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Is this a common opinion about the prodigal son parable?
Didn't early Christians focus on converting prostitutes and trying to save their babies? Christianity is the last religion you should convert to if you hate whores.
It should be. It is an unjust parable. Jesus never explains what happens next though, which if you aren't a retarded lawbreaker you'd think about and grasp. If the brother has spent his inheritance he will have to be the slave of the other brother. Any wealth he produces goes to the good brother. If he takes a wife and has children they belong to the good brother. A Hebrew can only be a slave for 6 years, after which they make a choice to stay or go. If they stay because they want to remain with their family an awl is put through their ear and they are slaves for life. If they're set free then they leave with nothing. So if you piss away God's mercy you'll end up a slave of the righteous.
I don’t like her because she fucks groids. It’s really simple.
I'm not Christian.
Only for extremely self-centered people
Christianity proving itself to be a cuckold ideology AGAIN.

>tee hee im done partying goy, time to accept me again :)
Oy vey, I guess I'll have to sacrifice a chicken and spin a dreidel now.
Without Christianity you would still be nothing more than a savage eating monkeys and stabbing each other in the jungle you ungrateful pinoy ape. I hope the communist Chinese genocide you “people” you deserve it
>. So if you piss away God's mercy you'll end up a slave of the righteous.
are you jewish by any chance?
Why is it right for the father to take his righteous son's inheritance away and give to the wicked brother more than half his share? In the parable the father prepares a feast for him to celebrate his return, but that doesn't mean the brother is going to get anything else. Is God unjust? Why would He say to the righteous som "All that is mine is yours" and then give more to the one who will destroy it? Does God rejoice in wickedness? Do the wicked and unjust inherit the Earth? Discern.
It wouldn't be unjust or wicked for the father to divide his property equally between the "good" son and the prodigal son. It's his to share and to divide as he sees fit.
The parable of the prodigal son is about repentance. As long as you truly repent and turn back to God, your sins will be forgiven and you shall be given a place in the kingdom of God. The last will be first, and the first will be last.
>Dad is a rube who let's his son scam him
>Christians: "So hecking deep!"
The absolute state of Hebrew literature.

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