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Why are Turkics associated with Mongols and Persians with Arabs when they are clearly closer to each other historically than to either of those?
That is factually wrong.
Turks are an Asiatic steppe people with old ties to Mongols than to Persians. They have the same lifestyle and worship the same pagan god.
Persians are brown farmers like Arabs that copied the culture of ancient Mesopotamian Semitics (so technically Arabs). Then they copied the religion of Arabs.
Most Arabs weren’t farmers.
To add to what you said, the Anatolian and Azerbaijani “Turk” who are similar to Persians aren’t actual Turks but crazy larpers
silence infidel, their all arabs
Shut up Jew.
I've always thought Turks and Persians have been sort of united beings.
So, you are right. Things tend to be misunderstood because of superficial normies like >>17087647
Turkic and Iranic peoples were pretty close, especially since the Seljuk period and up until the 20th century when it changed. There was conflict between the Ottomans and Iran but said Iran was helmed by Azeris.
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Silence! Jews are arabs too infidel!
I mean, "associated" is pretty vague, but I'd guess what you're getting at is due to the fact Persians are native to the Middle East while Turkic peoples migrated from the steppes and originally would have been similar in lifestyle and culture to Mongols before many of them adopted a Persianate Islamic culture.
Both groups originated in the Eurasian Steppes.
not entirely.
Where did Iranians originate other than Inner Eurasia?
>implying iranians are entirely derived from the steppe
you are fucking retarded and I will refrain from responding or speaking to you. you disgust me and reek. yuck.
Shut the fuck up cockroach! The Turkic were a bunch of horse-fucker uncivilized subhumans and the "Turkic" countries today are mostly Iranic/Greek/etc who were raped by those Mongoloid subhumans. Turks are basically cum-buckets of history. Non of that pretense of "OUR PAGAN ANCESTORS" shit is going to change that. Fucking idiot!
>you are fucking retarded and I will refrain from responding or speaking to you. you disgust me and reek. yuck.
The same applies to western Turks too, kike.

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