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European GDP per capita by 1750
I don't believe any of that
>it doesn't suit my narrative therefore it's not real!!!
source anyway:
>random twitter post
I knew it.Most economic claims before the 1860's are complete speculation and the work of lunatics
>Spain richer than both Germany and France
Weird though, I though Spain was a shithole far beyond any recovery by the mid 18th century according to some people here
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Why are you squealing?
Here's a demographic map, might be relevant too. France was the top dog in Europe not because it was rich but because of its demography.
>posts fake stats
>gets called out
Cry about it
Before the Industrial Revolution, countries with a milder climate had an advantage in terms of agricultural wealth

Medieval India was almost certainly wealthier than medieval Europe
I really really dislike seeing the Ottoman Empire so deep in Europe.
I think Muslim Spain worked better than Muslim Balkans
Per capita I'm sure it wasn't
Muslim Spain was what it's called : Spain, but with Muslim Iberians. Until the Almoravid at least.
The Ottoman were an alien force exerting an oppresive control over european ethnic groups.
What happened to South Italians after that?
South Italy was doing fine as long as the game was about pre-industrial goods (i.e. oil, wine, wheat, seafood, citrus fruits, fabrics, timber etc.)

It was impossible for them to industrialise, however, due to a combination of their lazy character and the absence of important resources such as coal and iron
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It's over for Germshits. They have only been on top for 200 years tops and their civilization is already collapsing. Eternal inferior albino aborigines compared to MED BVLLS.
Switzerland was poor/average for most of history
Montenegro was Africa tier until well into 19th century, completely reliant on raids and aid from Russia and Serbia for food while Vojvodina was military frontier full of swamps, there's no way they were on par with and Hungary and Poland let alone Western Europe.
Why not and where are you from?
Gold is a pre-industrial good, perhaps one of the most important ones, and north Italy (Venice) dominated that too. And before Venice, the Byzantine empire.
Why are you cheering on the demise of Germans when your own society is experiencing the same problems and is poorer?
Godverdomme word eens wakker het is theater
no natural resources
If Russia used to have the same number of people as France or Austria-Hungary, where did all those people they now have, come from?
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1. Because germshits are our racial enemies
2. We're still far behind you when it comes to rapes and stabbing
these posts have to be troll, Germans and Latins have never been enemies, Arabs and Christians have
>Germans and Latins have never been enemies
Roman Germanic wars
Anglo Spanish wars
80 years war
Before the Bolshevik revolution Russian fertility rate was abnormally high. It was decreased by widespread access to abortions(in some years more kids were scrubbed than were born) until various modernising drives kicked in and it went into nosedive. Iirc if not for the USSR there would be around 200 million more ethnic Russians.
What was the GDP of the American colonies in 1750?
>Germans and Latins have never been enemies
what even is unit of measurement?
3000 of what?
Here's the paper it's from, probably better to give that than some random twitter link
i just saw the tweet seetle downlittle man
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>crete is green

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