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He was found before the sun rises (so around 4AM) in a park with a naked young boy (one of his apostles). With nothing but a linen cloth around the boy's penis. Jesus was high at this time on some poison cocktail. The apostles were all prepubescent boys. Jesus was having sex with them. They were his prostitutes. Jesus was dead before he was on the cross due to the drug cocktail he was taking.

The true identity of Jesus was occulted, hence why you have insiders, modern priests, committing sex crimes against Christian children.
What sort of mental illness causes you to make these threads?
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Wow. I saved this image. I didn't know this about the state of Jews. This is crazy. How does a person prove that they are a Jew? Can any kind of criminal do this?
This board is History and Humanities. Not False Prophets and Humanities.
These Ammon fag posts are getting annoying. You keep using the same line over and over and over again. Of course Jewsus & Co. were a bunch of druggies and perverts. All "religious elites" are, Past and Present. Only a gullible fool would ever believe other wise. Sorry you drank the Kool Aid and are just no learning the truth. Time to grow up. "When I was a child, I walked as a child...."
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looks pretty sus, ngl
OP is Chud Anon projecting his own fantasies about adolescent boys. Pay him no mind.
Yes, Christians follow the ways of Jesus. Their churches are nothing but big pedo rings.
Just psychopaths, rapists and pedos tending to their flock.
You Ammon Hillman disciples are one step above young earth creationists the way you're so pathetically gullible.
I say this as an inveterate atheist. You and your guru are the latest laughingstock of historians, Bible scholars, and philologists. Sure, Christians are incensed by your bullshit, but no more than they might be if a shit-smeared schizo slammed burst into mass wearing a crown of thorns. Atheists who aren't either mentally ill or retarded would just be bemused by you, except you're a bigger black eye for atheism than the thousands of sexual deviants and helpless autistics are for communism. Of course, the latter are the exact sort which worship Carrier or Hillman too, whichever comes up first on their TikTok.
We all know rabbi yeshua was a pedo faggot tranny sandnigger jew
>He was found before the sun rises (so around 4AM) in a park with a naked young boy (one of his apostles). With nothing but a linen cloth

This is the only true part of that post, and its damning enough. Even the identity of the boy isn't in the text, although the identification of the youth as an apostle is commonplace. OP made the rest up; sex is a reasonable inference, but Jesus dying of a drug overdose is not.
>All "religious elites" are, Past and Present. Only a gullible fool would ever believe other wise.
How did you learn that? It's not exactly a common belief.
Proof? Cite your sources jeet
Truly herding the sheep to rape them lmao
what the fuck are you basing any of this on
Not OP but it's very obvious. Even Wikipedia admits priests do this

You're a faggot that's the rebuttal
>He was found before the sun rises (so around 4AM) in a park with a naked young boy (one of his apostles). With nothing but a linen cloth around the boy's penis. Jesus was high at this time on some poison cocktail. The apostles were all prepubescent boys. Jesus was having sex with them. They were his prostitutes. Jesus was dead before he was on the cross due to the drug cocktail he was taking.
>The true identity of Jesus was occulted, hence why you have insiders, modern priests, committing sex crimes against Christian children.

Tranny pedo anon projecting on /4chan/ again with endless samefagging like a schizo case.
You are anon. You are a faggot.
>Not OP but it's very obvious. Even Wikipedia admits priests do this
You are OP. That's not a source for your made-up biblical quote.
>Proof? Cite your sources jeet
He isn't Indian. He Jewish.
Welp, we can add yet another retarded fedora theory about Christianity to the list:
>Atwill's Caesar's Messiah
>Carrier's cosmic sperm bank
>Mushroom Jesus
>Adam Green's Kabbalah Jesus
>Ammon's Pedophile junkie Jesus

Any other?
Nope, that's not me.
>Abraham and Brahma are the same historical individual.
>>Adam Green's Kabbalah Jesus
12 apostles were Jews.
Jesus was a Jew.
The majority of Christians up to 300 AD were Jews.
The OT is just a reorganized and translated Torah.
Revelation:7 is New Testament Jew Worship.
Christianity is nothing more than a form of Judaism. That isn't disputable.

