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If youre white, youre not american.

Youre an invader
Sucking and living off a land that never was and never will be yours
What country came before the United States that those evil United Statians conquered?
You can have the land but Americans own everything on it
County is just an abstract concept

Youre ARE invaders and should be killed and your carcass sent back to Europe
Your ancestors arrived from Siberia.

You are invaders and should be killed and your carcass sent back to Asia.
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Did natives even had a concept about invasion or of a country or nation, or what part of the world they did live on
Thousands of years ago and not in 1800, shitty redneck
>it's okay when my people do it because it was a long time ago, but when your people do it it's evil

You are a filthy INVADER.
If you're a redskin, you're not american.

You're an invader.
Sucking and living off a land that never was and never will be yours

Only Whites can be Americans.
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>Youre ARE invaders and should be killed and your carcass sent back to Europe
Maybe if native brown indians had invented technology better than sticks and stones or domesticated an animal they could have deserved to continue to exist but as it was they were just wasting space on valuable land that whites deserved more.
There are +600 million people in Latam and 70% of kids in USA are non-white

Your time is coming, Cleetus
Better learn how to pray
>Radical Agents
It's the Jews
If you want to live between whites, go live in Europe, Bubba Bobby Burger
Brown people will be the doom of civilization and the return to a real dark ages that will last for another thousand years until whites again raise civilization from the grave and start again. It has happened before and will happen again.
As i said, Cleetus
Dont have babies

Because we will make them pay for your crimes against us
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>If you want to live between whites, go live in Europe, Bubba Bobby Burger
You want me to return to Europe so islamist niggers can stab my kids. No way.
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There is no fertility problem and the only threat to the existence of white people is non white people being allowed to live in white civilization. As you so adequately demonstrated, non whites are racist and bloodthirsty to the point of not being worthy of our benevolent tolerance. White people will survive because they are the most capable people on earth, possibly the only ones deserving to be rightly considered mankind.
Invaders of what exactly? There were no people in the Americas before they came around.
I'm the last American.
t. White btw

keep that shit up and I will dump your corpse off in siberia
>When we arrived, the land was empty
Yeah, and it was inhabited by your fellow natives who you killed and took it from. We don't even know who they were because native on native warfare only ended with total extermination.
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>youre not american
Yes I am? America is the byproduct of my forefathers hard work and their relation to Germanic, particularly Anglo-Saxon, Folk law and norms. Without us there would be no "America".
>Yeah, and it was inhabited by your fellow natives who you killed and took it from.

We lived here for thousands and thousands of years before you invaders arrived

But your time is coming
Your kids will pay for your crimes
>America is the byproduct of my forefathers hard work

Nobody invited your shitty forefathers invader
You are right. We landed on fallow, unkept land and proceeded to trade with you and conquer you. You quite literally traded thousands of acres of your own land away for beads, blankets and other knick knacks.
Now your kids will pay for their crimes
Its ok to me
The indians were famously savage and known to scalp and rape every white person they could get their hands on. I think that leaving any of them alive at all was more than they deserved.
R1b are genocidal subhumans.
we even spared the Tatars and Mongols, who had been robbing and killing the Slavs for literally thousands of years. Moreover, we would not destroy all the amerindians, as the gayrmanic scum did.
>t. Rusgol
feathernigger, the word 'american' was invented by white people. only white people are americans. you are just indians.
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your name comes from a germanic tribe named the russi, who civilized your savage butt-pirate slavic ancestors into the semblance of civilization you possess today. watch your tone
literally delusional
I am Asian and just want native, whites and blacks on the land. I honestly wish I just had real estate in California and Hawaii desu
sure thing chief
>t. mutt
I'm a 4th generation immigrant on both sides by Irish and German. America cannot ever be a white country, the practice of slavery prevented that from happening. Black people won't go back to africa, Native Americans have nowhere to go back to. White nationalists should just flood Europe.
>White nationalists should just flood Europe.
Fuck no, all the diasporas of the new world should sterilised, they are things that should not be. Especially the white ones, they'd wreak cultural havoc if we were to allow them to return to Europe.
Should have integrated then your people would have thrived rather than being alcoholics sucking the US dick for gibs
The only Indians I ever see talking like this are those with no connection to their tribe, the Sioux, and the ones up in Canada. I never see this type of behavior out of a member of one of the Five Civilized Tribes or the tribes of the Southwest. They'll lament their defeat the same as any man would, but they don't whine and cry for gibs like the 3 aforementioned groups do.
this was a tribe of Polabian Slavs, and the gayrmanics are still subhumans.
Im 5% cherokee
You never have seen an indian in your life, Cleetus
We are both ANE derived.
Is it really a problem pretty White people are prancing around?
TRVKED from orbit

same except the asian part desu
I hope Indians replace all of Americans and establish a hindu theocracy
America is a White name given to a country built by White people.

If you're not a White American you are an Indian or an immigrant and you have absolutely no right to call yourself American.
Whom are you going to scam once it's just nobody but red-dot Indians?
OP confirmed as some brown subspecies of homo sapien sapien. Grim.
>America is a White name given to a country built by White people.

