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Germanic, Hellenic, Slavic, Celtic, Baltic and other ethnic European faiths are some of the fastest growing religions among White people of European descent. Since in today's world we're devoid of spirituality, ethnic solidarity and community, this is naturally gravitating towards our people. It is inevitable and it is the only way forward. If you already follow your ethnic faith and you're learning more about it, consider yourself as one of the progenitors of its revival in this era and the Gods and forebears are cheering for your cause. Hail!
Sincere belief in the supernatural is impossible for modern scientifically-minded 3-digit IQ people, racial political ideology is the real institutional successor to organized religion.
You revive these things in holidays, naming conventions, and social rituals done for fun, not by larping in the woods.
Look at Israel or the public wing of the SS if you want see what a revival looks like.
You have to adapt the ancient ways to modern life.
Paganism is growing, but sjw paganism outnumbers nazi paganism
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>You have to adapt the ancient ways to modern life.
Yes. Returning and reinvigorating traditions, customs and beliefs that's been forgotten or been christianized back to Paganism also fit in with modern day is what is needed for welcoming back the masses.
>larping in the woods
Social rituals do take place in nature more often than not atleast in Germanic faith and it is loads of fun. I do however agree that larping as people of medieval times and throwing in the spiritual theme in there for the extra realism is not a religion.

Sjw "paganism" is not Paganism. Nazi paganism is not a thing either unless you mean the Völkisch movement which sought to return to Germanic faith and traditions.
>pagan larping
Cringe. Follow your ancestors and embrace Christ.
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Why? Christianity doesn't have anything to offer me that Asatru doesn't, and worshiping the Norse Gods lines up with my worldview and aesthetic preferences better.
>you should do whatever your ancestors did because... you just should, ok?
Compelling offer, but no thanks.
What about high magick?
Then follow them and become a secular liberal.
VGH, the christian traditions of my ancestors, burning huge wooden logs at Entrudo (end of winter), wearing these totally biblically accurate masks, leaving the table set for the spirits of dead ancestors after great feasts, the Santa Companha, the carving of skulls in gourds... All these totally christian traditions, trust me bro, it's literally in the bible
>thinks he's better than his ancestors
Keep tipping your fedora cringe loser.
What, the pic? They're Rodnovers from the Ukraine
>but sjw paganism outnumbers nazi paganism
This isn't the case. In the US there are 0 hofs run by practitioners of "sjw paganism", the only group that has any is the Asatru Folk Assembly. They've bene officially condemned by the ADL and the SPLC for being Whites only and not letting in LGBTBBQs, which probably fits your definition of "nazi paganism". I can't comment on the situation re Hellenism, but I know that the Sylenkoists had a temple in the US and they were pretty fucking "nazi".
no I meant paganism being the fastest growing religion
and that got me...
tl;dr "Paganism" is the fastest growing religion amongst Whites in the Western world. As a share of the population Islam is growing faster due to migration, and more Whites are leaving Christianity than they are going to "Paganism", but nonaffiliation isn't a religion.

Also Asatru is the second largest religion in Iceland, and Romuva/Liutdeva/Suomenusko is the second largest religion in the Baltics. Rodnover is the only religion with a growing demographic share among ethnic Rus in Russia. In all three cases it's also the only religion with a positive birthrate among Whites in each country.
You realise that Christianity merged with and is a continuation of pagan traditions? You niggers still think Christianity is 100 jewish converts in the Levant following a apocalyptic messiah and completely seem to ignore people like Paul or the various councils. Christianity is a literal progression of the same religion.
Oh, sweet, all of the dorks on /his/ who roleplay as crusaders say otherwise, so I was worried. So then we'll be taking all of the Paganism out of Christianity and going off to worship Thor and Freyja properly without the "100 levantines starving in the desert" stuff.
I always thought this way too, until I started reading classical literature and it became obvious, that even in antiquity this crossed the mind of many, when philosophy started to evolve. So why did they persist? Why not give into atheism? I suppose, because it is dangerous not to be humble and to be humbled, dangerous to be boundless and boundaryless. These type of thoughts were contained in "mysteries" of druids and priests. A simple mind could (and does) go insane when faced with the boundless. Life becomes meaningless (!), when meaning can be anything. We do not live long enough to explore every way of thinking and every course of action life has to offer. This can give us existential crisis, and when it does, we often fall into despair, we seek for parent, as we are used to since childhood. Some of us start to imitate our parents and some turn to God. In ancient times, when a person was to be sacrificed to a specific deity, he too had a guide. A priest who would walk him by the hand into this journey towards death. This is the point of the entire journey. We are walking towards death, and we need a steady guide. You understand? This is what humans see in all of this.
I guess you can enjoy your spiritually dead religion? I'm not sure why you would bother when your ancestors that you, supposedly, revere to such great heights converted to Christianity through convenience, politics and, force and in the end shaped it as much as it shaped them; there is nothing to revert to since the oral tradition is dead you are left with writings by majority Christians about pagan traditions and anything you would worship now would be broken off from your ancestors and your own invention. I sometimes wonder whether people who so believe in paganism are the same ones who complain about Catholics and their reverence of saints as inherently pagan.
they worshipped a gay yid and I don't, so I'd say that makes me the better man, yes.
>when your ancestors that you, supposedly, revere to such great heights converted to Christianity
>"Paganism entails ancestor worship? So that means, like, you think your own grandpappy was jesus, right?"
why is it that the people who get so riled up about paganism are the ones who never know anything about it
>muh niche interpretation of norse paganism outnumbers the number of liberal interpreters because WE HAVE A CHURCH!
I don’t think you know how numbers work.
Well like I’ve always said the gods come before and take precedence over the ancestors, so I’d say maintaining faith in them is more important than doing what our ancestors did in this case, but then again I won’t be listened to, because I’m not a racebaiting white nationalist pagan who’s idea of religion puts the ancestors over the gods.
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>spiritually dead religion?
It's not a niche interpretation, it's just the religion. Odin says "be racist" and "don't let in fags", and that anyone who does these things is not true to him and Aesir. If you aren't racist and let in fags, then you aren't true to him, meaning that you aren't practicing the religion. You might believe that Odin exists, sure, but Loki believes that Odin exists, that doesn't mean much. It's like how if you say you're a Muslim but then go and worship multiple Gods, you're just not a Muslim. This isn't a religion like Christianity where you get to just make shit up and nothing matters because there's no objective truth or objective morality, there's actual rules that you have to follow.