There are a few others, such as the alleged connection with zoroaster
That's not what Green thinks. He thinks Christianity is a ploy invented by Talmudic Jews playing 5D chess in order for Jews to take over the world through centuries of persecution and oppression.
>There are a few others, such as the alleged connection with zoroaster
Don't know what that would be.
The trinity in Christianity is 100% a pagan insert because it isn't at all present in the bible (there aren't even hints of it in the oldest Greek text bibles) and it isn't present in the copied Jewish source material used to create the OT and NT.
For 300 years Christians didn't even talk of a trinity in the modern sense.
The apostles wrote in Greek. The Torah was also translated TO Hebrew FROM Greek. Hebrew itself is full of loan words from Greek. This is obvious to people who understand both basic Greek and Hebrew. For example סנהדרין comes from συνέδριον. And in Jaffa most inscriptions from that period are in Greek, not Hebrew.
>he trinity in Christianity is 100% a pagan insert
From where?
Who inserted it?
When was it inserted?
Why didn't any Christian group speak against it?
Why was it inserted?
>The Torah was also translated TO Hebrew FROM Greek.
Why was Mark taking a "bath" at 4AM? Why did he wear a "linen cloth" but then ran away naked? Makes zero sense. The real answer is that "cloth" means bandage here, which was in this case applied to his penis. So he was already naked except for the bandage.
What languages can Kipp Davis read?
I think I can provide some context. Occasionally I try to take a peak at Ammon Hillman's media just to see what this guy is even about. He seems to be fairly well educated in ancient Greek (educated—not necessarily logical or skillful), so he makes a lot of arguments about how things should be translated and he often makes reference to pharmacological texts he studied and definitions derivable from those texts.

However, most of his videos are long winded, 1:00 - 1:30h, in a long rambling lecture format as if he's teaching a very informal class with bits of humor and questions and answers from the audience mixed in. Well, I don't really have time for all that shit so I never got to see what his actual arguments are on most claims he makes. But I did catch one tidbit on Mark 14:51-52. Hillman says the common translations are misleading:
14:51 (ESV)
>And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him,
That isn't exactly what the Greek says:
>Καὶ νεανίσκος τις συνηκολούθει αὐτῷ περιβεβλημένος σινδόνα ἐπὶ γυμνοῦ, καὶ κρατοῦσιν αὐτόν·
>And.CONJ a-youth*.N-NMS certain.IPRO-NMS was-following.V-IIA3S him.PPro-DM3S having-cast.V-RPM/P-NMS a-linen-cloth.N-AFS about.PREP naked.Adj-GNS and.CONJ they-seize.V-PIA-3P him.PPro-AM3S

>And a certain youth* (male) was following him, having cast a linen cloth about [his] naked[ness], and they seized him,

The Greek doesn't actually say the cloth was around his body. Ammon wants "nakedness" to specifically mean penis. This is possible but I don't know what he uses to support it. The dictionaries are not helpful here because they do not list uses of this adjective in the sense of a substantive. I would much prefer to read a paper on this than try to tease out his argument from YouTube videos.

*The precise age range is debatable.
He tried to publish about the medicinal texts and use of what would be labeled as "recreational drugs" today (but pharmakon translates to both medicine and poison; it was one and the same) in his dissertation but his doctoral advisors refused. Really not his fault at his point.
>The apostles wrote in Greek
Yes, most likely 90% of it was originally written in greek.
>The Torah was also translated TO Hebrew FROM Greek
The dead sea scrolls are mostly Hebrew.
>Hebrew itself is full of loan words from Greek
True and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Hebrew is a linguistic offshoot of Greek.

