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Why didn't socialism catch on in America? Why are there no notable American socialist movements in history?
communism was CIA tool to subvert countries into accepting american "protection" or else be swallowed by supposedly incoming red wave
the cosmic vibrations of the american continent resonate at a frequency that disaligns with socialist principles. from the ley lines crossing the heartland to the spiritual undercurrents of manifest destiny, the soil itself repels collective ideologies. the individualistic aura permeating the nation's psyche is a result of ancient energies that predate colonization. thus, socialism could never take root in a land where the metaphysical fabric favors the singular over the collective.
Widespread home (and stock in the form of 401Ks) ownership in both urban and rural. A significant portion of Americans are basically bourgeois and their interests align with those of the capitalist economy.
Support for economic freedom correlates with IQ. That's why socialism was more popular in brown countries and why the left support replacing whites with browns.
The US successfully industrialized, more so than most other countries. Chalk it up to whatever you want. Countries that did this have never became fully socialist. Plus laws that favor agency and entrepreneurship are kind of baked in.
Dude never heard of Eugene Debs or Bill Haywood
The State used all of its power to suppress the early socialist movements and then successfully conducted a smear campaign against it during the first and second red scare.
>Support for economic freedom correlates with IQ
Not inherently
For the same reason why the EU has better labor laws than the US. Capitalists made it big in the US and have fought tooth and nail to keep it that way.

New country, no rules, no history on land of Monarchy, that was across the sea. The myth of the American dream and the self man made. Cold war having people rat on their neighbors for being "communist sympathizers".

"socialists" are popular with zoomers because of the post-modern corporate system. US median income is 37k/year, 40 PTO a year, no vacation/sick days. Americas Left is still right wing compared to EU.
Some mix of these two mainly, I'd think. Obviously 401ks are very modern, but in terms of the housing stuff the United States was constantly diffusing social tensions by consuming more and more territory and then practically (or literally) giving it away to settlers. While Europe politicized distribution in largely settled and claimed territory, the US kept expanding.

But yeah, in the more recent era I do think stuff like participation in markets for single-family homes and equities has made Americans feel literally invested in what happens with asset values.
Class doesn't exist in America.
It doesn't though. You'll never find a "You wot mate?" chav running bong inc., but you more frequently than not find horatio alger stories in the wealthiest Americans.
Socialism if anything in America is actually an attempt to institute a rigid social class system by bourgeoise kids.
Socialism is just rationalist liberalism. The US already inherited the greatest form of liberalism from England and had perfected it by the 1870's
Because America is huge. If you didn't like working in a factory in an insustralized city then you could have moved to the countryside and lived off the land
the conflation of industrial labor with socialism is a marxist idea, socialism predates marx and so does organized labor
All the answers in this thread just wrong.
Its like you retards don't know about any of the early Christian cults in the US like the Quakers and Mennonites.
It was shit like that and Jonestown which made people US not border with socialism.
Its always been associated with hippies and New Age Cults.
quakers aren't socialists, they're cultists
Marx and Engels considered them socialist so this wrong.
Nothing they say matters because they were wrong about everything
>Nothing they say matters
Also wrong because its impossible to separate them from socialism.
They were the most influential thinkers of it, sorry.
You just have to accept the fact that socialism is the way it is because of them and that won't ever change.
Socialism has always had the strongest support in culturally homogenous highly urbanized countries. Basically everything America isn’t.
>Americas Left is still right wing compared to EU.

Economically, maybe.
Culturally, it's roughly the same, although it used to be more leftist (concerning sexual and racial stuff) until European leftists gave in and toed the line
America was founded on "selfish values" like individual prospering and freedom. This goes against the christian value of altruism, sacrificing oneself to the group as a moral absolute. Europe never even tried to escape that, which is why our mixed economy heavily favors the socialist side of things.
The European left still has more culturally conservative views than the American left. Things like hard drug decriminalization, sex changes for minors, and open borders have little support outside fringe groups in Europe.
Socialism predates marx, Marxism isn't real socialism. Nothing they say matters
Horatio Alger stories are mythology.
>America was founded on "selfish values" like individual prospering and freedom. This goes against the christian value of altruism, sacrificing oneself to the group as a moral absolute.
Sorry but you know nothing about America if you think the various flavours of Christianity didn't exercise an awful high degree of influence.

And Christianity didn't invent collectivism either
You find it hard to believe that the economically literate tend to be more intelligent?
Dealing drugs won't realistically get you 10+ years in prison in Europe. Portugal pioneered drug law reform.
>sex changes for minors
If you mean sex reassignment surgery, that has little support here (it's illegal in some states) and generally doctors won't do it.
Economic freedom as in no regulations, oversight, or planning, or a fair playing field?
>open borders
Did you forget the 2 million Syrians (and "Syrians") Europe took in, no questions asked?
Europe has no genuine right anymore, to counter.
Depends on what you mean by “economically literate”. It means different things to different people.
those aren't selfish, faggot
I believe this is the reason why leftist always talk about "Homes not investments" stuff.
If you want to secure a conservative population all you have to do is give them a stake in the actual economy (picrel)
Most of Germany rents and is notorious for its conservatism.
It was less than that, and most of them went to Germany, although Turkey took the most of them and they aren't really European.

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