in the United States until very recently
opression doesnt equal to slavery
We are talking about slavery topic, and media related to it. The problem here is that you wont see the entire scene of slavery in the media, you wont see how ottomans traded slaves, some whites, until 1870. You wont see how black people themselves sold slaves to european traders. And even worse, you wont see how asians migrants were treated as slaves even after slavry being abolished. You claim that they arent denying nothing, but at the same time, they wont show the full picture, and instead will repeat the black slavery in the US again and again. There obvious a bias there.
Christianity taken to it's ideological extreme is ultimately self-sacrifice for the group. It it why their idol is jesus dying on the cross for the sins of others. Altruism is the ideology it shares with communism, the "selfish humans" must be bent to serve the group they are a part of.

History books and narratives are decided by people who have power. The current power holders are pretending not to be power holders. We're supposed to believe hillbillies living in trailer parks are the real power holders. Yeah sorry not buying it.
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>you are right, a nation can become powerful only by explotation, of other nations or their own people.
See you are so brainwashed by anti-White history you actually believe.

Whites never exploited anyone. They built civilization in places where it didn't exist before and traded/bought land in places where it did exist.

Europe was rich long before the age of colonialism too. It was the richest per capita even before the Age of Exploration through its own innovations and industry.

Why are children not taught this?

I rest my case.
>a free market so obviously raises the standard of living for everyone

You mean living on a continent and controlling another for two hundred years where you're technologically dominant with no major threats while the rest of the world turns itself to ashes around you while you're perfectly safe and able to extort them for money the entire time.

The government nor the market system made very much sense, but it's a perfect storm of ideal characteristics for a nation. Once the US splits up, it's probably not getting back together and there won't be any liberal order to lean back on. Any attempt at libertarianism will be the result of a failing nostalgia.
>It should be.
Well then you're happy to move to India.
>but of course you are just here to fight to push anti-White narratives
I have not, to my knowledge, made any anti-white statements. If I have please let me know and I will retaract them. You have a point about there being a lot of interesting European history that is not taught in schools, but I don't see why it has to be a binary. I don't want to teach white children to hate themselves but I also don't want to sweep the atrocities of European civilization under the rug.
>The problem here is that you wont see the entire scene of slavery in the media, you wont see how ottomans traded slaves, some whites, until 1870.
Well yeah, no shit? I assume you are from the US? Why would the US media care about what the Ottomans were doing in 1870?
>There obvious a bias there.
Yeah, again. No shit. American media is going to have a bias towards the things that affect current American politics and against things that don't.
The English Civil War was won by the wrong side.
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>history is written by the victors
of fuck off. Im arguing agaisnt the anti-white bias in other posts but you made me regret it.
>They built civilization in places where it didn't exist before and traded/bought land in places where it did exist.
YEah yeah, because all america, india, middle east,ethiopia, and china were full of cavemen, right??
but lets say that your fantasy is correct. who asked the europeans to do that?? the answer, the greed. Dont try to sugar coat it. All the infraestructure thy made were only to carry more resources, they didnt gave two shits about natives lives, maybe only the spanish and thanks to them latinoamerica exists. Its true that natives should be taking advantage of what was left by europeans instead of crying for the past, but tat the same time, colonies werent funded at good will, only to exploit whatever they could.
>Europe was rich long before the age of colonialism too
Chinan, Iran, Egypt were far richer too, but never the masters of the globe unlike european powers during colonialism. Only Rome at its peak, but you cant deny that it was thanks to violent invasions. And Rome actually bought civilization, not only colonies.
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>Christianity taken to it's ideological extreme is ultimately self-sacrifice for the group
No it is global dominion for God's people sanctified by God. Individual self sacrifice for the kingdom of heaven established upon the earth by the son of God is righteous.
i dont see european media doing a better job either
commies infiltrated the education system during the cold war and invented the whole "westerners bad because they abused capitalism on poor thirdies" and it evolved into the anti-racism movement
>what about le heckin slavery and colonialism!?!?!?!
That may very well be enough to end the discussion on Twitter or Reddit, but it doesn't do the job here.
I think you misread my post because your reply does not make sense.
Because Whites aren't the victors and the jews are in control.
>of fuck off. Im arguing agaisnt the anti-white bias in other posts but you made me regret it.
Irrelevant to me, you are posting anti-White trite where you start off assuming a narrative is true and just expect others to accept it. You could get away with 10 years ago, not anymore.

