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Donald Middlebrooks, Tammy Middlebrooks, and Robert Brewington were convicted of the racially motivated torture-death of a black teenager in Tennessee in 1987. That April 26, a Sunday, Kerrick Majors, 14, and four friends went to Gallatin Road in East Nashville. In the early evening they ran into a table covered in items that belonged to three homeless white youths--Donald Middlebrooks, 24, his 17 year old wife Tammy, and a 16 year old friend named Robert Brewington, who was a teen runaway. They had been setting up a flea market to sell the various items. As the four black kids approached the table, Tammy told them to go away and leave the items alone. During the ensuing ruckus, a vase was knocked over and broken. Majors and his buddies ran for it and were chased down by the trio.
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They caught Majors and Brewington grabbed him. Majors resisted and remarked that they knew Brewington's name. The latter yelled racial slurs at him. Two of Majors's friends saw Donald Middlebrooks and Brewington take the 14 year old back to the table and hit him across the face, knocking him to the ground. Majors's friends later told his mother and she called police. Meanwhile, Majors was taken to a wooded area out back of a drug store on Gallatin Road and tied up there. Tammy guarded him while the other two went looking for his friends but came back after failing to locate them. They ordered Majors to undress and then tortured him for hours. He was slapped, punched with brass knuckles, beaten with a stick, and urinated on. Tammy burned his nose with a cigarette light. An X was carved into his chest with a knife. Majors was then stabbed in the chest with a military issue combat knife. The 14 year old died of his injuries.

After Deborah Majors called police, an officer came to her house and filed a missing persons report but no attempt at finding her son was made. The officer's supervisor did not bother driving to her house and the responding officer did not bother interviewing the boy's friend although he was a witness to the initial assault. Since the police failed to do anything, Majors's family and friends decided to look for him themselves. The next morning Deborah went to a juvenile court to report that her son disappeared. The court listened him as a runaway and said they had nobody free and available to look her her son. After one of his friends got out of school that afternoon, the friend, Majors's mother, grandfather, and brother all began looking for him.
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At 3:30 PM on the afternoon of April 27, they found Major's nude body lying face-up in a dry creek bed under a foam mattress in the woods. The body bore evidence of the tortures inflicted on him. Two large stab wounds were found in his chest, which were later determined to be the cause of death. On April 28, police met with Brewington at a donut shop after he called and asked to meet them there. He told them that the Middlebrookses had been involved in the murder, but maintained his own innocence. Brewington also showed the cops where the knife used to stab Majors was and where they could find Donald and Tammy. They were arrested in a shack several hours later and were not cooperative. Tammy tried to run but was chased down and arrested while Donald refused to leave the shack. He was taken down with a K9 unit and treated at a hospital for dog bites before being jailed.

Donald and Robert both blamed each other for the murder. The former said Majors was killed in a Satanic ritual and that Brewington beat, gagged, sodomized, and stabbed Majors. He did however admit to stabbing him once. In jail, Brewington and Middlebrooks were assaulted and threatened by black inmates. To get protection, Middlebrooks faked a suicide attempt and was moved to the Metro Jail.
On May 8, Metro Police Chief Joe Casey suspended two officers for negligence in investigating the disappearance of Majors. Sgt. Robert Graves received a month's suspension without pay and Officer Bob Swisher got 20 days suspension without pay. Even so, it was agreed that Majors was already dead when the police were called, so he couldn't have been saved in any case. Majors's grandfather was insulted and believed both officers should be fired. He also argued that they would not have been this negligent and disinterested in the case if Majors was white. Casey insisted Graves and Swisher were merely guilty of incompetence and not racism. One year later, Majors's parents sued the Metro government for $2 million in damages. The police department admitted that their response had been dilatory but at the same time it was too late to save their son. However, the autopsy of Majors showed that he lived for some time before succumbing to his injuries.

