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1836 = 2001 - The Alamo was their 9/11.
The Indian Wars and The Mexican American War were their Wars on Terrorism.
1843 = 2008 - The longest and deepest depression in the 19th century. It was a period of pronounced deflation and massive defaults on debt. The Cleveland Trust Company Index showed the economy spent 68 months below its trend, and only nine months above it, and declined 34.3% during this depression.
William Rockefeller Sr. was their Donald Trump. - Rockefeller was an American businessman, lumberman, herbalist, salesman, and con artist who went by the alias of Dr. William Levingston. He worked as a lumberman and then a traveling salesman who identified himself as a "botanic physician" and sold elixirs. He was known to buy and sell horses, and was also known at one point to have bought a barge-load of salt in Syracuse. Land speculation was another type of his business, and the selling of elixirs served to keep him with cash and aided in his scouting of land deals. He loaned money to farmers at twelve percent, but tried to lend to farmers who could not pay so as to foreclose and take the farms.
1855 = 2020 - A worldwide cholera pandemic claims countless lives.
Joe Biden = James Buchanan - Woefully inept president who was the second oldest president to be elected, but at the end of his presidency became the oldest president of all time in 1860.
Tensions reached a fever pitch in the 1850's as new political standards were formed, such as fights breaking out in the House of Representatives and the contested appointments of Speakers of the House. Does this mean that 2024 is 1860, which means that 2025 is 1861? Which, in turn, means Kamala Harris is our Abraham Lincoln?

Another option is that 2025 is 1941, but I haven't done the math on that one yet.
No clue why you're trying to equate modern events and people to those of the antebellum period. Even if there are some parallels between now and then, I don't get where you're going with this. Are you saying a civil war is imminent? Are we on the verge of a social and economic overhaul similar to freeing the slaves? You can compare the present day with any era if you try hard enough but what is really valuable are the lessons you take away and the predictions you make. What are those?
I think either civil war is imminent or world war 3 is imminent. I hope I'm wrong though.
Let's hope that's the case then we'll have a good reason to have national divorce and leave the United States of Haiti. If seceding from the so-called "union" makes me a bad guy I'm proud to proclaim the 2nd confederacy. You libtards have only yourself to blame for the coming civil war. I don't want war but if you litbards want war, you're gonna get one for opening the borders and for bringing socialism to this country.
And for the record I'm not calling for violence or war. Just saying if Kamala Harris becomes Marxist dictator, the country is over.
I'm not a libtard. I hate Haitians as much as the next man. I also hate Lincoln because the first civil war never should have happened. As human beings on planet earth, the south had a right to secede.
The idea that democrats are marxists is absolutely laughable. They're fat cat capitalists who want commercial health insurance to be mandatory.
>The idea that democrats are marxists is absolutely laughable.
They support transgender, grooming kids at libraries, open borders, and want to murder babies after birth, that's Marxism, that's communism, that's socialism, that's Engels, that's Castro, that's what they want. They're marxists.
No, everything you just described is liberalism, not socialism, marxism or communism. Those are all economic systems.
Let me just say: whether or not war is imminent, you are not going to find out by simply tacking together 1:1 comparisons of events and people. As humans we are compelled to draw connections and recognize patterns but we must use critical thinking to sort out what patterns are correlational and which are causative.

Harris and the Democrats are Neoliberal Capitalists. In Europe they would be a centrist or right-leaning party. Gender shit & abortion/natal care have nothing to do with Marx or Communism. You need to pull your head out of those MAGA echo chambers sometime.
No that's Marxism. Open borders which Kamala Harris is for is a marxist concept, and she supports abortion along with Comrade Tim Walz who gives out free tampons to the kids. They support big government programs and Marxist transgender shit.
>Pull your head out of those MAGA echo-chambers sometime
And you need to stop believing everything the fake news media tells you. They are grooming kids, they are eating the pets, they are aborting babies and they do support Marxism. It's in their playbook.
I know the importance of skepticism and I don't believe everything the mainstream news tells me. I don't trust them any more than i trust any other giant corporation. I also don't believe the sensationalist news with no evidence. Kids aren't pretending to be cats in schools. Haitians aren't eating people's pets. It's all drummed up for the culture war to split the American people against each other.

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