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/his/ - History & Humanities

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It all started with the Uralics and Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia. Then Eastern Europe proceeded to get raped by 300 different Asiatic ethnicities that are too many to list.
They defeated the IE in the north
Fingols were white enough and not ugly enough by the time the Slavs arrived for the Slavic bulls to kill only the men and inseminate the women.
however, the Turkics were completely incorrigible, and therefore were subjected to brutal genocide after the collapse of the Golden horde.
historically speaking.
>Chinese man turns Nigerians into Khoisan.
The Asian genes are the only genes that can buckbreak nigga genes, so naturally they would want to spread them all over the world starting with snowniggas.
>Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia
They BTFO'd Eurasian mutts
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I would have no idea pic related existed if not for /pol/cels mentioning. Turkrainians have been so buck broken by Turkics that they literally have Turkic culture, but they just happen to speak IE.
>they literally have Turkic culture
They didn’t.
They're the same shit as Bulgarians. Both are IE speaking Turkoids.

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