Brewington was tried and found guilty of kidnapping, robbery, and murder and sentenced to life in prison; as he was 17 when the crime was committed, he could not be sentenced to death. He did not take the stand in his own defense. Tammy Middlebrooks pled guilty to being an accomplice to murder and got 17 to life; as she was 16 when the crime was committed, she was similarly spared from the death penalty. Donald Middlebrooks was found guilty of kidnapping and first degree murder and sentenced to death; he reportedly fully expected this. Majors's father John said "I think it was one of the most fair things I've seen done in this town on behalf of a black person. Sometimes we, as blacks, do not expect justice." John Majors admitted he had generally opposed capital punishment as it was disproportionately meted out on black defendants, but he was surprised at the state's vigor in prosecuting his son's killers.
The state supreme court tossed Middlebrooks's death sentence in 1992 on a technicality. A re-trial began October 2, 1995 in which the prosecution argued Middlebrooks was a racist and it was a hate crime as he'd called Majors racial slurs. One of Majors's friends claimed he said to him "Shut up, nigger!" Middlebrooks supposedly told him he was a KKK member and had once punched a black man in the face for speaking to him. Middlebrooks's half-sister denied that he was a racist and he had had black friends as a child. The second trial ended in Middlebrooks being sentenced to death again and his conviction was upheld by a state appeals court.

As of 2023, Donald Middlebrooks remains on Tennessee's death row awaiting execution.
glad they did put these crackers away but fuck those pig ass racist cops who deliberately didn't take the disappearance of a black kid seriously
Ok? Who cares. Blacks torture and kill whites all the time. Put it on video too. Several blacks tortured a mentally disabled white kid on video not even that long ago. Blacks pulled a white guy out of his truck and kicked his head even while unconscious. I don't care about Blacks anymore and you guys have to go back decades to even hope to find a bad case....
>and you guys have to go back decades to even hope to find a bad case.
not OP but the board rules state 1999 and earlier so if there's more recent cases of white on black attacks they can't be posted on /his/ anyway
Fuck off LBJfag.
crying underaged /pol/timmy post
>In jail, Brewington and Middlebrooks were assaulted and threatened by black inmates
good. eat shit, KKKrackas.

Thanks for the gooning material
>Put it on video too
In that one incident most of those found guilty received prison terms.
I don't want nigglets touching my stuff, do you?
>murder happened almost 40 years ago and this fag is still not executed
That's 4x as long as Kerrick got to live.
>Tammy told them to go away and leave the items alone. During the ensuing ruckus, a vase was knocked over and broken. Majors and his buddies ran for it and were chased down by the trio.
Sounds like they started attacking, a fight ensued, and it was self defense. Also nothing wrong with associating with your own race
see >>17090798
TN suspended executions recently. Also it's not uncommon for there to be a delay, though it's less notable in conservative states.
>In 2023, Tennessee was debating about using firing squad.[10][11]
>In 2024, Tennessee saw moves to allow the death penalty for defendants convicted of child rape.[12] It passed the Tennessee House of Representatives with a 77-19-1 vote. and it passed the Tennessee Senate with 24-5.[13][14][15] Governor Bill Lee would sign the bill into law on May 2024.[16][17]

i wish that was true, anon
>In 2024, Tennessee saw moves to allow the death penalty for defendants convicted of child rape.[12] It passed the Tennessee House of Representatives with a 77-19-1 vote. and it passed the Tennessee Senate with 24-5.[13][14][15] Governor Bill Lee would sign the bill into law on May 2024
'Hol up, didn't the Supreme Court say you can't do that?
you mean Kennedy v. Louisiana? either they're retarded enough to not know that (quite likely since this is Tennessee and they're all inbred FAS victims) or they're trying to b8 a court challenge in the hope of getting it overturned.
The latter wouldn't surprise me. There's been a lot of rhetoric about executing pedos and rapists lately.
That was a settled issue 51 years ago (you can't execute people outside 1st degree murder).
some of these state legislatures are trying to b8 it since Roe repeal. but yes i believe that was a settled issue a long time ago.

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