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Why are racist men more often tolerant torwards racemixing with foreign women?
Because they are still men and often the dick screaming SEXO overrides normal brain function
Women in the fertility period had the same wish
That is the paradox of the non white male, both hating white people utterly and desiring white women above all others. How they live with such a psychological contradiction is bewildering.
>My sex/my race and other sex/other race
My pool of potential sexual partners gets larger both by competitors of my race removing themselves from the competition and by more potential partners joining the pool
>Other sex/my race and my sex/other race
My pool of potential partners is getting smaller
Also read this https://x.com/Boochibooch/status/1831085080556847136
>Why are racist men more often tolerant torwards racemixing with foreign women?
When you take a woman away from a foreign population, you're winning. You're robbing them of children and diluting their bloodline with your own. In a few generations, those mutt children will be indistinguishable from natives if all their descendants mate with natives.
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Isn't so easy, retarded
What isn't so easy?

You fuck a black, you have a half black kid. The kid fucks a white, their kid is a quarter black. By the time a 1/8th or 1/16th black is born, they no longer look black.
Whites are less than 10% of the earth's population, race mixing for whites is the path to their extinction.
Are you too autistic to understand hypothetical examples?
Hypocrisy and repressed sexual desires

The only famous hotep that I've known that has never dated a white woman is Umar Johnson all those other niggas would sell their entire neighborhood for white pussy
I hate how many tranime twitter crossover faggots use 4chan.
The dick don't care about morals, and racist beliefs are usually born from a negative emotional reaction which is then justified after the fact. Morality built on an emotional foundation is inherently flimsy.
Ah yes, the redemption of Ham.
>racist beliefs are usually born from a negative emotional reaction which is then justified after the fact.
Racism is innate, not learned.

It's a defense mechanism to identify threats. Even today, in the most woke time in human history, people prefer to keep to their own kind, marry their own kind, live with their own kind.
I don't hate White people though.
I do hate myself
casca was probably a bastard child from a moorish harem

mommy taught her well
i think white women have a mild cheese or wet dog smell. one of my bestest friends was a female white women though.
The number of babies of a race is limited by the number of women of that race.
Why tf does every minority say we smell like wet dog? Such an oddly specific scent. You guys are mental.
I am sure you think certain races smell a certain way. My asian american friends say wet dog more than mainland asians, they tend to say beefy or mild cheese.
Why does your women smell like cheese? Don't you people shower, use deodorant, brush your teeth, perfume, etc?
t. latinx
Whos women? latin or white women.
Because unlike women men aren’t biologically obligated to care for their offspring while women are. A man can have mixed race offspring, fuck off, and still produce and raise white children (as many slave owners and conquistadors did). When a woman has mixed race offspring she’s made raising children of her own race more difficult if not impossible.
The doesn't change the fact racism is feels-based, and things like ideology and race science come after the fact as confirmation for a gut reaction. It leads to situations where miscegenation is morally wrong until those feelings are suppressed by horniness.
>it's okay when men do it, says the man and his neighbor.
>it's okay when men do it, says his son and his son's peers.
>its okay when men do it, says his grandson and his peers.
>she's basically white, says his great-grandson and his peers.
Foreign women are basically animals, it's like beastiality but they look humanoid.
What I mean by that is that they aren't on the same level as US(my tribe) and they don't pose a threat like their male counterparts(like stealing women from our tribe).
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Not a correct analogy, racists hate foreign males(which comes from fear of getting cucked), not their females.
>race mixing bad when the woman is my race
>race mixing good/tolerable when the man is my race
this is common sense OP get your shit together
No. Explain it to me.
Why is one oermitted but the other not.
Does it have something to do with sexual insecurity?
Mexicans were created by male racemixing but Mexicans are still not white.
>"Racism is le good!"
>proceeds to whine about anti-white wokeness
Retarded /pol/tranny
One thing I've noticed is that open racists/national socialists/fascists tend to be less racist in practice than normie conservatives. The Nazis heavily romanticized Native Americans and thought Africans should have been left alone and slavery and colonialism was largely a mistake. But conservatives tend to despise any sort of indigenous or tribal cultures and think it's good that they were wiped out by "civilization."
Interesting. Also there is something to be said about normies being racist but being too stupid and hypocritical to realize it.
>That is the paradox of the non white male, both hating white people utterly and desiring white women above all others. How they live with such a psychological contradiction is bewildering.

There is no paradox.
It's called jealousy

>Why do people like it when their Y DNA gets passed on as opposed to another group of men's Y DNA?
I dont hate white people, i hate white women.
Racism is good FOR YOUR PEOPLE. You're acting like racism is a religion that brings all the races together in shared hatred of each other.
>The doesn't change the fact racism is feels-based
It's a fact that blacks are more violent. It's a fact that blacks commit more crime. It's a fact that if you are anywhere near a black, you have an increased chance of being attacked.
There's no paradox, that's the default male mindset for all of history, you take the enemy's women as a war trophy
Reread the post
Because — and get this — women are seen as extension of the family unit headed by the man. She is seen as having submitted to her partner and having accepted to bear his progeny, not the other way around.
If X is [my tribe here] and Y is [your tribe here], it goes like this :
>X man takes X woman as a partner : family of X man
>X man takes Y woman as a partner : family of X man
>Y man takes X woman as a partner : family of Y man
The woman, ultimately, is only a transitional entity in the passing down of superior stock.
the woman, as the gatekeeper to sex and procreation, allows the man in; it doesn't matter if it's consensual, a drunken one night stand, or rape; the result is that the woman is ultimately, as the gatekeeper, merely the confirmation of the man's attributes, either through the act of bedding her (the less partner she has, the better the rep), or ballooning her.
In essence, this means that, ironically, the less liberal women as a whole are with the handing off of sex and reproductive rights, the more subordinate they become to the men who do pass those standards.
Our ancestors recognized this, and rather than hand in over not only their own reproductive rights but also the will to please of half their society to the same ten dudes, they decided instead to just cut the middle intrigue and make all women subordinate, but in a novelty, to a single man for every woman : their father, or husband.
This obsession with interracial sex and unions is merely a resurgence of the old pre-societized model of sexual confirmation, but collectivized to a common attribute (race) rather than individualized (prowess). I'm 90% sure that being able to chat to 3 million people about your sex preferences as a female and every other female watching trying to generalize that confirmation to the lowest common trait is to blame.
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nazis were at worst dick riders and stragglers functioning through mere simulacrum and mockery, at best cannon fodder used by the globalist

the swastika itself a microcosm, dick riders feigning an image as compensation

....or a most white men in general, shallow and not worth inquiring

which answers the question in the OP

tldr. white men are faggots
women are not people
Neither are iberians
I should have been a bit clearer. My point is that if a bunch of white people keep on having kids with minorities, the minorities are going to start looking more white.

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