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/his/ - History & Humanities

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So i was watching the tasting history episode of viking funeral and he talked about the killing of a servant to die with her master and it got me thinking about these kings and emperors and whathaveyou and how they were all terified of death. These were conquerors and they killed thousands and thousands without blinking an eye. But when it came to their own mortality they were all scared shitless. Many of them didnt seem to be able to cope with death and was obsessed with immortality. And when death was near, it seems dying by themselves wasnt enough so others had to die with them too.
How do we allow these absolute cowards to rule over us?
Ps anyone who hasnt should watch that episode its really sad
how do you know they were terrified of death? A follower or a wife of a man following him even into death seems more like the ultimate sign of devotion to me
Are you retarded
Look at the Jews. They openly brag about how they would nuke everyone if anyone did anything to them.

Of course, we all know that won't save them. Israel doesn't have enough nukes to wipe out mountainous countries with underground bunker loads of arms. Conventional arms alone can wipe Israel off the map, when the time for it comes. The day Israel is on its knees, you're not going to see many nukes flying. Their leadership and public alike will choose to be allowed to live and leave the region than actually go through mutual destruction where they're exterminated whole. They'll fly out and sail out in droves. Look at all those that left over the last year alone and this war hardly even effects the average Israeli.

Israel only exists as an embezzlement and ponzi scheme for its leaders and oligarchs, and the average Jew moved to Israel for free handouts and land. When that tap runs dry most of them won't even want to stay. They still have the rest of the world to plunder.
Kys and stop shitting up my thread
It was a perfectly relevant post (leadership, greed, mutual death, modern examples), but thanks for exposing yourself.
You didn't want discussion. You wanted a psyop, didn't you? Kike
Bringing your personal property to the next life makes perfect sense
great argument. You may have a very distorted view on how ancient people dealt with death. Turn off your modern pespective for a bit or you will never understand anything about history

Post 5 examples of them openly bragging about that or admit you're mentally ill and let the designated shitting board quite litterally rot your brain.
Lmao shut the fuck up retard
Wanting to kill is just completely different from wanting to die.
>Post 5 examples of them openly bragging about that or admit you're mentally ill and let the designated shitting board quite litterally rot your brain.
You could try searching the archives of this very website, cuck.
That is openly bragged about by Jews and have been for decades. It's practically the only justification they give for their nukes. All while telling other people (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya) not to get nukes.
Can you take your jew boogey man to another thread?
>So i was watching the tasting history episode of viking funeral and he talked about the killing of a servant to die with her master
the historical source for this is an islamic traveller and chronicler who went to what is now modern day russia, interacted with the locals, and reportedly observed a funeral where a slave girl was killed at her master's funeral. These were russians doing this, they their culture is believed to have been heavily "norseified" at the time, and so people look for parallels between the practices of the rus and the vikings. In Volsungs heroic material, we know that Brynhildar killed herself and a whole bunch of her servants when the hero and her lover Sigurthr died so that they could all be reunited in the afterlife. People see this and assume that human sacrification was common at norse funerals, and that the reason the russians were doing it is because of the influence of norse culture at the time. If this is true, then it appears to be less so that rulers were killing their subjects after they died, and more so that people wanted to join the ruler in death of their own volition, so I don't think fear of death really factors into this. Norse rulers were extremely fatalistic, and wouldn't have really harbored any delusions about achieving immortality. Odin has a line in the Havamal about how a coward can keep himself alive with weapons, but old age won't bring him any peace, or something like that.
this was, at least in theory, why the romans had gladiatorial games. They were meant to not just be blood sport, but to provide examples of how to die well.

according to 23andme my maternal ancestors built this. im white and european btw.
For a peasant death is not a big deal because life is hard and dull, for a king you know how good life can be so you’re afraid. Also intelligent people tend to be more afraid of death

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