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Opinion on Seventh Day Adventism?
Just another flavor of bullshit.
But in terms of flavors of bullshit is it better or worse?
It was always second-rate to Mormonism, but then it decided to give up its unique identity as such to become second-rate to Protestantism instead. It can't make up it's mind about its own identity and just sucks either way because of this. They had potential once upon a time, but they've kind of squandered that by now. I don't like religions with identity crises like this, and America is full of them nowadays. The SDAs, the Community of Christ (second-largest LDS sect), the old Worldwide Church of God, the entire Mainline Protestant movement, Reform Judaism, Unitarian Universalism, liberal Quakerism, etc. It's people too timid about their own unique identity and therefore turning into something they are not to fit in and then doing a poor job at it, it's in such bad faith, it's heavily inauthentic, and deserves critique (in a neutral sense). Like this isn't about truth vs. falsehood, but about authenticity vs. inauthenticity. But it's hard to believe an inauthentic religious identity can have the truth anyway.
Lol, imagine being protestant. Couldn't be me.
Catholics in America are literally just Evangelical Protestants now.
At least they don't condemn you to eternal torture for pulling out.
None of the Catholics I know even come close to being as obnoxious as Evangelicals, with the exception of the cunts over at Church Militant.
They promoted a low animal fat/ high carb diet which caused rates of heart disease, obesity, stroke, etc.. to spike up. Which made the pharmaceutical companies(which they have stock in) boost there profits up. In fact they strong armed the WHO to implement there dietary guidelines on to whole the world which has cause billions of people to be reliant on medicine. They are a net negative to society and have only brought pain and suffering.
Lol they definitely just made that shit up themselves. Dickheads. The Bible doesn't say anything about high carb diets.
Half my family are Seventh Day Adventists but i've never gotten the story of how they ended up converting
are you really taking "the anonymous guy on the internet says that Seventh-Day Adventists control the World Health Organization" seriously
>None of the Catholics I know even come close to being as obnoxious as Evangelicals
A lot of Christian Zionism going on among Catholics in the Americas, the Philippines, and parts of Europe nowadays. Most Irish Americans are arguably Neocon adjacent.

>with the exception of the cunts over at Church Militant.
What's that?
It’s a cult according to God through Jesus Christ.
Anyone who says “we Christian, BUT… just do this one thing and you can join us.”
Is a cult
Extra books you are forced to read that are equal to God’s Word of the KJV Bible? It’s a cult
Extremely hostile doctrines to Jesus Christ being the only begotten Son of God - Who already came and died in the flesh for sins? It’s a cult
Extremely deviant forms of traditional worship of God? It’s a cult (praying to dead people like Mary, saints, asking for pardon from specific places in hell and not pardon from hell entirely, refusing to sing the same hymns that were written from scripture because you don’t want God to be the same forever and sing traditional hymns together with those who already went before you in eternity)
They believe that Sunday is the mark of the beast, but it’s a mark not which day of the week you rest on. You can just rest on Saturday if you are that obsessed about it or just not go to church and rest on Sunday. Jesus used to rest for forty days at a time and not eat or drink anything. At which point, Satan would get pissed off. Jesus said let no man judge you for the sabbath, so they just want to control how people worship or observe the sabbath.
Real harmonious unity with God’s temple happens when people do what the Word said, which is to read and study it and love it and not argue with people over minor details but only argue over very huge doctrines like that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and God’s only Son. Argue that. They literally created a cult over something Jesus got attacked for by Pharisees.eternal life comes before life because everyone is going to die anyways, that’s every cult’s foolishness to think they can survive the first life.
>They believe that Sunday is the mark of the beast
You're wildly exaggerating. They believe enforced worship on Sunday by the Antichrist's government will be.

This is a bit like saying, if someone held that the mark of the Beast will be a tattoo, that "they think ink is the mark of the Beast". You're not wrong, exactly, but leaving out context that makes your statement wildly misleading.
No, not wrong, but spreading fear over other Christian’s worship day is an accusation against not only your brother but also accusing Christ’s bride, the church.
Jesus also said to avoid appearing evil , they appear as a wild accusation, not me. So now I see you for who you really are. You are a control freak, that is afraid to let me be free in Jesus. As a Christian, Jesus is about setting me free, even to sin accidentally. But you don’t. No wonder Jesus said in the last days you would be controlling things in the air against His will.
God damn the control freak that won’t set me free to sin in Jesus.
It isn’t a sin
To fuck your wife
I was raised in it. It's trash just like all Abrahamic religions.
>What's that?
A Catholic version of Fox News that fell of the edge of a cliff when it was found out that its chairman was a faggot with AIDS.
>No, not wrong
You said: "They believe that Sunday is the mark of the beast"

The reality: they believe the Beast will force worship on Sunday, and accepting that from him will be the mark of the Beast.

Entirely different. They don't think someone worshipping on Sunday now gets it.

Basic research into Adventist doctrine will show you this. https://interamerica.org/2024/04/what-is-the-mark-of-the-beast/ for instance has one saying: " it is very important to understand that at this time no one has the mark of the beast. For many generations Christians have observed Sunday, thinking they were keeping the Bible Sabbath, and there are many Christians in every church, including the Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is the Lord’s Day.

We are told, “God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before Him. But when Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, then whoever shall transgress the command of God, to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above God. . . . He is worshiping the beast and his image."

>spreading fear over other Christian’s worship day
Yet here you are spreading deceptive misinformation about other Christians.
It's not and God damn you. Jesus does not accept you.
They preach that sunday observance (partaking in Sunday worship) will ultimately manifest as taking the mark of the beast and they equivocate the very acceptance to do it with taking it.
The Scriptures tell you it is a mark, not a day of worship or which day of rest it is.
You are a White Satan, aka a Ku Klux Klan atheist pedophile godless faggot.
White Atheists are clean and have no idea why they don't stink because they live in white land up until the day they are surrounded by niggers.
The Holy Spirit is grieved by you, and that is why I curse your soul and your spirit to die in hell for all eternity.
You either fuck off right now or you don't accept Jesus.
Jesus Christ approves this.
Niggers that your God created. Wiggers who try LARPing as Christcucks make no goddamn sense at all. Putting aside all the verses that say racism as bad to even claim there are inferior races is to say God did a shitty job creating them. Making him stupid and inferior. Not omnipotent.
Same. Fucking hated Little Light Ministries and the Health Food Grifters who'd start shit and then leave.
Well he's right but it's simplified. Seventh-Day Adventists strong armed the USDA to promote a high carb diet. And the US government strong armed the WHO to implement there dietary guidelines.
Based except that Froom turned them into trinitarians.
It's not possible to believe in Christ and oppose Zionism.
Evangelicals are the most mentally ill.
Imagine claiming you're Christian but not supporting the Second Coming. You literally support the antichrist.
My mom is an adventist, let me tell you how it is without schizo bullshit.

They are obsessed with healthy living, stuff like being vegan, not drinking stuff like soda or coffee, they even have their own religious boy-scouts.
Politically, at least where i live, they mostly align towards the Libs
You're stretching it like a contortionist. You wrote it as they think those who attend worship on Sunday have the mark of the Beast. Completely divorced from the context of "after the Beast rules the world and uses the government to force everybody to do it". Think that's an important detail?
Ellen j white book steps to christ is a nice read.

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