America is a name given to where nowadays is Mexico, Cuba and Brazil by a german cuck

USA wasnt in the original map of America
America is a name given to where nowadays is Mexico, Cuba and Brazil by a german cuck who used to fuck Americo Vespucio

USA (Golemerica) wasnt in the original map of America created by Waldseemuller, you retarded redneck
How about this, if northern feather niggers, six fingered and toed Amish, Mennonites and Mormons were the only ones allowed to reproduce, the rest of everyone else on the continent whose flesh has been totally corrupted and mind completely broken can all kill themselves. Deal?
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>If youre white, youre not american.
>Youre an invader
>Sucking and living off a land that never was and never will be y-ACK
This land will be populated with nephilim hybrids and lab creations creatures and mutants. Bestiality and sex with bestial mutant abominations with altered DNA will rise
Ok, and?
Whites were the original civilization of North and South Americas
feather indians came after.
Correct. We are Turtle Islanders. And you are foreigners to this Island. Fuck off to your own continent.
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>Germanoid talking shit about "civilizing" someone
>wAtcH yOUr tOnE
May I remind you who you really owe your "civilization" to.
Romans never conquered Germanics, but Germanics DID conquer and civilize Rome.

You live in Germanic civilization.
>Whites were the original civilization of North and South Americas
>feather indians came after.

Do you live in Utah?
They conquered Rome and were domesticated by it. Soon they lost their religion, their traditions, their culture, and all of them went to found little roman-like statelets.
You write in latin alphabet, your law systems stem from roman law, your philosophy is greek, your architecture is classic, your art comes from hellenistic principles, your government is republican/parlamentary, your morals come from aristotelian and judeo-christian ethics.

You live in the Post-Classic Mediterranean Civilization. You are welcome.
nope, why would I?
Nations are concepts which are actualized through the establishment governance, by force, and are erected over a territory. American is a nationality, just as America is a nation. One need not be indigenous to the continent to be considered an American. So called "Native Americans" are only referred to as such because white people established the American nation. God bless America.
go chug mouthwash subhuman
Literal meme. Thr only thing you "truly" have and own is the thing you can defend through force.

go rape your cousin and drink listerine
I’m 1/128th native on my great grandfathers side :)
i know your larping but the "strongest" natives, the navajo, are all fat, drunk and poor who survive off of casino revenue and selling drugs
It's a conquered land. Indians violently fought back and lost. Are you suggesting invaders should be violently pushed back today?
I thought the Navajo didn't have casinos...but I might be confusing them with another tribe
Is your sister's pussy sweet?

Retarded redneck
Go back to Europe, pigskin
I am 2% Amerindian. You never answered if I have the right to live here.
Iroquois Confederacy
>murder/rape/torture/genocide each other in creative and horrible ways for millennia
>huwites show up
>push your shit in and get you to settle down
>cry like bitches about it and claim racism

We played by your rules and we won, sit down feather-nigger wagon-burner and be glad we didn't wipe you all of the face of the earth
t. Matt Walsh
I have no horse in the race, but Whites were there first and they came from Iberia.
mongoloid indians came well after.
Now they can masturbate to all the blacked porn they want
>If youre white, youre not american.
American isn't a race, it's a nationality.
'Native Americans' technically aren't "American" either. They're Cherokee, Apache, Mohawk, Navajo, Tlingit, Chumash, Chinook et al.

Prior to the European settlement of the New World, North America was just a continent with no dominant territory, it was multiple native states that were often at war with eachother. The irony of OP is that by generalizing all native American peoples into a single unified entity, he is effectively being just as racist as the so-called "invaders" that he is giving contempt.
Wrong on all accounts.
> Now your kids will pay for their crimes
Lol the final cope of a nearly extinct people.
I accept (your) concession
Indians lost the war and instead of being exterminated they were shown mercy and given their own lands to govern according to their own ways.

Now they cry like it was unfair and try to use guilt to make white people feel bad for them.

I don't feel bad for them and I think the mercy they were shown was a mistake.
no no no
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Your terms are acceptable
That is a lie, I have Indigenous family and we are one in Jesus Christ. Who are you? What is your tribe and people?
Are you Native or just claiming to be on 4chan? Because the real people I know have love and respect and love this country as well. My family and my people in Jesus Christ.
Even the name America is Italian in origin, in real life from my childhood with Indigenous people in my family and community, we accept one another with love and respect in Jesus name.
There were barely any people in North America when Europeans arrived as well. It had lower population density than Western Sahara that's how empty it was
Should have been victorious in the race war then
Those guys are most likely pro-Israel now
I m an outsider and think that the word American better be reserved for the natives while whites should go by European.
However natives stayed fucking hunter-gatherers into the 19 th century so they had it coming.
>America is Italian in origin

To talk about Brazil, Mexico and Caribe and not Golemerica
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"American" is a concept that colonial Europeans came up with. Indian Americans never called themselves that before the Yuros showed up, they were their own constituent nations and what have you. So actually if anything the Indians aren't "American", unless they've assimilated to the American cultural identity, instead they're Comanche, or Navajo, or Iroquois, or whatever else.

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