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/his/ - History & Humanities

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How would history be different if another species of homo survived somewhere and was discovered by explorers?
Depends on whether it's intelligent enough to understand language or not
We already discovered black people and aboriginal australians
We'd give them smartphones and get them addicted to internet porn.
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>another species of homo
>another species
Racist, we're all human
Our collective monkey brains would activate and we would KILL them all. There can only be homo sapiens.
It would go something like this
They’d regularly riot and burn down cities and fail to adapt to modern society
It would be an ontological shock
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>How would history be different if another species of homo survived somewhere and was discovered by explorers?
That happened a lot of times, negros, australian aboriginals, pacific islanders, south east asians, etc.

Calling those types of things humans in the same category of whites is genuinely a form of mental illness.
If anything, blacks have the most claim to being human. They were the first after all.
Monkeys are the real humans then
If monkeys could consistently breed fertile offspring with humans than yeah
they are called snow monkeys (whites and Timmies) and they discovered they were when they set shores on the peoples they conquered
those are called africans
>He doesn't know
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>another species of homo survived
They did. Blacks are a different species.

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