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File: GDJrlI-WUAACwqF.jpg (49 KB, 896x765)
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It sounds a lot like this "antichrist" is a hero and someone who will actually make some change in the world and destroying the parasites. And his opponents, Christians, are content to sit around waiting for Jesus to come save them instead of making that change themselves and fixing their societies (while still complaining about it on 4cuck of course)
You should kill yourself immediately

You are kind of right.
The antichrist will try to create heaven on earth, like the French revolutionaries of Robespierre or like communists who dream of the society at the end of history with no nations, social classes, private property, state, prisons, family ties etc. He will be a Utopian.
But humans, whenever they try to build heaven on earth, can only build hell on earth.
would he even know he's the anti-christ then? would he have genuine good intentions?
>But humans, whenever they try to build heaven on earth, can only build hell on earth.
The world was pretty good from 1945-1990.
If I had to make an educated guess, it could be something like in Dune. Paul, by ingesting spice melange, became a servant of the sandworms, which were demons, and he couldn't piece together that his visions of the future where the worms projecting their agenda for humanity telepathically through him.

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