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Is there a reason why Slavic women look cute but Slavic men look dysgenic? Does it have something to do with Slavic men being used as farming equipment like groids and Slavic women being used as sex slaves for the Chads that ruled over them maybe?
I don't know, but I would imagine that the beauty of Slavic women is what helped Slavic men to do their backbreaking work. I don't think women understand how much a good woman can elevate a man. They really are the levers of civilization, whoever has control of them controls the very fate of a people.
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>and Slavic women being used as sex slaves for the Chads that ruled over them maybe?
No, that would be an effect, not a cause.

It's just that there is no single gene for beauty, so you may have a phenotype that is shared between the sexes through genetical proximity (i.e. being related), but in one gender it manifests considerably more popular results.

Think of how it's a lot more prejudicial for a guy than for a girl to be short or round-jawed, and yet you would easily see such traits across a whole family
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Neoteny, it makes women look cute and men look like goblins

Sexual dimorphism is a curse. Asian men and black women are fucked because they look too much like everyone else's opposite gender. The hereditary traits that are desirable in one gender are undesirable in the other. So if you have a hot mom you become a gay alien son and if you have a hot dad you become a butch gorilla daughter. How did shit even evolve to be this way?
>I don't know, but I would imagine that the beauty of Slavic women is what helped Slavic men to do their backbreaking work
>I don't think women understand how much a good woman can elevate a man

This is unironically why our society is collapsing: nobody wants to do backbreaking work if there is little or no chance to find an attractive, inexperienced woman to commit to for life.

In other words, "men accomplished more back when it was harder to see tits"
You should have a look at contemporary slavic men. Now that money is better and fewer people are alcoholics they don't look any worse than westerners.
You inherit genes in bundles and over time if pairings of mates are only feminine women and masculine men then androgyny is bred out of the population.
Just like how, if you're female, you don't inherit a penis from your dad, you dont always inherit your opposite-sex-parent's dimorphic traits.
Siberians and negroes simply didnt select as hard for dimorphism compared to caucasoids.
I say this because both my mom and dad are hot and I am a facechad. I didnt somehow inherit my mother's feminine features. I just look my* dad and her dad.
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>You should have a look at contemporary slavic men
I did. They look like orcs from Mordor.
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That doesn't quite explain it in the case of Slavs. Mongolian women look like teddy bears but the men are still respectable looking.
All Slavic women don't look cute. There's a range of phenotypes.
Plenty of ugly Russian, Bulgarian and Serb women as well.
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It seems to have a correlation with serfdom imo. Chinese look beta compared to Mongolians because they have been farmcuck serfs through most of their history like Slavs.
>slavic women are le pretty
That's just because they're thin and white.
>slavic men are le ugly because of this cherrypicked image i found
There are facial differences, but not ugliness.
If I posted an image with a bunch of regular looking Russian soldiers then just photoshopped black people at a prominent position, most of you would believe me that they're british.
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Britshits also look dysgenic. In this case it's both the men and women.
Women generally look better than men. Also Hitler gave orders to kill ugly slavic women during WW2 and to marry the pretty ones
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If you're willing to pay about 1.5k an hour you can sex her btw
No, no he didn't.
You people are such retarded performative faggot LARPers lmao. The fucking Nazis, who invaded Eastern European territories with intent to displace the native Slavs, had racial scientists who determined that in certain areas up to 80% of the local Slavic population could and should be Germanized as they were deemed to be of high racial calibre and often of superior stock to potential German settlers. Nazi racial experts had to completely redo a lot of their estimates of the racial structures of the Slavic peoples, many of them reaching the conclusion that widespread Germanization would be more prudent and successful than harebrained resettlement attempts. There were indeed complaints by Nazi officials that Germans interacting with blonde and blue eyed Russian POWs had truly swallowing the narrative of the Mongolian Asiatic Russian. And do not that these were people that didn't really question the need for racial warfare against the USSR and the need to annex Eastern territories into Germany. The actual NSDAP views on race are too Germanocentric and chauvinist towards Easterners for "no moar brotha wars" LARPers and too sensible for ZOGed "neo-Nazis" (ie. neocon goy slaves).