>YEah yeah, because all america,
Literally stone age peoples, including the "settled" ones. The funny thing about native HG is that they thought White settlers were idiots for "buying land" because they themselves claimed not to own it, but took the money anyway.
> india,
Never colonised with replacement exploitation (0% White population today), it was conquered and Europeans actually improved the GDP per capita growth six fold while building universities etc. This is not exploitation and India owes a massive debt to Britain.
> middle east,
Never colonised (0% White), Arabs in fact are the colonisers who replaced the native Levantines and the Greco-Roman population who built civilization in the region. They were rightly pacified after a millenium of raiding, but they should rightly have been genocided and the lands restored to having European farmers everywhere except the Arab gulf states.
The entire world thought Italy was retarded and it has a 0% Italian population today. Most Europeans supported Ethiopia in any case.
>and china
Never colonised, Europeans bought land for two trading stations as I said.
>but lets say that your fantasy is correct. who asked the europeans to do that??
Why do Europeans need permission to build our civilization anywhere? We don't. In all places where peoples had claim Europeans bought the land they built (from China, even Zulu kingdoms etc.). In unclaimed places we built our civilization.

In unclaimed regions Europeans never needed permission. The very idea of a nation is a European one. Nations did not exist outside of Europe before and they certainly didn't make money from minerals they didn't even know existed nevermind had value. They had zero claim to those minerals before the founding of the UN too.

>Chinan, Iran, Egypt were far richer too,
Wrong, delusional and uneducated. Only European nations were rich in 1500.

Europeans have always been richer. This is due to high IQ leading to innovations that automate labour and increase productivity per capita.

Other nations in the modern era owe all their wealth (which is not much because they never had any to begin with) to European technology that they got for free.
>Arabs in fact are the colonisers who replaced the native Levantines and the Greco-Roman population who built civilization in the region.
never happened, not reading the rest of your schizo rant

>capitalizes white
lmao retard
Socialist Yugoslavia had living standards superior to that of Western states, whereas post-Yugoslav, free-market capitalist states that succeeded Yugoslavia are SSA-tier and rapidly depopulating.
Are you retarded or just a liar? How the fuck do you think the Arab language spread outside the Arab Gulf?
>free market so obviously raises the standard of living for everyone.
No. The "free market" doesn't account for foreign subversion and atomized society. I'm tired of you fags worshipping me free market when all it ever did was make chinks rich and fill America with shitskins.
American history in particular is trying to build a mythology that attempts to integrate hyphen Americans into a civic nationalist framework of reconciled citizens of all races. The focus is on (half-)Blacks because Asians used to be too small to bother with (hence muh chink railroad workers only recently becoming a thing now that they are a bigger minority). Whether you think this is noble or whether you are one of the two people left in the universe that still believes in civic nationalism it has backfired massively either way.

After two centuries of placating and integration attempts hyphen Americans are still not real Americans, racism is worse than ever, and social issues have gotten so bad it now threatens the security of the nation. What's worse is that foreign influencers (first communists and now general geopolitical enemies of the West) have used bribery to further demonise unhypthenated Americans in general push to destabilise NATO which has proven largely successful.

Beyond this mythology is the ground truth that America is a White nation and always has been. All these things harm Americans and their interests. It would be better to segregate entirely and roll back the failed experiment. If all Black people were deported to Liberia tomorrow and all recent immigrants sent back to their homelands then America would be a happier, stronger and better nation. No one denies this anymore.
>China is rich
Yugoslavia had high living standards
You have to go back to leftypol. You're clearly too brown to be on this board.
>"muh real free market wasnt tried"
It most definitely existed at some point in history, multiple times even.
Here and now? No way

All you have is crony capitalism and regulatory capture
Kek, sandniggers shitting himself because he was taught the lie that they used to be somewhat matched with Europeans.

Nope you were always a backwards shithole far behind Europe. You should expect this, literally your greatest claim to fame is NOT burning Greek books for once (note: credit to that goes to Persian Muslims, not Arabs).
I don't take free market criticisms on /his/ seriously when the critics are just NEETs from leftypol who won't get a job.
I've doxed so many people like you from leftypol I already know what you're about.
It's taught in a gay way where conquest is supposed to be a bad thing rather the glorious thing it is.
It was the Vietnam war. Whites still had a sense of primacy and purpose after WWII. But after American Whites lost Vietnam they went full cuckold.
>We lost to nigger penis.
They're so huge, bros. How can we compete?
You have to be 18 to post here.
I mean memes aside white women are least likely to racemix.

Weak men marrying and fucking Asians is a genuine concern though.
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I will fuck and date Vietnamese women exclusively and I'll apologize to no one. I've been living in Hanoi as an English memer for a year and this Pepe is my response when I see a white woman now. There's no contest to be had.
Right, so this has fuck all to do with anything I've said in this thread. This is mostly just incomprehensible /pol/shart nonsense.
Because white means evil.

