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Literally happy ever after peace in Europe forever good ending if this was in place
Unless this involves exterminating the Serbs, then it's not something that could last.
No point in creating an "ideal borders" map if you don't also explain how you're going to implement those borders
make Dalmazia Italian
Hitler had the most ethnically accurate borders. Also the best solution would have been Habsburgs creating a new idenity similar to the British identity and keep the whole thing together as a constitutional kingdom. Market of 50 million, no commies, no nazis, no ethnic violance... augh...
Yes except
>half of Bohemia and Moravia was German
>Slovenia was more German than Italian, so should either be independent or part of Germany (Slovenes are basically Austrians/Bavarians who speak a funny slav language anyway)
>Yugoslavia is still going to blow up anyway, might as well make independent Croatia and Serbia
Hungary is occupying too much land not inhabited by Hungarians
Isn't Romania occupying too much land inhabited by Hungarians?
File: happy end.png (82 KB, 493x335)
82 KB
No, pic related is happy ever after.
Honestly the Second Vienna Award was a rather solid way to split it up.
>Slovenia was more German than Italian
Slovenia (unlike Istria) isn't and wasn't Italian in any way. Not ethnically, not linguistically.
Giving Slovenia to Italy (or Germany) would have required a genocide and full-scale replacement migration

OP is either insane or has never been to that corner of Europe
Not really no
>Germany exists
Dude, they are called the eternal destroyers of Europe for a reason.
>Yugoslavia going to explode
>exploitable unrests in Italian Slovenia
>Hungry is going to chimp out over Slovakia
>Romania is going to chimp out over Dracula land
>the Ukraine exists as an independent nation
>Poland exists at all
>German majorities outside of Germany, with Germany strong enough to do something about it
I wouldnt even give it two decades
Austria being explicitly forbidden from joining Germany after the war against both peoples' wishes was such bullshit and the purest demonstration of how the whole "self-determination" shpil was just a front for weakening one's enemies.
>So Germany lost the war and was going to gain land?
1. They lost more land that they cared about elsewhere.
2. Losers being compensated in some form was common, dare I say the norm throughout all of history, especially in Great Power conflicts. The World War(s) just broke everyone's brain.
Adolf Hitler may have never found the power vacuum he needed to become dictator had the Allies recognised German Austria, and allowed it to become one with Germany
Why would Italy genocide the Slovenese exactly?
Romania has a lot of ethnic Hungarians though.
Bull fucking shit. The spirits of the oligarchs wanted war. The soul of the hidden hand was consumed by bloodlust
To replace them with people who speak Italian, which is necessary to be functional citizens of the Italian state
Agree Slovenia shouldn't be in Italy, but it was part of Austria for almost 1000 years, and Slovenes are culturally Austrian and the whole country looks like Austria, so it might as well go with Austria into Germany with some sort of protected status for the Slovene language or something.
>Happy end
You so silly.

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