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When there are thousands of kuffar dead in some bombing or kidnapping somewhere all Muslims either support it (if they are extremist ISIS types) or they just flat out ignore it and never mention it. Muslims will never condemn or even comment on three thousand Christians slaughtered in Nigeria or some remote tribe butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan. All Muslims will just simply ignore it, or they will even reprimand any other Muslim who does dare to mention it

'akhi these are kuffar, that bombing was in their filthy temple of shirk where other than Allah was worshipped, it's not allowed to mourn them bro'

'i'm suppose to cry over some xtian pagans being killed? come on bro, less christians in da world is a good thing bruh'

and yet despite this ALL Muslims demand that non-Muslims grieve over dead children in Palestine and that they make mention of it, promote it, broadcast it, send it to human rights organizations, etc. Muslims will attempt to guilt-trip and gaslight non-Muslims into paying attention to all the dead kids and all the victims and they will accuse Christians, Jews (and others who ignore it) or being heartless scum.

So why is there a double standard here? when dead Christian (or other non-Muslim) kids are bombed to bits Muslims either laugh at it or plainly ignore it, so why can't non-Muslims ignore dead Muslim kids then?
Fuck Pisslam
Islam is arabic supremacy. America should nuke the middle east.
I don't think I've read a single line in this OP that's accurate.
Like you could have made a similar argument while being factual but instead you chose to be schizo.
Schizo Bulgarian, that is.
Han Chinese incel known as Chinkspammer made this thread
Cope harder, abdul.
How is not accurate? When Muslims somewhere commit a mass attack on a church or a buddhist temple none of the Islamic dawah apologists speak about it at all, they don't condemn it (unless forced to on a talk show or something), they don't say anything about the kids that died, they simply ignore it. Other more fanatical Muslims will praise it and say the victims are disgusting kuffar anyway. Why then can non-Muslims not ignore the Muslims dying in Palestine?
>Muslims once again using double standards and being hypocrites
In other news, water is wet and ice is cold.

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