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Why is reality set in specific rules where some things are possible and some things are not possible? Why isn't it possible to see in the dark, or to lift a 10 ton boulder with my hands, or to levitate, or to run 500 mph, or to get a gf, why such specific restrictions and non-restrictions?

Even if we know the reason why things are possible or impossible, if you keep asking why, you'll either reach a dead end of "it just does" or you'll circle back to the same answers.
>Why is reality set in specific rules where some things are possible and some things are not possible?

Possibly unknowable. Possible answers: it is designed like that deliberately; it happened to be like this; it changes from time to time.

>Why isn't it possible to see in the dark, or to lift a 10 ton boulder with my hands, or to levitate, or to run 500 mph, or to get a gf, why such specific restrictions and non-restrictions?
1. Seeing requires light; there is no light in the dark.
2. You do not have the strength to lift a 10 ton boulder on Earth.
3. There is no mechanism by which you can levitate. A directed gravitational field is on this planet, where you evolved, so you are designed with that field in mind.
4. You do not have the musculature or strength to run at 500 mph.
5. This is possible.
6. The rules are what they are - your design is based on the environment that you grew up in, and the challenges your ancestors overcame (and how they overcame them).

>Even if we know the reason why things are possible or impossible, if you keep asking why, you'll either reach a dead end of "it just does" or you'll circle back to the same answers.

Ask better questions. What do you really want to know or get out of a question you're asking?
>Seeing requires light; there is no light in the dark.
Why didn't we evolve to be able to, retard?
Unironically what actually functions as the arbiter for the laws of physics? They obviously have a basis in something, and that something is so utterly rock-solid that you cannot break them under any known circumstance (arguably black holes but that's likely just that we don't fully understand them yet), but that has to come from some kind of something right?
>What do you really want to know or get out of a question you're asking?

My goal is to manipulate reality into my own liking by setting my own set of rules on how reality operates, where I can decide that 2 + 2 =5, I can move faster than the speed of light, to create a square circle, or become chad without any effort. But instead I'm forced to obey the laws of the universe like a slave since I am limited. I hate how pathetic and fragile the human body is, I want to have super human powers with extreme strength and intelligence with other capabilities. These current rules suck ass.
Better yet, why didn't we evolve to simply be omniscient so that vision is obsolete? Why didn't you evolve a higher IQ, retard?

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