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Why are assholes so obsessed with with interacting with them? Why can't they just be left alone?
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Christians want to be to them what Jews are to Christians.

When Jews run your whole program you may feel the need to run someone else's program just as an escape from your own reality.
Faustian spirit
Because whites love to invade and ruin others people and their societies then act surprised when said people end up despising them as if they haven't done more than enough to earn their ire.
>Why can't they just be left alone?
Because they're cannibalistic, murdering psychopaths. In a sane world run by civilized men they would have been purged from the island.
my faustian spirit urges me to conquer and enslave primitive folk. If I was born 100 years ago I would have chartered a ship, landed on the island and made all the men work for my coconut plantation and all the women would be my concubines. plant a swiss flag in the ground to ensure neutrality and then sit back and enjoy paradise, just as god intended.
They aren’t cannibals. They kill invaders from a defensive perspective and then bury them immediately afterwards. However, in one instance they did make a scarecrow of the victim’s body.
They need to be subjugated and enslaved for the crimes that they committed, why the fuck should I care about their freedom and them being left alone? Answer that question OP
>However, in one instance they did make a scarecrow of the victim’s body.
Didn't know about this. Any pics or resources?
you would have been a peasant
Even though if they're Christianised they'll fall into jewish hands anyways
nigga, your "faustian" ancestors WERE the primitives in that picrel. civilizing is what semites did.
They need to be taxed and vaxxed
>be christian
>try to diss someone using history
>doesn't know history, even church history

Like pottery, m'lads, like pottery.
I think it would be cool if we launched an expedition to conquer the island. These people cannot have formidable warfare skills. Yes yes I know they are spear hunters, yes. They can throw spears like it’s nobody’s business. But again, war doesn’t always come in the form of direct one in one engagements. Staging operations, psychological operations, small surprise attack incursions, shock and awe overwhelming force raids, etc .

> Because they're cannibalistic, murdering psychopaths.
That’s not true, actually. They aren’t cannibals, and their only previous contact with outsiders was misunderstandings that led to combat, slave raids so that natives could be raised to speak English and serve as translators, which then led to skirmishes. The tribesmen who survived this likely spread cautionary tales to subsequent generations when they were elders and the tradition of being weary of any outsiders is likely what they view as an ongoing long term defensive campaign against sporadic raiding parties. They know very little of the outside world to such an extent that there’s no way they could grasp the concept of us coming in peace out of roading metal beasts.

Sometime in the future, contact will be made by chance, or they will develop medical tech to prevent spread of diseases we don’t even know could possibly effect humans to the Sentinels whose immune systems are like 30k years removed from ours just like native Americans were
>Oy goyim the semites brought you civilization
Here's an interesting quesiton: If a modern group of humans did decide to take over the island, would the United Nations suddenly feel the right to intervene? Would India suddenly feel the right to invade and colonize it with Jeets? In theory this is Indian territory but in practice it's no-man's land. Why would they suddenly feel the right to intervene there if the tribe was under new management, or had a couple dozen people added to it?
>Would India suddenly feel the right to invade and colonize it with Jeets? In theory this is Indian territory but in practice it's no-man's land. Why would they suddenly feel the right to intervene there if the tribe was under new management, or had a couple dozen people added to it?

It’s a matter of principle, and also appearance. India does not take border disputes lightly regardless of how many people live on the territory, or its monetary value. It’s Indian territory, Indian Navy patrols the area with the express intention of preventing people from going to the island. If a group of settlers moved there they’d probably take them out, that is assuming they last against natives. If the natives manage to quickly gain the upper hand then the Indians would probably let it alone, but if they were holding their isn maybe they’d have a jet fly over and drop a small munition as to not too severely damage any areas near the natives.
Oh also, I’ve thought to myself: considering the fact that the North Sentinelese have been isolated for 60,000 years, how is it that they manage to avoid the negative health effects of inbreeding. Assume there is between 50 and 1000 of them, how are they all not severely inbred?
A group of brits with muskets and powdered wigs could take them out
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>White men want to fight them, since they are warriors
>White women want to leave them alone or possibly adopt them
>Jewish men want to subvert them, because jewish women want to fuck them
>Jewish women want to fuck them, because they are sluts and hate jewish men
>Africans just want some chicken and rice
>Indians same but they are busy taking a shit on the beach or in the streets
>Christians want to convert them
>Muslims are busy praying

WARNING TO OTHERS Cops fear US missionary’s body has been skewered and hung up like a ‘scarecrow’ like tribe’s previous victims
John Allen Chau was shot dead with an arrow by tribespeople on a remote island in the Indian Ocean
Two fishermen who strayed on to the island in 2006 were killed - and one week after their deaths, their bodies were hooked on bamboo stakes facing out to sea.

And police are now studying that case in the belief tribesmen could do the same to Chau.
>he says, in Phoenician derived script
I'm not buying that any longer since this was discovered. Greek is older than Phoenician and did not derive from Phoenician. They only started adopting Phoenician after the destruction the Sea Peoples caused.

Minoans were more related to Middle Easterners than North Europeans
I never mentioned anything about North Europeans. You made a linguistic post.

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