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Why weren’t Arabs able to create art like Persians and Turks?
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Early Seljuk statue from 1038 AD
Palestinians are great artists, you are just thinking of the criminal clique which constitutes modern Jews.
Islamic iconoclasm
The only decent scans of Palestinian art that I have so far, more contributions would be greatly appreciated, I want to catalog their art before they get exterminated and their culture and history digitally is scrubbed from the internet by Jewish AI.
Not to do whataboutism but the same can be said about Germanics. Seljuk despite being nomadic peoples were able art in less 50 years of being settled while it took Germanics around until 1000+ years to do it
>The only decent scans of Palestinian art that I have so far, more contributions would be greatly appreciated, I want to catalog their art before they get exterminated and their culture and history digitally is scrubbed from the internet by Jewish AI.
Thanks for preserving the history. Someone should make a Reddit thread with the same blurb if it doesn't exist already.
* and Reddit sub.
I'm pro-Palestine but this is slop, people need to stop pretending artists are good just because they agree with them lol
Semites suffer from low iq, inbreeding etc
Turkic people are nomadic, they don’t have that type of art, if you’re talking about art done by people in the ottoman era they’re just locals who speak Turkish, I’m guessing that most of this good looking Persian art came in 1500s, at that same time the Arabs didn’t have a cultural power house and were under the ottomans, before that Arab and Persian art wasn’t much different
cope see >>17091028
sythicans also had art and were nomadic
nomadic people can produce many things
Ben Garrison absolutely mogs all of them.
why does that muslim art always look chinkish
Jews flood every space that has powerful and meaningful representational art with meaningless abstract culture-jamming.

I try to collect notable Palestinian pieces while cataloging for the Aryan Art threads on /pol/ but I can only do so much.
This isn't exactly high quality art
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>good looking Persian art came in 1500s
It depicted Turkic ruling class. Seljuks, Ilkhanids, golden hordes and early Ottomans look like >>17091021
But overtime native admixture become more dominant and they started to look like >>17092724
Those are some pretty mid paintings. I didn't even bother to see the rest of the stuff you posted.
It's also from just one artist. This doesn't tell anything about their people's artistic tradition (especially considering that this paintings are pretty westernized in style).
Iconoclasts can still make "icon-less" art, like abstract geometric art.
And even in this kind of art the Persians brutally mogged the Arabs.
Because it is.
Df? Are we suppose to assume that every 1 in 10 combatants were having their heads cleanly sliced off on the battlefield, aside from all having the same hair and moustache styles.
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The Arabs did have illustrations and were original in its' conception, unlike the Persian imitation of Chinese art brought on especially by the Mongol Ilkhanids. The Arabs create, the Persians imitate.
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Groan... not again
You're not very smart, are you?
You're.. not very smart... are you?
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Yeah sure those Arabs were so primit-*gulp, I take that back!
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>if you’re talking about art done by people in the ottoman era they’re just locals who speak Turkish
The Turks didn't just brainwash the locals, they mixed with them too
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Yeah bro, those fucking cavemen!
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Sure... they were such cavemen...
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Such hateful despicable creature, those Arabs...

Ilkhanids and golden hordes are mongols
those aren’t arabs you fuctard
yeah they're nordic.
weird how nordics did everything except europe
> The Sabaean language and similar languages used in some of the rival kingdoms were, like Arabic, Semitic languages. But they were not Arabs, differing in distinctive ways, according to Christian Robin, Director of Ancient Semitic Studies at France’s National Center for Scientific Research in Paris. Though the Sabaeans and others in the region are referred to today as South Arabians in the geographical sense, Robin says they cannot be considered, nor did they consider themselves to be, Arabs, as this implies that they spoke Arabic, which they did not.
neck yourself retard. also wasted digits
So Yemenis are not Arabs?
That fresco is Nabatean, clown
Ancient Yemenis weren't. They were South Arabians, who are just another branch of semites, more closely related to Ethiopian semites than to Arabs.
Modern Yemenis are arab mutts however, but that art is ancient.

There's a distinction between "Arab" (an ethnic group speaker of the Arabic language) and "Arabian" (the ones who inhabit the Arabian Peninsula, regardless of ethnicity).
For example: Modern Egyptians are Arabs, but not Arabians; Saudis are Arabian Arabs; Ancient Yemenis are Arabians, but not Arabs.
ancient yemenis in fact hated arabs and genocided them
>more closely related to ethiopnians
no south arabians are still more related to northern semites even linguistically but they’re not exactly arabs that’s true
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Both South Arabian and Ethiopian Semitic are part of the Southern Semitic branch. So at least linguistically they are closely related.

Genetically they are indeed closer to Arabs though.
>Ancient Yemenis weren't
So what happened that made the new Yemenis?
>Modern Yemenis are arab mutts
When did that happen? What about the Yemeni tribes that moved to Oman, hijaz, nejd, Syria and Iraq before Islam?
>Modern Egyptians are Arabs
At least half aren’t
>Ancient Yemenis are Arabians, but not Arabs.
This sounds extremely retarded
You're posting pre-islamic or shia shit.
So? Fatimd Arabs are still Arab. Pre-Islamic Arabs are still Arab.
The vast majority of Arabs are sunnis who hate art. You coping with shia and pre islamic shit doesn't change that
>So what happened that made the new Yemenis?
>When did that happen?
Some time between the last 1400 years
>At least half aren't
You get my point
>This sounds extremely retarded
It does, but it's true. I don't make the rules.
They did develop forms of art that were geometrical and calligraphic
no linguistically sabaean is more similar to aramaic than ethiopic
despite ethiopic coming from it
If you say so...
It's not what every linguist working on the field says about it.
not up my ass, i remember reading something about don’t know what it was

maybe it was related to this i haven’t checked

just sabaean tho not all south arabian languages
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Look up Abbasid and Umayyad art
They used to have better art then contemporary Franks

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