Evil always loses.
No, the post addresses everything you said.

You are just stuck living in the past and can't accept it.
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Teachers are evil and should be jailed.
>The funny thing about native HG is that they thought White settlers were idiots for "buying land"
first, yeah, because America is only muttland, im not surprised. And second, the natives from north america were far from being cavemen. You would call medieval mongols as cavemen??
>improved the GDP per capita growth six fold while building universities etc. This is not exploitation and India owes a massive debt to Britain.
sure, lets calculate how much resources the anglos took off and then calculate how much debt is still left. We should count the benghal famine as a debt too??
>middle east Never colonised (0% White)
dude, there are iranians far whiter than any user of pol, the fuck are you posting
also, christian kingdoms can be considered colonies, and Palestine was a british colony/territory, that's why Israel exists (another reason why whitoids deserve everything that is happening)
>Most Europeans supported Ethiopia in any case.
at least you didnt deny it
> bought land for two trading stations as I said.
my dude, did you skipped the opium wars for some chance?? hong kong?? imnot even counting the colonies in south asia.
>Why do Europeans need permission to build our civilization anywhere?
nobody is debating about morality. Im talking about your insistence in denying the greed motive of european colonialism. They didnt built civilization in sub saharian africa, they only took the natives there and tortured to work. But i get it, you define "civilization" as killing the native people in some place and found some shitty towns. Even in the places they actually inhabited by the whites (south africa boers) , guess who were the responsibles of killing them off? (hint, werent the blacks)
bringing civilization is what romans did (and spanish in a sense), not your shitty excuse
>Only European nations were rich in 1500.
im done with you.
>muh ottomans were europeans
> that they got for free.
brown native lives doesnt matter anything for you, right?
>You would call medieval mongols as cavemen??
Mongols had steel (post iron age), not rocks and crystals (stone age).
>dude, there are iranians far whiter than any user of pol, the fuck are you posting
Aryan territory is not core MENA. Like nafris levantines and gulf arabs. I know they are sometimes considered mena, but that would like calling Turks mena just because they're muslim.
>also, christian kingdoms can be considered colonies,
No, why? Those were just reclaiming Eastern Roman territories. The original Roman conquest is colonialism sure, but before they took it from the Jews it again belonged to Grecian peoples who Jews took it from. Romans held on to it for far longer and built most of it.
>and Palestine was a british colony/territory, that's why Israel exists (another reason why whitoids deserve everything that is happening)
Israel has absolutely nothing to do with Whites. And be careful with that rhetoric, it will be used on you soon.
>my dude, did you skipped the opium wars for some chance??
Not colonialism. Europeans went to war with each other over trade stuff all the time. China has 0% White Europeans, so where's the colonialism?
> hong kong??
Yes? They leased it and Macau as I said. Try learning some of the history of the region and you might understand why they had to give it back after building a whole prosperous city out of a fishing village.

>nobody is debating about morality. Im talking about your insistence in denying the greed motive of european colonialism. They didnt built civilization in sub saharian africa
Your post makes no sense at all. Europe DID build civilization in SSA. Literally all the nations, universities, railroads, government buildings etc. to this day were built by Europeans.

You are basically mad that:
1) There was no civilization before.
2) Europeans mostly built for themselves (which is only reasonable).
3) Europeans didn't build enough (which is also reasonable, tax revenue on working class Europeans has its limits)

It was all a massive loss for the European taxpayer since for some inexplicable reason all that infrastructure, insitutions and industry was handed to the natives who had no claim to it before, because communists decided to press the issue to weaken the West.

>ven in the places they actually inhabited by the whites (south africa boers) ,
They also bought the territory.
>bringing civilization is what romans did (and spanish in a sense), not your shitty excuse
1) Romans and Spanish are both Europeans dumbfuck.
2) The most civilized ex-colonies are USA, Australia etc., not LatinAm.
>>Only European nations were rich in 1500.
>im done with you.
The data literally shows, not my problem that you can't handle objective data challenging your head narratives.
>>muh ottomans were europeans
>> that they got for free.
>brown native lives doesnt matter anything for you, right?
No, in fact my own people matter more to me as is only natural. Why should I care for evil barbarians that hate me and my kind?
History itself isn't anti-White, as in the actual events that occurred were not anti-White in nature, it's simply the portrayal of history by disingenuous "historians", the mainstream media, CRT propagandists etc.
You can effectively read the Xitter post in the OP as
>If history is indeed written by the victors, then why are we [White people] taught a disingenuous lens of history that is anti-White?
>What war did we [Whites] lose to be depicted in such a disproportionately negative way? Who were the victors of this war?
>The answers to these questions explain the modern world
This assumes the victors of history would portray themselves in a positive light, and the losers of history be depicted in a negative light by the victors...

