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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Why did we stop making food that combined both savory and sweet elements? Traditional preparations of medieval foods like biryani are largely savory but have distinct elements like raisins which add strong sweetness into almost every bite - this isn't really something you see anymore in contemporary dishes. Why is there now a far more clear dividing line between "savory" and "sweet" foods than there was in the past?
We didn't. We litterally didn't. In a few weeks people will be getting into fistfights over the last jar of fruit and sugar paste to smear onto their roasted meat.
biryani with raisins fucking suck i always hated it when my mom put them in
Look up how much sugar is in a mcdonald's cheeseburger.
Look up how they spray sugar water on french fries.
There's still a lot of sweetness. Ketchup is pretty sweet, bbq sauce or just drinkig soda with your meal.
I guess solid sweet ingredients are rarer now, it's more about sauces.
We didn't stop tho. Where I'm from pickled red cabage is a very common sidedish when eating beef, game, or rabbit. Apart from that? Many people combine apricot with chicken, pineapple on pizza, ketchup is sweet as well btw. If you like them you could also eat sweet potatoes.
"We" didn't. (You) just order/cook the same food over and over again.
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the poorfag cope food that saved the world
The tomato replaced fruit in most sauces, this along with sugar made regular fruit obsolete, however it survives in anglo cuisine.

>honey glazed pork
>pork and apple sauce
>lamb and cranberry sauce
it only caused a malthusian catastrophe in ireland
The Irish famine wasn't fully natural and was in fact worsened by British policies, namely allowing food to be exported from Irish ports during the crisis
>market controls are natural
It survives in Italian food too.

>the Irish sell their food rather than eat it
>this is the fault of the British
Much of the British establishment believed it was divine punishment for the papist paddies to starve.
The anglican church, at the bequest of queen victoria was the largest fund raiser for famine relief and the soup kitchens saved millions of lives.

unfortuntely the nationalist republicans spread dishonest rumours and conspiracies that the soup kitchens were actually a ploy to convert Catholics to Protestantism. unfortunately millions died because of these rumour. the republicans then blamed the british for these deaths,
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>be British
>put ketchup on every dish
>luv the sweet taste on my savory chips and sausage roll
> think that this post is retarded

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