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"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.
Both are equally terrifying."
If both are terrifying than neither is
Goddamn Redditors I swear
>If both are terrifying than neither is
gonna watch steins; gate again.
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If aliens are real then they must be pretty chill or they would've killed us all by now, for purely machiavellian/darwinistic reasons i.e. nothin personnel. So, not very scary.
Chances are, though, life doesn't exist anywhere but Earth, which, in the traditional sense, is horrifying. Redditors are subhuman though; the way they think "we must shepherd the earth or humanity will go extinct," parroting the talking points of the elite, when that very* elite keeps picrel in store ready to unleash on the world.
They aren't mutually exclusive you tard.
>If aliens are real then they must be pretty chill or they would've killed us all by now,
Maybe we're being quietly contained https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_hypothesis
Like a planet-sized version of North Sentinel Island.
I want to wring out kurisu's sweat soaked tights after a long, humid, Japanese summer day and drink every drop of liquid that comes out.
Aliens exist. Why do people still think they're not real when the CIA has proven their existence multiple times already.
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It's absolutely just animals and caveman. Probably mostly insects though.
I don't doubt for a single moment we're going to eventually encounter other planets with plants and animals, maybe even rudimentary beastmen or hominids or whatever, but I'm extremely skeptical of "advanced ayys". Flora and fauna seems to be fairly diverse, resiliant, and persistent - we've gone through like 3 extinction events where 75-80% of everything has died and the biosphere has shrugged it off and gone onward to evolve even more animals seemingly out of spite.

Whatever we are however seems to be *very* exceptional. Even whatever we're doing right now is extraordinary and exceptional: we've existed as a species for like 300,000 and only in the past 2,000 or so years have we really done anything interesting like work with steam and metal.
>Both are equally terrifying."
We aren't alone according to my religion. But I sure wish we were. Why the fuck wouldn't you want to be? Imagine not having to care about where and how you expand. Good thing there is no inherent reason to pick earth over other places (you can get all the material available here elsewhere) and that we are separated by such vast distances. We know how we treat each other, imagine adding some other completely alien being into the equation
The aliens ruling over us and keeping us on this prison planet are so advanced they're beyond the kardashev scale. They're responsible for all our culture, history and religion. They vastly outnumber us.
>Tfw they look like picrel
>Tfw the one on the right is their Supreme Leader
>Her name is Gnarp Gnarp Guya
Not being alone is a little scary, because the aliens might fuck with us. Being alone isn't scary at all though.
I think the most comforting alternative would be discovering that intelligent and civilised, space faring aliens did in fact exist, but went extinct long before we reached them. However they left behind plenty of things we could use to learn about them

It would partially free humanity from the mental burden of being possibly the only shot at concious, high-tech civilisation that life has ever got and of the eternal loneliness in the Universe, while at the same time free it from the uncomfortable perspective of having to confront a completely alien, eldritch intelligence. And it would also be quite an inspiring imagination fuel

Still a sad scenario obviously, but I think psycholocially the best one in the end
>Being alone isn't scary at all though.
It can be, when you realise how vast the universe is.

Almost like we are a mistake that wasn't supposed to happen.

That being said, I'm sure Christo-Muslims would prefer it if we were the only sapient species in the universe, as their religions would have to be overhauled otherwise
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>I think the most comforting alternative would be discovering that intelligent and civilised, space faring aliens did in fact exist, but went extinct long before we reached them. However they left behind plenty of things we could use to learn about them

I know a setting just like that and it's anything but comforting.
The details matter
Well okay, *left behind plenty of things that weren't eldritch horror doomsday devices waiting to be unleashed* if you want to be petty about it
I'm okay with this
>aliens exist
ok, but we're never gonna talk to them anyway, FTL is impossible
>aliens don't exist
ok, nothing changes whatsoever
>That being said, I'm sure Christo-Muslims would prefer it if we were the only sapient species in the universe, as their religions would have to be overhauled otherwise
as if they wouldn't just try and convert the ayys
>FTL is impossible
And man can't fly, said the XIX century scientist
>are those... alien bacteria!? AAAAAAAA I'm going insaaaaaaneeee
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>a) its had plenty (incomprehensibly many) of chances to spit out FTL civs and hasn't
>b) so FTL Is impossible
>c) resources within our system are limited
>d) democracy and republicanism and capitalism require growth

>e) athishits of the future will live under the boot of a sustainable divinely sanctioned monarch and Hobbeschads will be vindicated
>oh fuck off back to /x/ everyone knows aliens aren't re....
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They're really not.
personally i prefer the tomboy terrorist who will teach me how to make ammonium nitrate IEDs to bomb the shadow government followed by sweet sweaty and smelly fornication.

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