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Why did the concept of Noblesse Oblige in America seem to diminish along with the original WASP population in the US?
This image is pure cope Angloids are still the majority population in the US.
Yeah, uhh, no. I don't think so, buddy. Nope. Nuh-uh. noooooo. NO. if you catch my drift. That is not true, you know what i'm sayin?
It's German (at least for whites) by a wide margin. Anglos are still pretty close though. The real issue is that a good 2/3rds of WASPs are now mixed to at least some degree with one, or all, of the other white groups. Unless you are from a very old money WASP family, you are like 2/3rds Anglo and 1/3rd mystery meat mix of minority white. Usually it's Anglo/German, but it varies a lot.

The actual largest by pure numbers though are hispanics and it's been that way for at least a decade. Whites still outnumber hispanics when taken as a group, but hispanics outnumber any single white ethnogroup. Also there are tons of "white" hispanics who are counted as both on the census which throws shit off significantly.

The real breakdown would be something like: Hispanics > Germanic > Anglo/Mixed Anglo > Celtic/Ulster Scott > Italian > Polish/Slav > Every other white minority > Blacks > Injuns
America didn't have Noblesse so they didn't Oblige.
>Why did the concept of Noblesse Oblige in America seem to diminish
In America whites aren't the "noble" class anymore because brown and black people wanted equality so not there is no social obligation to do anything for them.
There's quite a big proportion of Nordic-Americans in the upper Midwest. I think they are at 2,5% regarding the whole U.S population.
This chart sucks desu.
Separating the different sub-ethnies of white is stupid. The entire point of the U.S program is to eliminate the differences within them, as they have been reasonably succesful in this.
For purpose of meme image they can be lumped in with midwestern krauts.
>d. The entire point of the U.S program is to eliminate the differences within them, as they have been reasonably succesful in this.
The problem is that it hasn't been done, geographically or ethnically. Only superficially at best.

Most whites already see shit as equal or even rigged against whites, rather than the other way around. I would argue noblesse oblige really died in the US around the 40s and 50s when desegregation started and white flight became endemic. The "Great Society" bullshit of the 60s really solidified this and whites as a whole have been becoming both far more racially conscious and far less sympathetic towards non-whites due to the absolute shitshow that has ensued. It's hard to feel sympathetic towards people who have better educational and employment opportunities than yourself, AND they openly hate you and want to rob/kill your family and they think it's funny.
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No theyre not. But theyre the majority of the South.
The WASP never existed. It was a way to justify punching down against the Root Stock of the American Nation.
"theyre rich they can take the abuse" was the line given.
There was never any yankee gold.
They didnt even have electricity until the 1940s, much like The South, the most industrial and advanced areas of the US was the Mid Atlantic were the predominant ethnic group was German and Scottish, not lowlanders but Highland Scots from Moray, Angus, and Aberdeen.
Anglos will cope because Scots are as White as the Irish and smarter than Anglos.
Germans are industrious and blonde.
Scots are intelligent and redheads.
This is why PA is the Whitest and most advanced State.
This is why Israel ran a mossad op (Apollo Affair) in Pennsylvania, not in Maine, not in Virginia, not in New York, not in California, Georgia, or Texas, but in Pennsylvania because we actually matter, (You) do not.
New England does not matter, they are not even White. I was in New England last week and was astonished at how all the "Anglo-Saxons" (Britons larping as Normans larping as Germans) are brown eyed and brown haired.
Nothing like my blonde and redhaired kin from Germania and outer Scythia.

English "people" are degenerate freaks who overwhelmed their rivals through sheer number or subversion, they are the French people of the British isles.
Scots and Germans are kindred peoples, strong, intelligent, capable, and good looking.

Simple as.
>the noble class ceased to be altruistic when jews became the noble class
>blacks have better educational and employment opportunities
Whites said this while having the wealth to pursue higher education and its associated employment opportunities
the highest educational attainment demographic in America is black women.
when black men fail its not because of racism or the legacy of slavery, its because they are black men.
Black women have zero problem succeeding and even dominating as they barely edge out east asians in educational attainment per capita in the US.
I'm white.

I received absolutely no financial assistance of any kind, my parents threw me out at 18 and lacked the resources to support me even if they had wanted to send me to school.

I was rejected from half a dozen universities despite having a nearly perfect GPA and SAT in HS and having several extra-curricular activities. I only got accepted to a good school when I lied and put hispanic on the application. I received some grant funding, but I still had to take out significant school loans and work two part time jobs to make ends meet.

Meanwhile the one black guy in my friend group (more of a friend of a friend) got immediately accepted to a State school with a full ride scholarship on a GPA of 2.5, which was actually considered exceptional for a black student.

