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How important are phenotypes, really?
depends how desirable yours is. If you're a mutt or a bad phenotype then you probably cope by pretending they don't matter
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from whence does this phenotype originate?
Appearance is an indicator of genetic quality.
how so?
Looks like interior or northern Central Europe.
Or could be an Irish and Germanic mix.
>how so?
Why is Brad Pitt handsome?

Because the features that are attractive on a human face are the features that point to health, strength and intelligence. Your genes literally advertise themselves to the world using your face. That's all your face is. It's not random, it's a physical manifestation of your genetic code.
peg shaped lateral incisors are common among Mongoloid peoples, so hers indicate Hungarian or Finnish origins
But Brad Pitt tuned out to be a bad father.
In what way? Are his children genetically poor?
He only had one biological child who's a FTM troon, so I'd say yes.
I m ugly
I'm not sure based on that alone, would need more details. Trannies are primarily a social contagion.
If he is some based aryan warrior he should be able to resist troons and their influence. Either he sold out for money or is wicked himself, either way not looking good.
Phenotype meaning skin, eye, and hair color very important. Physiognomy less so .
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Phenotype is everything. I am ugly and goblina like thanks to having a pseudo pajeet phenotype. If it were completely Iberian it would be noticeably more attractive.
"Resisting troons" isn't a matter of binary genetic quality. Being receptive to social pressures and apparent community demands isn't a straight up bad thing, ie it's not necessarily his fault that the society he's in is dogshit. Still, would need to know more.
God, imagine being so pathetic that you are apologetic for such an obviously genetically failed person just because of his looks. Just let him fuck you in the ass already.
I have no idea what he looks like. You appear to not know what the word "genetic" means, because being part of some social faction has almost no bearing on it.
H E double hockey-sticks.
Your ability to cognitively discern the society you live in is genetic since it relates to the brain. It also relates to character, which is connected to he brain. I mean I can understand if you live in some isolated tribe in the amazon perhaps your ability to make judgements from old and new ideas is limited, but an American born in the 20th century has no excuse to support troonism or adopt a million brown kids while having none of your own. Clear biological failure.
I'm not convinced, since celibate social classes are a long-established part of some societies, including the Aryan warrior ones you mentioned, funnily enough. Functionally speaking being a troon isn't worse than being a monk, it's just more unpleasant. Monks are also genetic dead ends but their genetics are not bad for it, often the opposite.
His "son" ain't no monk. And neither is he.
It's functionally comparable. Instinctively he can't know whether being a tranny is actually useful or not, his surroundings signal to him that he should become one. Monks were often not quite voluntary as well.
tits or gtfo
Those are extreme circumstances.
I assumed its actual gender was male, apparently it is not. That was an assumption based on the wording used by the person I was talking to.
am i the only one who sees a little mediterranean in her?
She’s Irish jeeta/travelhair
That’s like all women nowadays buncha attention seeking narcissists
why does she look like an actual fox. As in the literal animal.
zodiac signs for autists who don’t understand genetics.
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When some new disease sweeps through the tribe you cannot say "that's not fair, we have never encountered such a disease until now", nature has her final say. Likewise it does not matter if he has a perfectly genetically sculpted Chad face if he has the mind of a soiboy and susceptibility to decadence and degeneracy. As frustrating and bizarre as this element of our reality is, with men like Brad Pitt becoming corrupted by the success of vvestern civilization and allowing their insane wives to coax theirs sons into trooning out, it is real and something we just have to deal with.
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We're all Indo-European anon
Where do I find a woman like this? I want my wife to look like that.
She looks very Irish to me
Why do pajeets always think redheads are automatically irish?
Why are her incisors so pointed, is that surgery?
USA, Canada, Europe, Austrlia. You know, White countries.
She looks retarded
im in love bros...
These are two sisters that "run a saw mill" on YouTube for millions of simps to watch. It's harmless and they're hot, but kinda dopey as a result of never having had to develop a personality due to said hotness. Genetic lottery winners though. No doubt about that.
This is their mother.
>Genetic lottery winners though.
They are sticc-mode tho.
please elaborate
Some people have it. Mine are not only pointed but also long.
>anon posts trailer trash
>enitre board goes insane
channel name?
