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Why did Victorian people like to wear hats so much, didn't some of those huge hats cause a strain on those women's necks
How heavy do you think a hat is you useless cunt?
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if you don't think theres a chance that wearing something like this all day will cause a strain, then you are an imbecile
Hats were worn more often due to a number of factors: cooler climate, less automobile transportation means being exposed even more to the elements and pollution, hairstyles that needed protection, etc.
>didn't some of those huge hats cause a strain on those women's necks
By that point in time the large hairdesses and hats have fallen out of fashion. But even in the 18th century, those styles of hair and hats weren't that heavy - at least those made for everyday wear.

How would it cause a strain cunt? How fucking pathetic are you?
Anon, how heavy do you think this hat is?
Modern people are so weird. People, ever since they first stepped out of the Garden, have worn hats. Suddenly, no one wears them (except zoomers and their baseball caps).
Why should we? Climate control is ubiquitous and the majority of people work inside. And those that work outside wear hats or specialized head gear.
>if you don't think theres a chance that wearing something like this all day will cause a strain, then you are an imbecil-ACK
Because hats are cool. Do you think that the main concern of high-class 19th Century Englishmen was the practicality of their clothing apparel, or rather their appearance?
>Climate control is ubiquitous.
The concern of practicality or sole appearance depends on the occasion. And if you like to wear hats then wear them.
If you live and work in houses with double-paned windows and heating systems then yes.
It maintained their pale complexion and differentiated them from working class women, it also protected from sun damage and general hazards. It was part of the anglo notion of keeping women protected, that women exist in a bubble of protection created by their husband or family.
Imagine living in the world where the majority of middle age women didn't have sun damaged leathery skin.
We need to bring back total skin coverage fashion.

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