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Was Indochine kino?
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this part was
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It was before Europeans rudely interrupted. The Cambodian genocide makes so much more sense once you have the historical context behind it. Vietnamese are basically settler colonialists (look up nam tien) who stole Cambodia's most fertile region right out from under them. Then, before the Khmer could recover from their bloody war with Thailand to fight back, the French swooped in and basically locked everything in stasis. Except it was more like a pressure cooker. The Khmer were already seething bloody hatred at the Kinh, and then the French started bussing in truckloads of Kinh workers into the Cambodian heartland as slave labor, threatening the Khmer with ethnic extinction.

The Khmer went beyond what one could call a "breaking point". They skipped past the normal exploding point, instead acting like a collapsing star. A brief stoic calmness went supernova. And that's only the past 200 years. continental SEA is fucking crazy dude. Massively underrated historically.
Oh yeah, and it continues today. There are still Khmer "ethnic minorities" living in the Mekong delta that the Vietnamese government are currently genociding. If you ever want to shut up a Vietnamese nationalist going on about evil imperialism, and how they was good boys who dindunuffin, just remind them of all the injustice they've afflicted on the region. It's a very, very, very long list of bullshit. Most of it they probably don't even know themselves.
Neat. Do you recc any books?
Wow I wish they were genociding christians instead.
>Japanese Invasion of French Indochina, 1940
>Viet Minh Insurgency, 1941
>Japanese Coup D'etat, 1945
>First Indochina War, 1946-1954
>Second Indochina War, 1955-1975
>Third Indochina War, 1975-1992
Almost 52 years of uninterrupted kino.
No. Champa was kino.
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>the French started bussing
>Ethnic conflict on the other side of the world, completely removed from Christendom
>Christianity so irrelevant that there's not even a single ordained priest until the 1950s
>Okay but what about le freaking epic Christians? How do they fit into all of this??
You're post is so retarded I don't even know what you're trying to say
I am Vietnamese.
7% of the citizens of Vietnam are Christians. They are destroying my culture. And I'm not going to describe them as Vietnamese. Jew LARPers should fuck off into Israel, or into the ground.
They fit into all of this.
>% of the citizens of Vietnam are Christians. They are destroying my culture
Diembros...we're back
Wake me up when the Vietnamese language/way of life is near extinction you pagpag larper

I second the book recommendation
>They are destroying my culture.
In which way?
Good. Abrahamism is superior over Indic jeet superstitions. Hail the Cross!
If only Prussia had the forethought to annex Cambodia and Cochinchina from France in the treaty of Frankfurt and we could’ve got Deutsch Fernindien.

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