Do not even fucking bring Women into the equation or you will make me frothing mad at how fucking easy they have it. Do not fucking tell me Whites magically have it easier in spite of affirmative action when I have directly been adversely affected by it multiple times in my life. Attitudes like yours are why whites are slowly waking up to racial consciousness and racism is becoming normalized. When whites finally get fed up enough to lash out, shit is gonna get real medieval real fucking fast.
I'm white.
I received full financial assistance up to my Master's degree and it's only because I didn't go for PhD. My parents never threw me out. I was accepted on first try. One specific white magically had it easier than you or all blacks I know (not many after HS).
>Fuck you, I got mine
This is why you and people like you will wind up hanging from streetlamps
you're poor lmao literally a nigger
You are not White, altruism is a feature of the White race.
Angloids, Germoids...
Like asking to make the difference between a nig from Mali and Nigeria
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I think English are slightly above Irish in numbers, but overall English are around 19.5% of the white population in the USA, and 46 million report some English ancestry. Scottish number around 25 million, Irish around 36 million, Welsh about 2 million.
Combined that is 109 million of British and or Irish descent, and 73 million of British alone.

Germans are about 44 million in total.
it's just medjeets and slavs (aka swampjeets) being spiritually third worlders, they've all got that weird complex where if you're not deliberately fucking someone over you must be being fucked over.
They're not like the krauts though
>majority of Irish-Americans vote democrat
fake and gay. I grew up in an area full of them and I'd say about two thirds of families I know with Irish names were solid red voters.
It's not, altruism is a modern imposed slave mentality in the West that's why we are in this state.
>Source: My Ass.
What's the difference between a Nordic/Scandanian-American and a German American? Maybe Scandies are more Canuck-like because closer to Canada?
Idk I just made that up
Me on the bottom left.
Those are literally publicly available census numbers you midwit. They're even on wikipedia. Granted, a large number of those are likely mixed with one or more other (usually European) ethnicities as well, but the numbers are real.
>It's German (at least for whites) by a wide margin
it's literally not, it's anglos
Do Mormons really count as WASPs? It's debatable if they're even Christian at all, let alone Protestant. Or are we using it as a cultural identifier rather than a religious one in this context?
Scottish German friendship is real. Many Scots without underwear visited my city this summer
>I'm white

So go back to Europe
>Americans be like "Yeah I'm German-Irish" while being called Cletus Jones
so deluded lol

1. Anglos still dominate the U.S demographically.
2. Southerners aren't Scots-Irish, they're WASPs with small Scot-Irish distant ancestry at most.
3. Germans don't dominate the U.S; most German-Americans are heavily mixed with Old Stock WASPs and often majority Old Stock in descent despite their surnames.
Where so Welsh-Americans fit into all this?
top ten most common surnames in the USA are;
1. Smith
2. Johnson
3. Williams
4. Brown
5. Jones
6. Garcia
7. Miller
8. Davis
9. Rodriguez
10. Martinez

How many German names do you spot?
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>Today, the most common names of African-Americans still reflect those English surnames. The top five surnames remain Williams, Johnson, Smith, Jones, and Brown. Other popular names include Davis, Jackson, Robinson, Washington, and Harris.
No, the census map is >>17087318. According to the sources given, that map is from a random blog and an ancestry.com analysis, ancestry.com being remarkably finnicky.
>the Breton freak is back again
The numbers weren't correlated to my ancestry map. That was just an image I posted. The numbers are completely separate statistics taken from the US 2020 census.
lol. are you aware that MĂĽller and Schmitt are the most common German names and that they were americanized?
>are you aware that MĂĽller and Schmitt are the most common German names and that they were americanized?
I'm aware of the theory, there's not much actual proof or likelyhood that 20 million Schmitts and Mullers changed their names. They didn't exist.

Here's 11-49;
11. Hernandez
12. Lopez
13. Gonzalez
14. Wilson
15. Anderson
16. Thomas
17. Taylor
18. Moore
19. Jackson
20. Martin
21. Lee
22. Perez
23. Thompson
24. White
25. Harris
26. Sanchez
27. Clark
28. Ramirez
29. Lewis
30. Robinson
31. Walker
32. Young
33. Allen
34. King
35. Wright
36. Scott
37. Torres
38. Nguyen
39. Hill
40. Flores
40. Flores
41. Green
42. Adams
43. Nelson
44. Baker
45. Hall
46. Rivera
47. Campbell
48. Mitchell
49. Carter

Can anyone spot a single German surname? I can't. I see Engish, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Spanish and even a couple of Asian names but no German.

