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Papuans and abos are based. But but but they have funny lookin' noses. Who gives a shit.

They are some of the most culturally diverse people in the world. They can teach us a lot. Like how to get off goyslop and corn syrup and retvrn to an indigenous diet.
Crazy how you can always tell these threads are made by attic dwling autists who have never interacted with the races they talk about irl
"if your not racist your a nerd"
You're allowed to make fun of them if you mog them physically, which all western men used to.
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>retvrn to an indigenous diet
they are literal cannibals, they were the inspiration for the stereotypical savage with a bone through their nose cooking europeans in a big pot, it was not based on negros but negritos
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They're superior to Angloids just for not eating goyslop like them
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71% of abos are overweight or obese, don't think you should take dietary advice from people who sniff petrol and sleep on roads
Huwhite man made them that way. Papuans still eating a natural diet.
Did you know that in Papuan tribes when a woman is pregnant, various men of the tribe will have sex with her everyday because they believe the unborn baby requires three meals of cum per day to survive?
Abbos made me realize that there are literally sub human(animals) out there
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>They can teach us a lot.

Papuans ate people until like '93, and even then they only did it at that year because the government could finally enforce "don't murder and eat your neighbor" as law. Granted, better access to pigs as livestock also helped.

This is also true: >>17092355
Papaun historically didn't 100% know how sex made babies: some of them held the idea that the more sex a woman had the more fertile she would be. I vaguely remember one tribe back in SE Papau had reached the 'zenith' of this tradition in that they were fucking their girls at such a young age, and so thoroughly, that they were making them infertile due to bruising and physical trauma.
Gay sex was also fairly endemic.
I don't know what the status on it is now, but in the past the boys would fuck each other constantly and only stop when they got married and had a wife to harass. The old men, the seniors, were also entitled to fuck boys.

>Abbos made me realize that there are literally sub human(animals) out there

My biggest takeaway from Australian Aborigines is that its' impressed upon me how vitally important it is to find and normalize non-violent resolutions to conflict.
They're easily the most violent people I've ever read about.
My biggest takeaway from Australian Aborigines is that its' impressed upon me how vitally important it is to find and normalize non-violent resolutions to conflict.
They're easily the most violent people I've ever read about.

Gorilla's and monkeys are violent aswell, so let's not call them people. Perhaps "savages" will precise

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