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The Americans did THIS to the Japanese and they still didn't surrender
Why do retards nowadays pretend like the atomic bomb was le wrong?
They just want to score good-boy points by dunking on le evil capitalist imperialist America. it’s resentment from being on the wrong side of history in the Cold War combined with ignorance about the pacific war
>The Japanese didn't surrender after the first 25 war crimes. This TOTALLY JUSTIFIES another 2 war crimes!
Americans, everyone.
>war crimes
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Truth Nuke: nobody actually genuinely cares about war crimes or civilian lives
They criticize the USA because they're Tankies and the USA is the "enemy team" and they want to dunk on the enemy team.
Americans do the same thing to Communists of course, nobody in America genuinely weeps for dead Ukrainians who starved under Stalin, but they see it as a great tool for humiliating Communists with.
So yeah, when people say "the atomic bombs were evil!" You should read it as "the atomic bombs would've been justified and even based and anti-fascist if my side had used them but since the US used them they're bad"
Among the various war crimes from the Hague Conventions and others are
>The purposeful targeting of civilians to break the will to resist
Curtis lemay drew up bombing targets by civilian population size, not military importance, and used firebombs to kill as many civilians as possible
Another war crime
>Purposefully destroying crops, interdicting food shipments, or otherwise cause the starvation of enemy civilians
The US not only destroyed as much inbound food shipping as possible they also dropped mines in Japanese rivers to disrupt food being carried into the cities. This organized attack was literally named Operation Starvation.
Both atomic bombs were not focused on military facilities (indeed, in Nagasaki the bomb was dropped in such a way military facilities were *shielded* from the blast* but to maximize civilian casualties.
I DGAF if you like it or not, but the firebombing campaign, Operation Starvation, and the atomic bombings were all war crimes.
The worst part?
The US would have won no matter what. The Naval high command fought and fought HARD to simply blockage Japan in 1945 until they simply gave up but the Army didn't want the navy to "get the win"
It's only a war crime if you lose, though
>The Naval high command fought and fought HARD to simply blockage Japan in 1945 until they simply gave up
So you're calling a food blockade a war crime but also saying that the Navy had "already won" by... Imposing a food blockade?
Blockade would have starved millions lol
THAT IS the reason why the Japanese surrendered. The Japanese made the decision to surrender unconditionally in June 1945.

>On 20 June the Emperor, on his own initiative, called the six members of the Supreme War Direction Council to a conference and said it was necessary to have a plan to close the war at once, as well as a plan to defend the home islands. The timing of the Potsdam Conference interfered with a plan to send Prince Konoye to Moscow as a special emissary with instructions from the cabinet to negotiate for peace on terms less than unconditional surrender, but with private instructions from the Emperor to secure peace at any price.

The truth is that neither the atomic bombs nor the Soviet invasion of Manchuria were necessary to bring about Japan's surrender.
>They did surrender
>Based on our investigation it was PROBSBLE that they MIGH HAVE surrendered by end of year
Yes, the war crime ALREADY IN PROGRESS was working. Why add more?
>"Pulling out the fingernails is making him talk"
>"Fuck it, use the blowtorch, too."
And the japanese were (as research PROVES) *already trying to surrender* for 6 weeks before the atomic bombing.
Look it up
The Japanese were already trying to negotiate a surrender with the USSR 6 weeks before the atomic bombing.
They knew they had lost.
The only condition they were asking for?
No mass executions of civilians
>The only condition they were asking for?
>No mass executions of civilians
Why are you lying LMFAO
no they had special requests regarding the emperor

2 nuclear bombs was excessive but at least ONE is a necessary historical moment that my have directly prevented the fruition of the cold war, by first hand seeing the horrors it makes the bomb not just an idea but a seal of our doom if it gets used in nuclear war
>nobody actually genuinely cares about war crimes or civilian lives if the event happened more than 15 years ago
Fixed that for you, otherwise spot on
Not in the third round of pleas.
You guys do what? Skim a paragraph on Wikipedia and stop?
continuing the other war crime would've probably killed more people in the long run
I don't know how Japan survives the 45-46 winter at war without a famine of historic proportions
war crimes don't exist

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