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Excerpts from the Pocket guide to West Africa (1943), issued to American soldiers during WWII
>African women, like women everywhere, should be treated with respect; they have husbands and sweethearts who will resent your meddling with them.
i don't get Americans and Brits. what is wrong with taking a little fun from women in country you're occupying? they should be thankful to your army for liberating them.
Liberating them from who?
Britain and France WERE the colonizers in West Africa, not the Axis.
Don't you have a Ukrainian village to napalm now, Sergei?
Can't believe the army went woke all the way back then.
Buckbroken by the Saxons

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women on such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.

It's crazy how for the americans any notion of moral authority or morality is built upon purely superficial grounds. Like "raping and pillaging occupied countries is bad because it tarnishes the reputation of our country" not because it's barbaric and inhuman and inherently despicable behaviour. All americans are like this. Their identity is tied to a sense of morality that's completely artificial. Also it's laughable that this pamphlet shoes that americans were just as retarded then as they are now

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