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/his/ - History & Humanities

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>Daddy, if Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's only children, how did they make more babies? Did they make babies with their mother?
>Or with each other?
>Your mouth is hopin' for a soapin', boy. Now stop asking silly questions and go kill your brother.
Seth was Adam and Eve’s third child
for 1st several generations, God turned off the incest settings, the later turned them back on
OG humans had longer lifespans and were overall more resilient gigachad and ripped as fuck able to survive in their own without civilization but repeated bottlenecks in population lead to post-deluvians who are basically what pugs are to wolfs
Presumably god created other people after Adam and Eve. An old chestnut of criticism towards biblical literalism is the bible suddenly speaking of Cain having a wife without any acknowledgment of where she came from, and Cain protesting God's curse saying that as a sojourner he will be attacked by other people. So God gives him the mark of Cain, which forbids others from laying a hand on him. Who are these others that Cain is so afraid of? The bible doesn't tell us, just that they apparently exist.
If you are a Christian, what about Acts 17:26
>From one he made all peoples to inhabit the whole earth
Meaning he's pretty much a second Adam, being everyone's grandfather?

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