>From where?
We don't know. The trinity is found in many pagan religions and isn't found in Judaism or the bible.
>Who inserted it?
The First Council of Nicaea were the first to touch upon it. We 100% had a modern trinity in the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD.
>When was it inserted?
Earliest you could possibly claim is 325 AD
>Why didn't any Christian group speak against it?
They did, and their opinions held no power or value because the Council of Nicaea was backed by Emperor Constantine. Since that point onwards all non-trinitarians were condemned as Heresies.
>Why was it inserted?
Most likely the same reason Latin, cupids, easter, Christmas, tricephalic Jesus depictions and Halloween were adopted. To bring more pagans into the faith by Christianizing pagan customs whilst destroying the original customs.
>That's not what Green thinks. He thinks Christianity is a ploy invented by Talmudic Jews playing 5D chess in order for Jews to take over the world through centuries of persecution and oppression.

That's what Jews themselves say. That isn't disputable. Green has proven that without a doubt.
However, I don't think they actually planned it from day one. Here's my take.

The Jew Jesus (who was most likely a well educated pharisee) started yet another form of Judaism called Christianity. This joined all the other Jewish offshoots like the Sadducees, Samaritans, Essenes, Zealots etc

The non-Christian Jews saw Jesus as a false Messiah and wanted the Christians removed at any cost. With the death of Jesus it seemed that given enough time Christianity would die out or be insignificant like the Samaritans.

Then, out of nowhere, Christianity was made the official religion of Rome, and it quickly became a majority pagan-convert religion.

Moving forward a few hundred years with the rise of Islam in the seventh century AD Almost all Jews in the middle east migrated into Europe and started claiming that Christianity and Islam were in fact purposely created by Jews to ween Gentiles off of their pagan religions and make them follow the Noahide laws. Making them more controllable and better suited for serving the interests of Jews.

This pattern of revising history to make yourself a secret winner is very common in Judaism.
Although Jews wax lyrical about glorious kingdoms of David and Solomon there is exactly zero evidence of their existence. What actually happened is Jews were the losers throughout history in the ancient world. They were far outshone by the Canaanites, Omrides, Egyptians etc so they modelled their fictitious past Jewish kingdoms after them.
Shalom, rabbi.
It wasn't just a linen cloth, but a grave cloth. It was Lazarus/the Rich young man/ruler. Another way to say it is it was John Eleazar the beloved disciple.
idk in the bottom of my heart i just get the feeling of "damn this is retarded lmfao" so i don't buy it

>t. faggit
No it was a bandage
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Now let's see you talk about the Rabbis.
>Now let's see you talk about the Rabbis.
Nah just fair

Now go ahead rabbi, tell us about those fine child molesting brooklyn rabbis and all those sex offenders in israel
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Meanwhile in rabbi land
Jesus also raped 10 year old Mary
> no I am not obsessed
Carry's on deluding himself into talking to imaginary rabbis.
They are very real
>They are very real
Yes of course they are anon. Are the rabbis in the room with you now Mr Mouthbreather retard?
jesus was based?
You keep deflecting from the pedophile rabbis anon, very telling habibi
Citation please saaar

54:24 Kipp: There's clearly a revival of the Hebrew language during the Hasmonean period. I think that's obvious. The Hasmoeans were explicit about ensuring this revival.

1:07:13+ Ammon: So, Kipp, you said the Hasmoeans were the ones who brought the revival of literature? Can you give me the name of ---

SKipp: NOOO-WUH! I DIDN'T SAY THAT! I said the Hasmoeans revived HEBREW.

Ammon: Yeah. Ok, and what does that mean?

SKipp: That means that they revived *the usage of the script - the ancient script in the expression of their sacred texts.

Ammon: So there are pieces of literature, great works of different genres of Hebrew then, right?

SKipp: Not many, no.

Ammon: How about one?



"Reviving the usage of THE SCRIPT, the ANCIENT SCRIPT in the expression of their sacred TEXTS" = REVIVING LITERATURE! