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Atheists destroyed America.
America destroyed atheists.
The seed oils in the food in particular
I found Carlin funny when I was 15 and on the fence about religion
Now that I'm basically agnostic (but really atheist) I find him really annoying despite agreeing with a lot of what he said about the matter
>Spends trillions of dollars in useless wars to appease Israel

>"Its atheists' fault!!"
Grow up
Lucifer worshippers always ruled America. Everyone with power and fame in America made a covenant with the devil.
>Nation controlled by fundamentalist Christians and Zionist Jews starts wars around the globe for Israel
>"Why would atheists do this?"
Actually, the Spanish conquistadors destroyed America. Freedom is what is destroying the U.S.
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>Jews, christians and muslims destroy everything
>Fucking white people and their *shuffles through notes* PICNICS
>lived in a giant mansion and was a junkie who abused his wife and daughter
1. Atheism is true
2. You can have whatever political views you want while still being an atheist - you can be an ultraconservative atheist if you want to be
>America got worse as In God We Trust was added to money and gets worse as Christians try to force mandated prayer and the ten commendments into public school
Stop trying to subvert America or you will burn in Hell.

>One Nation under God
back in the 1990s/early 200s age of Neocons throwing hissy fits over the Teletubbies being gay propaganda and covering tits on Greek statues during international conferences, and large swaths of the population taking stuff like this seriously, Carlin's edgy Reddit tier cynical atheism was cutting edge stuff.
it's pretty dated now, but it was a lot fresher and more controversial in its time
ironically, Carlin acted quite a bit like a greedy hypocrite baby boomer

You're an idiot, the USA was founded as a country where no religion would be favoured, that's the entire point of the first amendment.

And everybody knows that the true motto of the USA is not "In God We Trust" which was invented in the 50s or whatever - instead it's "E Pluribus Unum". The God one might be "official" due to some Christian moron lawmakers in the 20th century, but it shouldn't be.
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you're right, but Atheism is/was the natural, senile conclusion to the Faustian spirit exhausting itself. totally de-mythologized Atheism is as much of a consequence of Western civilization as invigorating Christian spiritualism is.
It's very interesting to me that so called "atheists" have somehow become even more obsessively moralizing than their religious counterparts. In reality nothing really changed.
No they haven't. Woke people are usually "spiritual" of some weird brand of Christrannity
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list atheist lawmakers
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People who became atheists merely choose to create a new secular religion that they worship. Instead of the utopia of rationalists/free thinkers that people claimed that atheism would create, it created a class of cultists that worship the institution of nihilist communists.
So you should support mass immigration since browns are more religious, right?

Wait, you wouldn't be a brown using religion as a vehicle for your ethnic interests would you?
>posts bait
seethes on the first counter shitpost
That's just because the christian morality of self sacrifice is too ingrained in the west. Communism is merely the christian ideology without the supernatural counterpart. The morality of self-sacrifice has 2000 years of recorded history. The morality of self-realization has merely 200.
Atheists are smart, and people like you are not.
If atheists are so smart, how come they are castrating themselves by the drove and are single childless people who advocate for the death of human species?
What kind of twisted sick shit have you been looking at?
Politics. One side advocates for castration of children, killing of babies, descerate the sanctity of marriage, advocate the childless life, think humans are a plague on this earth, wants to destroy the functioning society by flooding it with non-functioning members, etc
Not every christian is a kiddy diddler, not every muslim is a female-circumsizer and not every atheist is a tranny. I know you are groupbrained as fuck because of american identity politics but please try to argue points instead of people.
American site. American english. American internet. American world.
Once more to drill it into your skull, not every american is a groupbrained nigger lmao. That's the difference between us.
Statistical significance = statistical reality. Majority of atheists are into castration/extinctionist cult
Ah so that means that you (at least larping as a white christian american) must be an inbred cletus from alabama right? That is what your genes imply.
If you want an actual moral argument against all the trannyism and communism you so hate, you have to let go of altruism and groupthink as the moral standard, it is exactly that which they are using against you.
Why are you butthurt? Are you one of those tranny cultists?
Not a tranny here. I am merely against shitty arguments.
U mad bro
You are right. I am quite peeved that I have to share a debate side with christlarpers who claim to be against communism yet espouse the same moral base of self-sacrifice.
>flooding it with non-functioning members,
So does Christianity.
You so mad you cant focus on topic. You mad
Have you read the thread other than your own posts? When pressed ''why'' atheists have destroyed America, the answer is trannies and communism. (seen >>17089253 and >>17089556 and >>17089570) I am handing you a moral argument against those things.
Its true all you can do is cry "muh christfags"
I don't have anything against christians, I even admitted to you I am angry, if that doesn't tell you I'm being completely open with you I don't know what will. But what I need christians to understand is that christianity on an ideological level does not mix with capitalism. That is why the free market keeps losing ground to these "we need to tax everyone to death to feed the poor" marxists. I would rather live next to a christian than a marxist.
>not every atheist is a tranny
Especially since you can find religious trannies as well.

They know they cannot be bullied away without "hate speech", so they just join religious circles and subtly challenge the local ringleader to say there's anything wrong with their condition, given that "God loves everyone yadda yadda"
You anger cant carry you. When the problem is atheists and their cult religion
>When pressed ''why'' atheists have destroyed America, the answer is trannies and communism
And Christianity.
Thing is two party politics swings like swing set. There is time when liberals ar win power. There is time when. Conservatives. Problem is conservatism is poisoned by Christianity in US. No matter who is in power you would get your portion of brown people imported. Thanks Christianity for whom everyone are people of the Christ.
And this is all that matters.
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This poster is jewish, by the way.
It was never controversial.
Dear Satan, I don't know how to tell you this but I am arguing AGAINST communism.
This poster is still jewish, by the way
>Christian shizo rumbling
Same as their books
>Christians and Jews flood western countries with brown Muslims
>"Why would atheists do this?"
Christianity destroyed America and Europe, then when people decide to leave the church due to how retarded it is, atheists get all the blame despite not being in power.
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You aren't arguing against communism, you're taking everything kikes do while falsely blaming Christians for it, because your are a kike.
You literally worship a communist Jew.
Sounds about right.

Doing what you want can be very dangerous.
Don't do what you want.
Do what God wants you to do, because that's what you really want.

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>Atheists destroyed America.
With facts & logic
Tfw that came from a religious kike
You're literally a communist jew and must be killed as soon as possible.
spelled freemasons wrong. As everything you have seen on that idiot box is jewish freemason theater
>atheists destroyed America
>so anyway, look at this subversive religious institution
Got em
Better than worship one. ;*
yeah it was lol.
Remember those uptight evangelical Christian boomers which had a substantial presence on early YouTube that hacks like the Amazing Atheist made their e-celeb careers trashing?
imagine them having cultural predominance in America (which they arguably did during the Bush era) and you'll understand why Carlin was controversial. IIRC he got arrested for one of his skits once.
jewish institution*
Nothing betrays the zoomer like ignorance of the moral majority. It was literally only 20 years ago that soccer moms were burning pokemon cards and protesting over the abbreviation "x-mas". It was literally everything we hate now about SJWs.
I'm sorry but do catholics believe in god or not? This is a debate over theism vs atheism. JOOOOOS literally do not enter into the equation. If anything it's explicitly a fault of god-believers that they allowed jews to corrupt them. So then what's even the point?
yeah. Like i said, back in the late 1990s/early 2000s Congressmen were raising hell about the purple Teletubby being a vehicle for homosexual child indoctrination.
And look how many fucking gays there are now, not so funny anymore is it?
>the purple Teletubby being a vehicle for homosexual child indoctrination
He kind of was
i don't think the current proliferation of homosexuals can be attributed in any degree to the Teletubbies
Atheism isn't real and the problem is jews.
I hoped you would understand my pretending to be retarded. Alas!
>I was just pretending, guyze!
Likely story
>i don't think the current proliferation of homosexuals can be attributed in any degree to the Teletubbies
I can’t imagine how obnoxious this pseud moron would be if he were still alive today and had a Twitter account. Literally a secular evangelist pastor/philosopher for aimless potheads
>hey bible-thumpers, suck the tranny dick already ya fuckin’ square!!
>*NPC laughter*
plenty of people on this board are genuinely that retarded and i really don't have the energy to make the distinction anymore
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It's not your fault you didn't notice anon, it's my fault. We are only looking at text of course.

Stop playing dumb
Anon, everything in 2022 is gay. We're talking about things 20 years prior. Was Blues Clues a tranny conspiracy too? You're the one playing dumb.
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>everything in 2022 is gay
And how did that come to be?
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The proliferation of civil rights and humanism, both of these things having an origin in Christian ethics.
Christian ethics doesn't promote sexual lasciviousness
wrong, see
This is a picture of the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The people he is eating with are sinners in need of help. We are not suppose to look down on them, but lift then up. This works, only if they believe in God. If they reject God, their ascension changes to hubris, amd nemesis is born, and they will be turned back into a bundle of sticks, and cast into the fire. The door has been open. If you are in this picture, come to Jesus Christ, and accept the Lord, and he will save you from nemesis.
It's funny because American atheists consider Zionist jews to be "white supremacists" so all the criticism of Zionism basically gets thrown at Whites
Christian ethics entail whoever suffers the most as the most saintly, it's a death cult with a guy who got crucified for shit other people did at the top.
Atheists today dont matter.
not an argument
The church destroyed itself
and their simps.
Atheists created* America
Thomas Jefferson was not a scholar in law.
He does not know of the Equity courts of England.
He was, like any other american political figure, a masonic hack.
Well, more specifically secularists.
Whether or not they believed in a god is another matter.
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Who was there when the country was founded.
The french? The fundamentalists that escaped from england and which englishmen employed as cattle for the trade of raw materials were not the brightest lot.
Unless you consider freemasons actually smart, you should recognize that they only have resources to implement smart people in the creation of their desired reality.
Politicians didn't do shit back then, as they don't do shit right now.
The difference is that right now freemasons don't hire smart people in the public sector, but instead they employ them in their weird interests like space tourism.
Blah-blah-blah, fuck you. The point is still valid.
The America government was secular upon inception.
I just wanted to point out that Jefferson tried to make a point that was wrong.
>Mleh mleh mleh masons
Calling people who run the most advanced countries in the world stupid reveals the jealousy that eats at your heart.
But I said they don't run them...

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