The Germans being the biggest ethnic group in the USA is a myth, it's not true and Americans need to accept it.
My dad was the Italian immigrant and my mom was the Slav. Although my dad found wops embarrassing and my mom didn't speak her Slav language for the same reason.
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>tfw my ancestry goes back to early 1500s Florida.
why are you grouping all hispanics into one if you aren't doing that with non-hispanic whites? it's not like mexicans are particularly similar to cubans or to colombians or etc
because WASPs don't want to admit that they are outranked by white Iberians.

simple as.
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>white Iberians
welsh are british, so they go with either WASP or southerner depending on location
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People meme that wasps have disappeared. They've merely evolved and hit their final evolution: Judeo-Anglos. This group absolutely still controls america. It's business, media, and political scenes are almost entirely run by Jews, WASPS, and they're Hybrids.
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the mix of Anglo IQ with Jewish psychopathy is unfortunate but interesting, nonetheless.
WASPs are still the dominant ethnic group in the South and Lower Midwest. Its just they're all broke rather than rich easterners like the old memes.
This. A “German-American” might as well be an angloid. They have everythign in common with the Anglosphere and nothing in common with Germans. There’s no difference in blood, especially when most of them came from around the Rhine and west Germany.
Nigga, there’s a source in the bottom right of that image.
I think you mean ANGLICIZED. If a Schmidt changed his last name 100 years ago, his descendants are thoroughly anglicized. They will always be Smiths and they will never have any features that are distinct from their anglo neighbors with whom they’ve mixed for 100 years.
>WASPs are still the dominant ethnic group in the South and Lower Midwest. Its just they're all broke
The southerners are fundamentally different due to generations of negative epigeneitic pressure. There was a class that simply sat on their ass all day while nigs picked cotton, and another which was a functional nig picking cotton for a wage.
That is why they are horribly ignorant, fat, and irrelevant.
The south really was a different realm
staten island is a shithole.
not a Breton. You're a Breton.
Anglo-Saxon?? You mean people literally identical to modern Germans?
why would you say that? it has a lot of the more suburby part of NYC and it has lower crime and lower poverty, is it just cause its less exciting?
i hate muttalians
Actually German Americans are much more industrious and intelligent than Anglo Americans.
Their educational attainment is higher, individual income is higher, they tend to be taller too.
German Americans can actually contest physical athleticism with Slavs while Anglos gave it up.
None of that explains why it took them 4 years to beat to a bunch of barefot confederates with muskets
the midwest has produced practically no good soldiers while the south has produced warriors ever since jamestowne
Are English naturally athletic? It doesn’t seem so.
>Source? My ass.
relative to their population size the english are a high performing ethnicity in A LOT of sports
The Union generals who ultimately won the war first out West and then in the East were almost all of the founding WASP stock like Grant, Sherman, and Thomas fighting with mostly Anglo (and occasionally negro) troops. The Eastern Theater was where the lionshare of German troops were, and they were fighting under Scottish, Irish, and Dutch generals like McClellan, Burnside, and Butler.
>all those Hispanic surnames
Grim, how did Americans let this happen?
>Anglo-Saxon?? You mean people literally identical to modern Germans?

Anglo Saxons don't exist. There's no one 100% Anglo Saxon. English people are on average 30% Anglo. Most autists going around calling themselves anglos are probably descendents of Britons.
The 19th century Krauts are easily the worst demographic of whites in America. They're either midwestern methheads, OR they're West Coast sociopathic yuppies that constantly vlog about how cultured they are for moving to Japan. There's no in-between. The only good whites in America are the OG WASPs or the Ellis Islanders, because even though the 20th Century Ellis Islanders are all drunk Italian and Irish mutts they are also among the most patriotic of the bunch. At least in my experience.
France having only a single parish in Louisiana is absurd. Literally every white person I've ever known had a French name.
>Literally every white person I've ever known had a French name
Most whites in America (and even England for that matter) will have first names of French origin, but not every one will have French surnames. Most Anglo surnames are of some Old English origin, such as mine.
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i dont want to be a brown person
Americans are and have always been Anglos until very recently
Are you a Florida Cracker?
Yeah, I feel like American WASP at a certain point took a page from Nietzsche and decided to mix with the Jews and become super-capitalist.
Leave your neighborhood once in a while, French people is probably the European ethnic group I see the least in America.
"Americans" management a lot of dictatorships
and for example in my not desired hisapnic-country people had 90 days free tourist Visa after Nixon dictatorship until recently that's in a tightrope. That's how those big and advanced countries mangement their karma, i guess hahe
I obviously meant surnames m8
That makes you even more wrong then. Even in this list
There's only 1 surname of French origin, Williams.
Williams isn't a French name either it's English/Welsh, you won't find it in France. In French it would be Guillaume and the actual root of the name is Germanic regardless.
Lee attributed the loss of the war to the Germans in his memoirs.
Anglos arent athletic tho.
Source is living among both groups.
>Anglos arent athletic tho.
history generally proves you wrong considering their long involvement in sports culture
If we are getting technical

are all German in origin, technically speaking.

