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Why does this president in particular get accused of being a blood drinking child sacrificing illuminati satanist and the epitome of all evil? The people cursing him are all conservative truther types too so his Republican values should be more aligned with theirs yet they seem to despise him the most out of all presidents.
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The subset of people who identify as Republicans but also see the American presidents as the Satanic child-murdering puppets of the Jews that they really are is vanishingly small and they would suffer from a lot of cognitive dissonance.
Where does someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene and her followers fit in then? They talk about the child-sacrificing elites but are also hardcore Trumpers?
Because he was head of the CIA. Plus most Republican voters hate the Bushes in general now.
He was in Dallas.
Controlled opposition for 85 IQ boomer proles with schizoid tendencies
Trump is beloved because he isn't controlled opposition like most of the GOP.
because he was a boring competent administrator and not the type of entertaining entrepreneurial grifter that wraps himself in retarded conspiracy theories and an endless stream of deafening vitriolic drama that modern conservative voters are infatuated with
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Yes, faggot?
>t. "blumpf was blackmailed into being a top KGB agent because putler has secret VHS tapes of drumpf being peed on by russian hookers"
What's a truther? Anyway Bush is a member of a secret organization with ancient ties to the Illuminati called skull & bones or Order 322. In fact both Kerry and Bush were. So during at least one election, both candidates were Order 322 controlled.

Watch the clip, it's short.

This guy had like a 10 in INT but a 0 in CHR no wonder he jobbed to Clinton
Bombing terrorists, russians and serbs is a good thing inbred browncel
Lol mad qboomer
Trump is tied so deep into Israeli child rape blackmail operations that he is basically an employee of the Israeli civil service. You won't get any decreases in immigration under Trump because his Jewish employers want White people replaced.

Have the latest qdrop?
>In 2023, Randi Lucile Nord, a MintPress News staff writer,[56][55] admitted to spray-painting a swastika and the word "Azov" (in reference to the Azov Regiment) on a synagogue in Royal Oak, Michigan, in order to undermine United States support to Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[57]
damn straight he was
>implying anyone thinks that Bill "the Bane of Belgrade" Clinton didn't bomb anyone
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Not even you believe that.
But Trump supports defunding the Ukraine war and and shifting all weapons exports to Israel
thank you for coming and sharing all these awesome pics of THE DON with us boomerbro
Unlike you I'm not 12 years old and I have lived through the 1st Trump administration where mass replacement went on unimpeded, niggers burned down half the country and Israel got whatever it wanted.
America would be vastly improved if we did bombing runs on the beltway instead.
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>I asked my editor, what is RT’s line for this [Brexit], and he said: Anything that causes chaos is RT’s line. (Participant20, 2019)
>lists things (You) casued
>blames trump for it
you're jewish, arent you
How come Trump calls for the suspension of the constitution? Do qboomers have some sort of theological doctrine where Trump became the constitution in a new covenant?
Kamala hates Israel and is against the Jewish people
A vote for Trump is a vote to preserve israel
He's right but the enemies are magacultists not dah jooos or transes
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How do you deal with the cognitive dissonance of supporting an open Israeli agent? Jews own all of the politicians, it should only be Jews who vote in their fake system.
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>lists things (You) casued
>blames trump for it
you're jewish, arent you
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qboomer mental breakdown, not even trying to make sense anymore.
You are brown
Will Republicans ever get to elect a normal president again ?
It seems like the party nowadays has no long-term future, they haven't won the popular vote since 2004, and is becoming ever more dependent on Trump
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define "normal"
Competency, Statemanship, Integrity
>they haven't won the popular vote since 2004
Including downballot races 2016 was an overwhelming landslide.
Our elections have been fortified since then.
>Including downballot races 2016 was an overwhelming landslide.

I think that isn't stated often enough, but Nixon's '72 landslide was known even at the time as an empty victory since Democrats remained solidly in control of Congress.
Yeah, it was even called a head without a body, because he even lost some important senate seats and governorships
Trump is a kabbalist so spiritually jewish for all purposes. He also weds his kids off to jews.
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Are you fucking stupid?
Nixon had a lot of crossover votes from mainstream Democrats who rejected McGovern but those voters still voted Democrat in the downballot races.
it's over for them. they'll become increasingly irrelevant, increasingly more fanatical trumpcult, after trump dies they'll continue worshipping him, possibly being inherited by don jr or barron. democrats will split into 2 and become the new relevant parties of america.
funny how you think weimerica will last until 2028
when trump leaves the rhino's will take over again, just like after '64
The truthers used to be lefty conspiracists
He was the last real politician to hold that office
1990 immigration act
You live in an alternate universe. Trump revived a dying party.

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