Which doesn't really change the fact that the majority of people who profess "Norse Paganism" ARE "nazi-pagans" anyways. The people who aren't are Wiccans (I'm ignoring Hellenism and Rodnovery), which is a totally separate religion with basically zero overlap. Like yeah, Presbyterianism+Islam has more numbers than any other religion but that doesn't mean that you should lump Presbyterianism with Islam just because they both profess monotheism.

Damn, he really got you seething lmfao.
>there is nothing to revert
Right, because it's not something you revert to, it's a living religion with clergy, temples, and laity. It's not like Christianity where it's a dead religion that can only be practiced in 1362 or whatever, it's a living one that exists in the modern day.
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No faith allowed for THOSE but its ok for THESE
Where do you live where this is the case? In most of the world (everywhere I've ever been except the African bush) it's the exact opposite of what you're saying.
Every single Western country.
Based. Christianity is for brown "people".
>every christian denomination is staffed top down by jews, homosexuals, and negroes
>christianity is a tool of antiwhiteness so completely and utterly that alternatives to this have to come from literal science fiction
>white people are completely powerless to change this
okay, makes sense, yeah
>therefore every other religion is like this
wait what? thats not the case and literally everyone says so, why would you assume that? did you not look into this before having an opinion on it?
>Odin says "be racist" and "don't let in fags"
>they’re not real norse pagans, so their numbers don’t count
Like arguing with Christcucks.
Daily reminder that the one thing keeping all paganisms from becoming mainstream is the suite of ahistorical bigotries.
The Gods spend the entire poem dunking on Loki for being a sexual deviant. Loki responds to Odin in particular by saying that he hates humanity and finds morality to be disgusting.

>they’re not real norse pagans, so their numbers don’t count
Correct. They don't practice Asatru, they're Wiccans, or Communists angry at their parents, or Jews, or in many cases Christians, so they are by definition not Asatruar, and as such are not counted. Not that it matters as there are literally zero universalist hofs or temples. They don't exist. There are zero universalist congregations. They don't exist. The only people who do this stuff IRL are the "nazi-pagans".
What like, Asatruar should change their morality to suit modern Communism or something? Ignoring the fact that this isn't how religion works, it doesn't actually work. Wicca did what you're suggesting when it ditched the aristocracy and sex magic to appeal to Feminists and homosexuals. It got tthem nothing. The AFA alone has more hofs than there are Wiccan temples. Wicca is huge as a sort of capitalistic phenomena (there's lots of stuff to buy to do it), but as an actual religion it's miniscule. There are no "Wiccan congregations". Almost all of it's cultural cache comes from the Witch Boom in the 1990s, and it's been on a decline sense then
I’ll be willing to bet anything you’re reading that wrong.
You didn't know this text existed until he told you about it, but let's see what the Allfather has to say.

>“Veizt, ef ek gaf | þeims gefa nē skyldak,
>enum slǣvurum sigr:
>ātta vetr | vastu fyr jǫrþ neþan
>kȳr molkandi ok kona
>ok hefr þar bǫrnof borit,
>ok hugþak þat args aþal.”