99% of Whites alive back then didn't own any slaves or commit any of these "historical evils" that were perpetrated by a scarce minority of Europeans and Ashkenazi Jews. And yet ALL Whites are blamed for these historical evils today, and only ever Whites. In any other case these things would all be blamed on "the collective brutality and woe of humanity" or some other generic shit. You can't "get past racism" and establish utopia by being racist but that's exactly what CRT propagandists believe anyway.

>Ah, I see. It was le jews
jews express nearly no gratitude today whatsoever for the descendants of the people that supposedly saved them from extinction in 1945. This puts into question a lot of things.
We lost both world wars and the Napoleonic Wars to the power of ZOG (formerly International Jewry) which controlled the (((Allied powers))) through (((Central Banks))).

Yes, it really is that simple.
Stop whining bitch. You and everyone else are taught almost only white history. It's not antiwhite. Stop whining.
*anti-white history
What’s it like over there?
>The data literally shows, not my problem that you can't handle objective data challenging your head narratives
2 seconds in google, only 2
>Mongols had steel (post iron age), not rocks and crystals (stone age).
>Aryan territory is not core MENA.
schizoposting, here it comes
>Israel has absolutely nothing to do with Whites.
?? who gave the land to the jews?? anglos arent white??
>China has 0% White Europeans, so where's the colonialism?
Colonialism is the exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group. Colonizers monopolize political power and hold conquered societies and their people to be inferior to their conquerors in legal, administrative, social, cultural, or biological terms
India and China werent exterminated as north america because the anglos decided to subjugated them from within.
>They leased it and Macau as I said
and that is not colonialism you dumb fuck??
>There was no civilization before.
and we continue with this meme
>Europeans mostly built for themselves
but that is exactly my point, they didnt colonize other regions because "muh white burden" but because they wanted the resources of the land.
>It was all a massive loss for the European taxpayer
really???? at this point, post some sources for the love of God
>They also bought the territory.
but you didnt answer who was the responsible of the boers extermination
i was refering to
>Other nations in the modern era owe all (...) logy that they got for free.
>Why should I care for evil barbarians that hate me and my kind?
yeah, a pol user, that cant recognize that the worst enemy of the western man, was another western man. Enjoy the migrants
>Weak men marry Asians.
You still shilling this shit? Who's buying it anymore?
>Why are we taught a history so anti-White?
We're not. Drop the victim complex already and talk to an actual historian
>You and everyone else are taught almost only white history
No we aren't, we are taught a lot of non-white history, most of it made up. We were are even taught about speculative nonsense which is just vague archeology with no history like "Great Zimbabwe" despite it only being a village of 8 mudhuts in real life. Meanwhile we are taught nothing about archeological finds of early European cultures.

By contrast third worlders are not taught any white history at all except where they are able to use it for anti-white demonisation etc.

You know this is true. That's why you get irrationally angry over it.
We are. As we have established in this thread.
This page contains no financial data at all. Why are so disgustingly dishonest that you don't even bother to read the data of links you dump? Is this a tactic that works on reddit?
I read the entire chapter and only the total GDP of China is mentioned, and this literally just corrobates the data in the study already posted here >>17087547 from the most cited paper on the topic.

So your sources simply corroborate mine that Europe had the richest nations in 1500.

>2 seconds in google, only 2
1 second to read a graph, only 1.

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>What war did we lose?

The battle of Federal Banking and Thirty Year's War on goyim's foreskin.
West obviously lost WWII to the USSR and communism.
>start war to defend Poland from occupation
>Poland is invaded by Germany and USSR
>WWII ends Poland is still occupied by USSR (and bunch of other European countries).
>we won!
West lost and coped with "muh Holocaust". (and such ideology was also hurtful to the West).
West lost WWII and history told in schools is nothing but lies and cope.
>yeah, blame the religions that was around when the european natons were rulers of the wolrd, and not the ideologies
But anon Europe became rulers of the wild exactly because they abandoned Christian ideals.
Short history of the age of the discovery and colonialism:
European food is too bland, nobles like Eastern spices, mark up on them is insane. Merchants seek ways around Muslim countries to buy spices and find ocean ways to go around. Seeking insane profits of this spice trade. On the way they discover bunch of the other lands. Europe jumps on bandwagon of ripping recources from these lands.
Where are Christian spirit here? It's all sin, sin and sin again. Glutony and greed. Europe became spiritual Jew during this age. And that made Europe rule the world.
Now Europe turns away from gluttony and greed back to Christian compassion to lesser beens and these 3rd wolders drag Europe down.
Women are right about the most attractive while men are right about the least attractive
Nah the men are right period
Some metalworking is insufficient. Every bronze age civ played around with iron while not being classified as iron age and thousands of years before the Eurasian bronze ages there was already some smelting. A metallic age requires a large scale adoption of metal technologies in weapons, tools etc.