The -ez suffix in hispanic names is from old Gothic.

My last name is English but my DNA test scores me overwhelmingly German.

The truth of it is the majority of the Whites in the US are German either entirely or predominantly. The names were anglicized because of the heavy anti-Germanism when America decided to put Saturn above Wotan and kill their distant kin.
Actually Anglo-Saxons do exist.
Modern Day North Germans are identical to Anglo-Saxons.
The Sutton Hoo burial samples are a 1:1 with modern Germans from Bremen.
>Anglos calling themselves Britons
This is true. The vast majority of people in the British isles are 60-80% pre-Germanic stock.
4/10 bait
Only New England and Western WASPs are like that. The ones in Kentucky and the South (besides the descendants of aristocrats) are dysgenic white trash. Also us Midwest Italians are 100x better than East Coast Italians.
>WASP worship
WASPs are one of the poorest ethnic groups in America.
WASPs in their natural habitat looks like West Virginia
its not the Scots-Irish.
The Scots-Irish meme is a myth peddled by Anglos (Britons) who are in denial about how fucking abysmal their track record is for productivity.
Look at the fucking UK where the people are genetically identical to WASPs, its a totalitarian shithole that is economically stagnant and somehow they manage to sink lower every year.
Despite winning three world wars.
Now look at Germany, lost three world wars, had their country divided, twice, and were genocided in half of Europe, they are wealthier, more industrialized, more capable, and martially stronger, also politically more influential than the UK.

I love that I get to tell you this but...
The UK, is brown. They are brown in the way Spain and France are brown.
Their success was due to short lived lucky breaks where they struck literal gold in colonies and wars.
Like Spain the UK returned to a shithole over time, this is called regression the mean.
The UK today is THE UK, West Virginia is THE WASP state.

German regression to the mean looks like a first world country with a high HDI.
English regression to the mean looks like fucking Manchester.
England is much closer to Spain in potential than it is to Germany.
Anglos will hate this because they are arrogant.

Thats why the Romans recorded the Celts as easy to defeat, they were fierce and furious at first due to pride but when it came to trading blows they quickly melted away.
While the Germans not only defeated the Romans they overthrew the Roman Empire.
Briton was the West Virginia of the Roman Empire.
Germany was the Germany of the Roman empire.
Williams came to England via the French.
So its French before its English.
Actual data proves me right considering their abysmal (literal) track record.
The English have good records in many sports, you're just a sad autist with a grudge against "anglos" because they picked on you in school or something
Connecticut is peak WASP actually and is considered one of the best states in the US in terms of human development.
It's not the 2000s anymore m8, Germany is also a rapidly declining country in recession and just barely a better place to live than the UK
I am not wrong.
the -ez Suffix is a hold over from Gothic.
The thing about Anglo ancestry is that it usually goes so far back, people who have it don't identify with it as much as they do with ancestry from more recent immigrants. I have Anglo ancestors going back to the Mayflower, but I didn't know about them until recently, whereas all my life my parents told me about my German and Irish ancestors who came over in the 1800s. American whites are still primarily Anglo, they just identify with the spicier more recent ancestry.
This is 100% true, though in the South usually we don't even have German and Irish, its just all Old Stock Anglo. In the North, whites are still primarily Old Stock Anglo but usually do have some recent German/Irish too.

Overall America is an Anglo nation and that bothers Ellis Islander Italian-Pollacks in the Northeast for some reason.
I mean, wouldn't your own last name be a clue? I never knew until recently that my known ancestry goes back about a thousand years, but I always knew I was anglo because I'm white as fuck and my last name is of Anglo origin. I didn't need to know my ancestry to identify as an Anglo
No I actually had lots of relations with Anglo women but they all grew into hags.
Most of the kids at my school were Germans because I grew up in the relevant part of the US, the Mid Atlantic, where the Germans (humans) live.
We also have larger penises than British isles apes kek.
A fact Anglo women attest to.
Connecticut is a shithole filled with Irish and brown eyed briton cattle.
Germany is significantly better than the UK. I never felt like I had to be on guard in Germany like in the UK.
Maybe its just ancestral instinct, my (actual) Anglo Saxon ancestors calling me to war with the Britonnic swamp creatures.
How do you identify with a country you've never been to, a language you can't speak, a family member who died before you were born? Be honest, it's special snowflake nonsense
What if we just didnt allow people from East or South of the Alps into the United States?
your posts aren't funny or interesting enough to keep engaging with so I'm gonna just ignore them from hereon
the same way you identify as the opposite gender: a delusional fantasy

They're not classical white but they are mainly white with zero negroid dna
Most people in upstate ny have some Italian history but are mostly due to the italians fucking Irish broads and then their offspring marrying a white girl or guy

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