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/his/ - History & Humanities

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The kikes are going to destroy a 200 year old park in Westminster and build this piece of shite as a holohoax memorial centre. They're also making holohoax lessons mandatory for all British students. The kikes are doing this because they're losing the public opinion now that boomers are slowly but surely turning into corpses. They think with this kind of shite they can become relevant again.
Why are they obsessed with erecting these monuments in places that make no contextual sense? They’re going to put them on the moon and mars and nobody will have any idea why.
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>They think with this kind of shite they can become relevant again.
That will happen though. zoomzooms will forget all the massacres they saw on tiktok and will become boomers themselves who only get their news from official sources
And? More shades under the plates and places to rest my back.
They've been planning that monument for 10 years and it's yet to go anywhere
Just move around it? And it’s not like you’re going to see this place in your lifetime anyway because you’re a shut-in retard from America like me, and doesn’t matter if you do or don’t since there will always be photos if you care that much.
if Jews were completely bad then God would be bad and a failure. Them rejecting Christ is different from them being totally abandoned by God
Genetic predisposition to be ontologically evil
To the jew, the only beauty is war and death
God chose them in the OT to show that even the vilest of people were not beyond His love.
This, except they failed miserably.
>leave them alone for five minutes
>they start worshipping a cow statue
Whitoids are pathetic lmao
God is made up, you stupid fucking cunt. The kikes made God up in the bullshit they themselves wrote and stole from various Goyim sources. People like you are the reason the kikes have so much power and control over us. Christians are retarded for even believing the sleazy kikes were ever chosen by a kike-god.
When will Christianity just be open about itself and declare Jews at the top of their caste system??

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