Just fucking kill yourself ffs
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Russhits still look like ugly mutants and they need to cope with the fact that any Western European man who goes to their shithole can easily fuck their women.
ITT: Trash-tier pan-ethnicities that were conquered, defiled, and perma-dominated by the Slavs seething hard.
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>Neoteny, it makes women look cute and men look like goblins
Neoteny by definition can’t make men look like goblins. What OP is talking about where the women look “cute” and the men look ugly as fuck is actually an example of HIGH sexual dimorphism, where the women are very neotenous and the men look prehistoric and ape-ish. That grotesque “goblin” look you’re talking about is because the men are too masculine. Things like heavy protruding brow ridges, large projecting noses, small sunken eyes, and wide jaws all add up to make a Neanderthal subhuman face. Neoteny is actually a good thing for both sexes. Neoteny is negative androgyny, which is the highest form of beauty. Positive androgyny, where there is both high masculinity and femininity, is just uncanny and you end up looking like those drag queens with beards and a full face of glam makeup. There are actually studies that show that humanity has gotten progressively neotenous since our origins, and it is still happening now. High sexual dimorphism is prehistoric, neoteny is evolution, our future.
Translation: You're Churka whose existence can only be quantified through subversive violence against Russians because overt aggression is not the option because Russian men conquered your countries.
It's not impossible for the women to look cute and the men to look Chad at the same time. Mongolian men look more respectable than Russhit orcs.
this was my first girlfriend fucked by drugs
>Neoteny, it makes women look cute and men look like goblins
yeah that's why everybody loves twinks lol
>1.5k an hour when porn is free
I'm good, thank you
What is her phenotype?
>le epic cherrypicked images
You're a natural slave
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Slavs are God's chosen people.
Hahaha, incel logic. Have you considered that may be women don't look for "cuteness" in men but rather their actions? Like...idk beating German empires 3 times, stopping ...Napoleon...overthrowing Mongols...? Being able to oppose USA (unlike most of you faggots)?
Is that why they throw themselves immediately at any Westerner or Chinese who tries to save them from that shithole?
Never seen that happen. But when I immigrated from a shithole like that to the States, I had a lot of Western bitches craving my above the average dick if you know what I mean.
Imagine getting cucked by chinks out of all people. Then again that's normal for Russhits since they got raped by a billion different Asiatic groups.
Slavic men look dysgenic but courageous.
Western ones are just a twinks.
There are desperate gold-diggers everywhere. Just look at your millionaires. You think their models wives really want to suck that wrinkly dick? Of course not, some women are just like that. Some "white" American woman prefer either Eastern Europeans or Africans. Some Chinese women prefer "white" Americans and so on. I just think you and the other faggots on here accentuate on some rare cases of very loose women doing stupid shit when in reality, you posted a Russian woman who is in a uniform. Ironic isn't it? There are women who fight you and your underlings in Ukrainian war as we speak. What are YOUR women doing?
I actually think if not for WWI then more westerners would look like those types of slavs, a generation of man that just want to wreck shit completely gone.
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Some of them are strong from being bred as farming equipment. You need to be strong to do farm work. Still less strong than churka bvlls though.
>bro posted a very mid facebook picture of his girlfriend just for everyone to ignore it
in Eastern Europe there was simply always a selection of the most psychopathic orcs. I think that due to the constant war with the Euresian nomads, the Slavs never lost their original Yamnoid characteristics. but Westerners have completely adopted the EEF sissy lifestyle, and gradually this has instilled a selection for less masculine behavior strategies as well as appearance.
Churkas are literally brown aborigines conquered by the Slavs.
not the best comparison.
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>yes but...
He looks like Arnold the Chink barbarian
The average Mongol looks like a round pig swollen with fat and absolutely devoid of testosterone.
this even applies to athletes.
Arnold is fine.
he is respected in Eastern Europe.
arnie is part slavic tho
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Churka "bulls" tend to end up dead or raped when they attack people of their size, or god forbid, someone stronger, they usually stalk weaker, more timid people - it's a shitskin mentality, sort of.
The whole "Russians vs Mongols" rhetoric people started on here is retarded. A lot of Russians ARE LITERALY MONGOLS (Buryat, Tuva, Kalmyk republics and Zabaikalie Region). A lot of them call themselves Russians and culturally are, because they grew up on old Soviet cinema, classical Russian literature (Czhechov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky etc), even had the same 90's banditism culture. Westerners are trying a bit too hard, but forget theta they are a continent away and have no fucking idea what they are talking about.
none of them ever call themselves Russian,
retard, especially Caucasians.
Russians in Russia are only people of Slavic origin.
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Is that why Chechens won't fight your retarded war for you and you're instantly killed the moment you step in there?
many Chechens are now fighting in Ukraine.
you're an imbecile.
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Yes, they're killing Russhits there lmao.
Hahaha, okay separatist idiot. Those regions are located in Russian Federation. Those people have Passports of Russian Federation. Their primary language is Russian. They serve in Russian army. You are confusing Kievan Rus and Moscovia for 'Russia'. Those are not the same countries. And 'rus' people are not the same as Russian Citizens. You are calling me a retard, but you are the most narrow minded ubermensch in this chatroom. And I tell you this as a Slav to a Slav.
Ukrainians in general do not consider themselves ethnic Russians.
No one cares. In a post-Industrial society you will do what you're told, suffer what you must, enjoy what little you have and that's it.
Siberian peoples usually do not like to highlight their nationality and are quite adequate.
However, mountain monkeys are famous nationalists, and really like to separate themselves from other peoples of Russia.
Therefore, de facto national division exists, and I speak about it directly.
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Same kind of dysgenic subhuman. And there's pro-Ukrainian forces too, it doesn't matter. It's a negligible number. Russhits don't have any real control over Chechnya.
>Russhits don't have any real control over Chechnya.
you will never be “brotherly people” for us, or anything like that. and never call yourself “Russian” when you are somewhere abroad.
remember, you are just a useless brown monkey whose homeland we conquered through brutal and bloody slaughter.
>I can't wait to marry a churka BVLL now
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Russia is a giant brothel
All Slavic countries are.
Explain pretty boys if neoteny is bad in men. Women in their prime years prefer pretty boys.
Slavic countries should export Western Mediterranean sperm to have handsome men.
And this is precisely why post-industrial societies are collapsing.
>In other words, "men accomplished more back when it was harder to see tits"

