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America lost the civil war.
if the confederacy was so good they shouldn’t have lost then.
The civil war is really the first official internal dispute among the freemasons. The next one was WW2. They are both fabricated, since the 2 parties are actually the same.
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Please say more. Interested (Obviously for wealthy financiers and industrialists, war is fantastic business opportunity).
Civil wars are definitionally inpossible
Away down south in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and alligators,
Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away.
Where cotton's king and men are chattels,
Union boys will win the battles,
Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away.

We're marching down to Dixie,
Away, away,
Those Dixie boy must understand
That he Will Face the Wrath of Uncle Sam
Nah, civil wars are common, although only a few of them become famous: the Russian one, the English one, the American one, etc.

But in fact they happen all the time, in fact my country had a civil war so brief that hardly anyone remembers it. And sometimes they are outright censored out of history books
I thought they controlled the government and prevented blacks from succeeding?
what happened did they lose or are non-Whites successful in the US?
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>Slaver merchant and Jewish run government
The Confederacy was globohomo 1.0 and it's annihilation preserved the USA.
>listening to the reddit version


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