>“Though I gave to him | who deserved not the gift,
>To the baser, the battle’s prize;
>Winters eight | wast thou under the earth,
>Milking the cows as a maid,
>Ay, and babes didst thou bear;
>Unmanly thy soul must seem.
Huh. Looks like he was right!
Those religions are dead. For better or worse they're gone and are never coming back. Christianity killed them, intentionally, and you simply cannot embrace them and be practicing anything like what they did. It's like people who become Gnostics when all they have to go on is based on the writings of Irenaeus+a few scraps, and outsider and critic.
It's not the genuine atrial at best you're tracing the vague outline of a shadow puppet and filling it in with whatever.
>Ignoring the fact that this isn't how religion works
Right. You Asatruar butcher your own texts by reading bigotry into them where there isn’t any, and then say everyone else is fake.
>AFA has more hofs
Are you too retarded to understand that a church isn’t a population of worshippers?
>there are no Wiccan congregations
The Aquarian Tabernacle begs to disagree.
>decline since then
Those statistics you like to cite about the grown of paganism include Wicca in them. It’s growing too shlomo.
>only Nazis are real pagans
The bad faith from the Asatruar is stronger than that of Christians.
>jews invented morality
No they didn't.
>Those religions are dead.
idk man >>17088325 looks pretty lively to me
>You didn't know this text existed until he told you about it
Wrong, I’ve heard Asatuar talk about this many times. I’ve seen it cited here a few times.
>Huh. Looks like he was right!
All it does here is call him unmanly, and he would be right if Loki was having a baby. It’s a statement of fact, not a judgement. See you Asatruar can’t read, all you see is your own bigotry projected into the texts.
You shouldn't do that to yourself, it's not healthy.

>You Asatruar butcher your own texts by reading bigotry into them
No we don't, we just read them. Our enemies admit that, the ADL and SPLC condemn Asatru for this very reason. Universalist lefty Wiccan whatevers say the same. It's just what the religion says. A dude two posts above you quoted the Allfather himself saying that men trying to become women (and giving birth lol) is bad. That's not "reading into" anything.

>a church isn’t a population of worshippers?
See >>17088600, this was already addressed.

>The Aquarian Tabernacle
Doesn't fit the criteria that you keep harping on about. Which is also funny because they're one of the groups that disavows the Poetic Edda on the grounds that it's racist and transphobic.

>Those statistics you like to cite about the grown of paganism include Wicca in them.

>The bad faith
It's not bad faith, you've just got your fedora on too tightly. You're so wrapped up in learned helplessness that you lash out at people who are successful when you're not. You're like a dog chasing a car, not knowing what to do when you actually get what you want.
>I’ve heard Asatuar talk about this many times.
Clearly not.

>All it does here is call him unmanly
No, he says "ok hugþak þat args aþal.". "Args" here is the adjectival form of ergi (sometimes spelled argi), meaning sexually deviant. In Norse lawcodes accusations of ergi were met with violence (it was, literally, fighting words).

>It’s a statement of fact, not a judgement.
Either way it's Odin saying that Loki is a deviant to be shunned. He's using a specific term with a specific meaning.

>all you see is your own bigotry projected into the texts.
Sounds like you're upset about people looking down on you for putting things in your urethra.
>>>/pol/ is that way stormweenie
Does dressing a person like your dead grandpa make him your grandpa?
You advocate people pretending to be Catholic because it somehow advances the political cause of the Republican Party, so let me ask you this: does it matter? You're an atheist who only thinks religion has any value for its material utility, so genuinely: does it actually matter? One of the gay Christians that you rail against is trying to defend putting things in his urethra, and two dudes are telling him that's bad using one of their Pagan holy texts, which is what you want. They're all Prowhite, which is why every NGO talks about how this religion is evil. These people are clearly able to do things IRL and establish Prowhite communities. All of this is stuff that you want.

So from your perspective as an atheist the question of "do they actually have a connection to some ancient religion" is irrelevant as you don't believe that the ancient religion had any validity in the first place, so why do you care? They could give you a dozen arguments for why ACKTHYUYUALLY the religion never died, or the innate Aryan connection to the folksoul, or whatever the fuck, but you don't believe that any of that matters anyways, so again: does it actually matter?
>blah blah blah
Not a single thing I said was refuted.
>doesn’t count
You’d count them if they had a swastika on the front door wouldn’t you?
>cut off the important part to get me to say it again.
Get deepthroated.

>meaning sexually deviant
That means unmanly…not sexual deviant…
Do you know what might happen after such an accusation is made?
I'm not going to wade into this discussion because it seems like the one guy is just baiting, but all I'll say on Lokasenna is this.
Loki is mocked for being transgender. Then, when he faces certain doom at the hands of the Aesir for slandering them in Aegir's hall, his first impulse is to hide in the form of a lowly fish.
When Thor and Odin face certain doom at ragnarok, they charge into battle without reservation and meet their deaths with bravery.
Not only does Loki get mocked for being a tranny that gets his neovagina blown out by men, he directly proves the accusations true by cowering like a little bitch. He's "acting like a girl" because he is a "girl."
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What Germanic groups are good in Australia?
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>Cringe. Follow your ancestors and embrace Christ.
Source for any of this?
europe went from a backwater shithole to the world stage under christianity.
subsaharan africa with their shamanistic beliefs was still in the stone age when the europeans came.
>Europe in the pagan stone bronze and iron age
Conquer all of Europe and most of Asia
>Europe in the christian medieval period
Get BTFO by arabs and turks for centuries

You kike-worshippers can't help but lie up and down about history
and what do the pagans have to show for it? the abomination that is the indian race?

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