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If Irish are weak subhumans, then how could they rape fierce Picts and create modern Scotts?
They raped the fierce Picts, then they relaxed too much because there was no longer a proud enemy to measure themselves against, and they slowly degenerated into weak subhumans

This is how the modern Scots were created
They didn't. See where that yellow bit ends? That's a mountain range.

There were Gaels in Ireland and Gaels in Scotland, they mixed but it wasn't any sort of war or invasion or grand crusade or anything of the sort.

This thread is gonna be dogshit.
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Well, I don’t believe Irish people are weak or subhuman. That aside, they didn’t “rape the fierce Picts” and turn Scotland into a Gaelic ethnostate. Modern Scottish people are an amalgamation of Angles in the Southeast, Scots originally in the West, Picts in the North and East, Britons in the Southwest, with lesser amounts of admixture from Flemmings invited as settlers by Protestant elites from continental Europe, Normans from the era of Francophone elite domination of Britain, and Norsemen during the Viking era.

Scotland in another world could have been called New/Upper England, Pictland or some other similar shit, “Briton” or “Britania” from the fact that Britons sought refuge in the English Northwest and Scottish Southwest during Anglo expansion, Cumbria, who knows
What year is this map supposed to depict? I already know it's inaccurate
Don’t forget, they got HUGUENOT’D during early modern times. And PADDIED during Victorian times. So they are all EU centric and EU dregs that lost their indie-vidiualism
It’s not inaccurate. British Isles 500 AD. If by inaccurate you mean that we don’t have in depth records from that era stipulating down to a 1 foot margin of error exactly where one political boundary ends and one begins down to property lines, then yea. The same would be true for any map of the Roman Empire you’ve ever seen because the concept of an exact border in the sense we think of them now down to a literal line in the ground did not exist. Rivers were offen used as borders but if settlements expanded to the other side then inevitably again the exact border between Roman and barbarian territory becomes impossible to draw. This is as accurate a map humanity will ever get to Britain in 500 AD in the sense we think of borders today for the rest of human history
It has to be within 100 years of Rome's evacuation of Britannia
>The DalRiatans conquered Scotland
>How do I know this?
>1000 years ago a man from former Dalriata (now Norway) wrote a book seething at the Scottish king about oppressing the Columban Church claiming 200 years ago all his ancestors killed all his king's ancestors

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