>trailer trash
So incredibly far off the mark. Tell us where you're from so we can ridicule it.
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strange lookin gal
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>black tank top with writing on it
>cheap $15 drug store hair dye
>fucked up teeth
>hot pink lip gloss and nails as an adult
>no frenulum (fetal alcohol syndrome)
>trash, power lines, and industrial equipment in the background
trailer trash, its for certain
Yeah, your radar is off my ESL friend. These are very clearly post-hippie new age upper classers. 90% or better chance the girls were home schooled.
If you watch the channel their home and lifestyle indicates as such.
"upper class" people don't homeschool their kids, trailerparkanon.
>How important are phenotypes, really?
How important is money really?
How important are genes really?
How important is dying from cancer really?
>Why do pajeets always think redheads are automatically irish?
Why do pajeets automatically think people with dyed red hair magically become Irish?
>"upper class" people don't homeschool their kids, trailerparkanon.
They often do because they have the time shitskin anon. This isn't India we're talking about here.
Sheer ignorance.
I would rate them as middle class rather than upper class. Small business owners are middle class. Their sawmill and lumber yard doesn't look big enough in scale for upper class.
They do not. They send their kids to Philips Andover or Philips Exeter. If they're upper middle to private day schools or live in a zip code where taxes make it in effect a private day school. Middle class regular public school in a decent zip or religious private school even if not religious. Below that it's anything goes.
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Big sawmill owners are not "upper class". You backwoods retards are out of your element here. Having a couple million dollars doesn't make you "upper class".
Big sawmill owners are well beyond "a couple million dollars" in net worth.
Making two million dollars a year is absolutely upper class. You're thinking of the levels beyond upper class. The actual rich.
It isn't about money dipshit. It's about where you came from/who your family is. You can be a rich yokel and not fit in at the New York Yacht Club, and you can be a broke artist and fit in perfectly well. It's about education, upbringing, connections, tastes, and more. You can't buy your way into it. A rich NFL linebacker isn't upper class. Highest you can get on money alone is upper middle.
They do, You're a shitskin.
You can tell just by looking at them they are fundies of some sort.
>A rich NFL linebacker isn't upper class. Highest you can get on money alone is upper middle.
Lol, that doesn't make any fucking sense you idiot.
You're confusing elites with upper class.
And wtf is with the "money alone" statement?
You're not talking about the upper class. You're talking about old money.
That said, these people might be closer than you think to the old money classes. Or at least are more respected by them when they cross paths.
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I'm a wasp, trying to explain this to you, presumably some sort of Irish or Italian.
They are not. See pic related. Hers is 100% smooth.
You're a moron, and this is a subject you know absolutely nothing about. "heeee haww rich people got tons a time unlike me digging ditches 100 hours a week, must home school with all that free timme yessir"
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She has a star of david tattoo so...
I'm fairly certain you've never interacted with any "upper class" people anon.
embarrassing post tbqh
It’s funny that you can tell someone is a leftie faggot just by looking at their face
It seems he got triggered by the usage of the words "upper class" and can't understand any further contextualization of what anons are referring to. A sign of low birth and lack of education.
I would assume anyone who works in the trades in the USA is very right wing. And working a lumber yard is about as tradie as it gets.
>implying I'm triggered when I'm arguing with 5 flyover retards at once, who got mad I called their trailertrash-waifu out
Hello shitskin anon...
"upper class" means at least making twice the average income of the country.
>>implying I'm triggered when I'm arguing with 5 flyover retards at once, who got mad I called their trailertrash-waifu out
You're a forever online autistic shitskin that speaks in memes.
I'm white, went to a school that looks like picrel, and I'm trying to explain social class to you anon. But you're just not getting it into that tiny little pea brain you've got that was designed for ditch digging and lumber hauling.
You are reverting to /pol/speak, because that's the only up you have in the world, thinking even though you live in a mobile home littered with PBR cans and shovel shit all day and coom to trailertrash waifus like OPs, at least you're not brown.
You're an idiot who got triggered over the phrase upper class and your own mental definition of it not fitting the actual definition.
You really think someone whose family owns a sawmill and lumber yard is going to be living in a trailer?
>I'm white, went to a school that looks like picrel
Aha, and autistics like you are pathological liars who love living imaginary lives online?

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