American natives used rocks and crystals (stone age).
>>Aryan territory is not core MENA.
>schizoposting, here it comes
>>Israel has absolutely nothing to do with Whites.
>?? who gave the land to the jews?? anglos arent white??
What does Israel have to do with Brits? Are you saying that Browns are agentless and unable to sort their own borders?
>>China has 0% White Europeans, so where's the colonialism?
>Colonialism is the exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group. Colonizers monopolize political power and hold conquered societies and their people to be inferior to their conquerors in legal, administrative, social, cultural, or biological terms
Ok, so when are you gonna post all the White Emperors, councilors, judges, bureaucrats etc. that ruled over China? Go ahead, we'll wait and give you as much time as you need to find them.
>India and China werent exterminated as north america because the anglos decided to subjugated them from within.
>>They leased it and Macau as I said
>and that is not colonialism you dumb fuck??
Not according to your own definition, buying vacant land to build a trade post is not colonising China. By that definition every nation that trades in modern times is actually colonising which is retarded.
>Anti white
You mean racist?
>commies infiltrated the education system during the cold wa
Because West lost WWII. This why winners of this war could do as they please.
Someone dressing like a whore doesn't detract from physical attractiveness. I think men are just ranking "wife material" here, not physical attractiveness. If they were ranking attractiveness then the number 2 girl would be switched with the number 3 girl since there's no way in hell that woman is more attractive than the blonde girl.
ESL shitskin
Nah the men are right period
>>Anti white
>You mean racist?
Lefties call it "reverse racism", and also discredit it as a "conspiracy theory" in the same breath even though that makes no fucking sense because there's only ever racism. If you are racist against Whites then you're also just a racist, not "reverse racist" or "anti-racist" that makes no fucking sense
Meanwhile if you try to claim Ashkenazi jews have some kind of privileged position in society (an objectively true fact when looking at their average income and over-representation in positions of power) then you're gonna be called "economically antisemitic". CRT propagandists should all be called "economically anti-White" accordingly, since that's exactly what they are if you use their own messed up logic.
The kind of people who write political articles on Wikipedia as their main hobby or "job" are literally trans-furry Communists and this is not even a joke btw, therefore it's not a stretch to call it a leftist "source" of information.

>and we continue with this meme
Please post evidence of metropolitan cities predating New England settlers. We'll wait, we are very patient even with liars.
>>Europeans mostly built for themselves
>but that is exactly my point, they didnt colonize other regions because "muh white burden" but because they wanted the resources of the land.
White burden is some racist nonsense your ilk invented in only the last century, we never once said anything like it.
>>It was all a massive loss for the European taxpayer
>really???? at this point, post some sources for the love of God
The British Colonial Empire was a net loss to the treasury and only contributed 7% to the British economy (note: includes effects of GDP increase due to tax money injection to build infrastructure).

It benefitted companies only, while taxpayers not only bore all the costs, not only in terms of tax, but also lost revenue from domestic businesses due to their markets being flooded by foreign goods.

>>They also bought the territory.
>but you didnt answer who was the responsible of the boers extermination
No one? They are stil alive? If you mean concentration camps I am no fan of Anglo filth either, but there have actually been 10x the number of racially motivated farm murders since 1994 than all people who died in the Anglo-Boer war in total.
>i was refering to
>>Other nations in the modern era owe all (...) logy that they got for free.
Yes. All your critique can be directed at companies, yet you choose willful ignorance to just spout anti-White hatred.

Both the third world and international companies owe immense reparations to European taxpayers.
>>Why should I care for evil barbarians that hate me and my kind?
>yeah, a pol user, that cant recognize that the worst enemy of the western man, was another western man. Enjoy the migrants
No, it's foreigners.

Those international companies mostly love diversity because they are foreign owned, Jewish owned etc.

If all non-White were deported from our countries not only would all our problems go away, but so would all this anti-White propoganda which tries to keep the lies alive to keep transferring white taxpayer money to foreigners.
Yeah those tiny hatted men have legions of henchmen if you couldn't tell
No, they are rating sexual attractiveness. You seem like a low-iq narcissist and solipsistist , just making up some bullshit out of your head and thinking it’s valid . They weren’t asked “who would make the best wife” they were asked “who’s the hottest.”.
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they always do this
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