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Gotta love the blatant editorialization. "Sure there wasn't an ACTUAL ban on black people voting in Rhodesia but you had to own land so it's basically the same thing." The fuck kinda rentoid wrote this shit. God I fucking hate Wikipedia.
they had an overwhelmingly white electorate in a 5% white country
Don't check Jewish percentage of electorate in every western country.
That's not argument against anything.
Neither is "But Rhodesia was 5% white".
its just like the voter ID thing
or the prison demographics thing (race)
but certainly NOT like the prison demographics thing (gender)
so whitoids used the same tactics they accuse jews of? glad we agree.
John Edmond in one of his interviews said that there was an "unsaid" segregation. Whites shouldn't have boarded black bus, blacks shouldn't have boarded the white bus. Different bars for whites and blacks. But it wasn't state mandated
You are mentally ill if you believe that there’s anything anomalous there
Just like there wasn't anything anomalous in Rhodesia? So why the editorialisation?
universal suffrage is a spook and not actually good if it results in the collapse of the civilization
>universal suffrage is good! because.... because... just because Chud!
Remember that original Democracy didn't have universal suffrage. Latter term was stolen by lefties. It's not Democracy, it's false advertising, call it appropriate name, like Idiocracy.
That's not argument against anything.
Wikipedia is pure biased
I'm halfway through the video and all he's mentioned is NYT. When does he mention Wikipedia?
Universal suffrage is utterly indefensible, even just the age thing.

The shittest takes about electoral politics are from 18-year-olds
If you're going to strip someone of their right to vote you should at least make them tax exempt.
How exactly do you see the native population of Rhodesia acquiring land?
The same way everyone else does. Buy a home or squat. Also it's an African country so let's not pretend there's no abandoned land to claim.
What does this even mean?
universal suffrage is the only way to ensure the people as a whole are represented, instead of a small minority of rich oligarchs
It means that Jews vote and rule your country retard.
are you saying Jews had an outsized influence on Rhodie politics? Considering how heavily they were backed by Israel...
Most people are retarded and only vote for things which immediately benefit their own interests.
OP, you're being facetious. You clearly don't actually give a shit about equal rights in Rhodesia. You just made this thread to seethe about blacks and liberals.
which on aggregate creates a government serving the interests of the public at large and not a subsection thereof
This literally never happens. What you instead get is an oligarchy that masquerades as a democracy.
The only counterbalance to this obvious flaw is the implicit threat of political violence (liberalism blah blah blah), but that can be bred out over time.
Jewish people are citizens and have the right to vote. I don't see anything that shows massive overrepresentation of them in elections however.
Blacks shouldn't get a vote for the same reason children and chimpanzees shouldn't get a vote.
Fortunately based Mugabe instead rejected liberalism and actually delivered on land reform
We don't let children or chimpanzees work dangerous jobs or expect them to pay taxes either and have very limited prosecution of them.

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