my parents once owned a topless bar. 99% of those women looked better clothed. just my then 19yo opinion
I wish we had more tall girls (she's 6ft/2m tall) in porn.
I HATE womanlets.
Maybe fetal alcohol syndrome is more obvious in men than women?
Even women with FAS featurs are considered "cute" by simps, like that Jenny Nicolson girl.
Slavic and Nordic women are for Med men
Womanlets are used to make the guy's genitalia look bigger
I don't just mean in porn, I hate them IRL too.
i would, but where you can pay for her/get her contact?
>You people are such retarded performative faggot LARPers lmao.
>nazi racial science tho, MUH STONKS POTENTIAL CALIBRE
>giving $1.5k to a glorified whore who is evidently planning to retire at 35
Shame on you
>Also Hitler gave orders to kill ugly slavic women during WW2 and to marry the pretty ones
He didn't, but he should have.
>Elena Koshka
she's called Helen the Cat?
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Women are just more attractive than men, generally. They're called "the fairer sex" for a reason.
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Unlikely. It's not true for pretty much any other animal. Lions, birds, deer etc.
I remember someone allegedly posting her real name on Facebook, but I forgot what it sounded like
Human males seem to be defective in general. Not only are they uglier compared to women, they have a lower average intelligence and have far worse impulse control and emotional balance. This is why they commit over 90% of all crime, nearly 100% of violent crimes, and are responsible for 100% of all wars. They live shorter too because they are too lazy to take care of themselves, and are generally brutish vile creatures, the worst on the entire planet. Most other male mammals will try to avoid killing fertile females, as that removes a potential mate for them. However, human males constantly counterproductively murder women after raping them, in a show of pure bloodlust overcoming even evolutionary instinct. The only thing these stupid and hideous beasts have going for them is brute strength, and thankfully now that technology is eliminating that gap, women are stepping forward and leading civilization towards progress and prosperity, not held back by filthy male humans.
>This is unironically why our society is collapsing
Two more weeks
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My hypothesis is this: after WW2, there were far less Russian men than women. Russian men therefore had a higher chance of having offspring. Men had a leg up in the sexual marketplace. Uglier men were able to procreate while uglier women were left childless. A few generations later, and we have Russians now: ugly men and beautiful women.
At least for the UK, a lot of the soldiers were just various types of limp-wristed clerks that needed a lot of whipping into shape.
>if it takes more than a few months it's not a collapse
Fucking zoomers with their minute-long attention span
Valuev is russian with 1 tatar great-grandfather. (modern tatars are already mixed btw and mostly look slavic).

KYS slavhater. R1a won.
>Is there a reason why Slavic women look cute but Slavic men look dysgenic?
Alcoholism and stress, I would also say processed food but it affects women aswell.
>The three isolated, underdeveloped, outer-rim provinces of Russia mean that many ethnic Russians are actually Mongolian
No. Tuva has a ton of Russian settlement, half of Buryatia’s male population has been killed on the front line, and the same is happening to Kalmykia. Large-in-part, these people do not ever identify as ethnic Russians. Russian nationals yes, but not Russian East Slavs. Hell, even the Tatar population in Russia, which yes is white numerous, is largely mixed to the point where most are half white or more
Russhits aren't white though
slavs are just a linguistic group, though

are you maybe talking about russoids?
Selective breeding by their mongolian overlords
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Russian men are violent and abusive alcoholic retards. This is to compensate for being a historical bitch of everyone. Any self-respecting Russian woman doesn't date Russhit man.

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