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>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a save game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
Carthage was just another empire-in-decline. there have been so* many. there will be so many more
It was literally at the peak of its power and still growing before the Punic wars. In fact, at their outset, only a fucking retard would have put money on Rome winning. The modern equivalent is like Cyprus blowing the fuck out of the United States so hard that they are knocked out of the history books. It's very clear that a mind-rending, reality shattering violation of natural laws happened with the Punic wars.

Also it was not an "empire". Carthage wasn't about military subjugation, and they didn't care to "control" territory beyond logistics hubs and preferential trade agreements with polities. The fact we can't help but conceive of the Phoenicians as an empire akin to Rome is proof enough that we live in a broken world.
This severely under estimates Rome.
It’s more similar to the ussr winning the Cold War.

That's Roman Carthage tho

Hum no Rome was already a hegemon in most of Italy before the Punic wars
Nah, more like China erasing the USA from the map. You pretend Rome wasn't already the second most powerful Mediterranean power in that time, only losing in reach to Carthage itself.
>Hum no Rome was already a hegemon in most of Italy before the Punic wars
Rome was not a hegemon at all in 263. They had tenuous dominion over the southern half of the Italic penninsula.
And they started a war that required naval power against a much richer country that had a much larger navy.

>Nah, more like China erasing the USA from the map
Nope. Power disparity between Rome and Carthage was way, way wider than it is between China and the US.
Rome stretched its logistics to the absolute limit w/ the 40k they sent to Sicily, and it left the Italic penninsula was extremely vulnerable outside of the cities. Carthage could have easily raised an army twice the size they did and used half of it to attack the Romans at home. But the Elders didn't take the war seriously enough to justify that kind of cost.
The Carthaginians were still quite prosperous and had viril even after the two wars with Rome. In fact that’s why Rome wanted to destroy them because they were recovering so well. The final Punic war was no picnic and just as interesting as the first two wars.
>The modern equivalent is like Cyprus blowing the fuck out of the United States so hard that they are knocked out of the history books
Not really, the closest comparison would be Germany beating the UK in WW1 by blowing the fuck out of the Royal Navy and occupying India and Canada.
Did they really have a roman style arena and chariot race area like that? Are you sure this is Roman carthage?
That's Roman carthage
>Also it was not an "empire". Carthage wasn't about military subjugation, and they didn't care to "control" territory beyond logistics hubs and preferential trade agreements with polities. The fact we can't help but conceive of the Phoenicians as an empire akin to Rome is proof enough that we live in a broken world.
This rings true of Rome itself as well at least during this time of not throughout it’s entire history. How Rome functioned pre social war is super interesting and based and not at all like how we think of the empire or even the republic.
File: 16.jpg (159 KB, 736x706)
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159 KB JPG
This is Punic Carthage.

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