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Historically speaking are ulstermen/ulster scots the most powerful race on earth?
>Hardy pioneers, born of a sturdy race, trained to adversity, when brought face to face with dangers of a new life in a hostile country, soon developed that steady, energetic, and powerful character which has made the name of Ulster respected all over the world.
Nah, the Human Race is.
For me it's F1, the superior race
American circlecels need not apply
They are claiming everything is Irish now, huh? Roosevelt is Ashkenazi Dutch
His mothers ancestors were ulster scots
>this thread again
Posting the same reply as last time.

>People from Ireland (Protestant and Catholic) are oddly influential in far-flung parts of the world, particularly in political and military aspects
>Ulster-Scots are respected all over the world

The few who know what "Ulster Scots" refers to will associate it with Ulster itself, where there is little in the way of serious military or political success. They are mostly associated with Ulster Unionism, an ideology invented to oppose the Irish Home Rule movement which peaked in 1912 by making Westminster blink first and has been in damage control from that moment onwards.

Today, only a handful of people have any opinion on Ulster Unionists.
See them as annoying troublemakers, far more trouble than they're worth-however they're handy to prop up a minority Tory government from time to time.
The Republic of Ireland doesn't give a shit about them, and just wants good economic relations.
>Irish Republicans
Hate them, obviously, but take mostly a mocking tone considering how things are going for them.
>Edgelords online, mostly Americans
Mistakingly call them based, believing them to be an epic ethnonationalist movement and seeing the likes of the UVF/UDA as cool right-wing loyal british militias.
>Right-wing working class Britons (or their equivilants across Australia, Canada, etc)
Sometimes like them, mostly because of the broad right-wing umbrella Unionism falls under.

They (specifically Ulster Protestants, referred to as Ulstermen) gained some fame for their performance at the Battle of the Somme. There's a relatively famous quote about it, which I'm surprised you don't use more as opposed to the one that James Connolly circulated in his book (amid a slew of others insulting the exact same group).

But that's about it.
He isn't Jewish. Not everyone you dislike is Jewish.
The Ulster-Scots & American Southerners are definitely up there, but I think it's actually the Afrikaners. They are the real life ubermensch.
>t. american southerner with no ancestral connection to afrikaners
It is worth noting that the quote in OP was said at a meeting of the Belfast Liberal Association in the early 20th Century, as I mentioned in my prior post this is noted by James Connolly in his book "the re-conquest of Ireland."

However it is immediately followed by a quote about Ulstermen from the 17th Century, aka during the actual Ulster Plantation which created these Ulstermen.
>From Scotland came many, and from England not a few, yet all of them generally the scum of both nations, who from debt, or breaking the law or fleeing from justice, or seeking shelter.
>On all hands Atheism increased, and disregard of God, iniquity abounded, with contentious fighting, murder, adultery

Connolly goes on to say that you can pick between the quote OP used or the one from the time, since neither is fully accurate. But this is true to form, because regardless of the repetitive ramblings of some guy on 4chan, the reputation of Ulster Unionists among those who know them as anything other than "Irish" is typically anywhere between apathetic to dogshit.
They're a tough warrior race but not much for economics, art or science
rude :(
He is asking which human race is the strongest and most resilient historically speaking. your answer makes no sense.
We're pretty good musicians and some of us can write, but I'd otherwise agree. We're barbarians at the end of the day, but most of us are happier that way. Basically the foederati of the Anglosphere, but probably a bit more loyal or at least easier to please.
Most of my ancestry is Scottish and Ulster Scots, so the answer is yes and I WILL larp.
>pretty good musicians
I’m not an expert on this, but wasn’t it the Scots Irish who were mostly responsible for carrying on the British tradition of string bands into the US, eventually allowing for modern genres like country and rock to emerge? I thought that was the case and, if so, that’s a pretty sizable impact on music.
You are West Coast Scottish and Northern English. Your ancestors spent a longer time there than in both Ireland and America
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>not much for economics, art or science
Well, I don’t know how long some of them were in Ireland for, but some were there long enough to be effected by the famine, although records indicate that they were prots. They actually came to America pretty late as well. So you win that one.
For the love of Dale Earnhardt go fuck yourself
>Edgelords online, mostly Americans
>Mistakingly call them based, believing them to be an epic ethnonationalist movement and seeing the likes of the UVF/UDA as cool right-wing loyal british militias.

You forget that a lot of us exist in the states as founding stock.
>We're pretty good musicians
Correct, my family comes from a long line of them
Same here
Ulster scots conquered an entire continent and are the only reason why america exists today as a nation
The irish have produced practically nothing and the presidents descended from them are universally shit while ulstermen produced the greatest presidents along with frontiersmen, soldiers and indian fighters
>From Scotland came many, and from England not a few, yet all of them generally the scum of both nations, who from debt, or breaking the law or fleeing from justice, or seeking shelter.
>On all hands Atheism increased, and disregard of God, iniquity abounded, with contentious fighting, murder, adultery
Yet you got defeated by the "scum of both nations"
The irish historically were noted for being genteel, effete and noble, seeing the british as rough and uncultured
Ulster scots were rambunctious fighters while the irish were killing people for public flatulence
We are all one race: the human race.
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You should stop calling them Ulstermen. They're not the natives of Ulster and the term Ulsterman just means someone from the province of Ulster and most people in Ulster are Irish Catholics and nearly half the province is in the Republic of Ireland.
>The irish historically were noted for being genteel, effete and noble

>the irish were killing people for public flatulence

By fuck there's some retards on /his/
>most people in Ulster are Irish Catholics and nearly half the province is in the Republic of Ireland
it's over
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Scotland was jewish, so that checks out

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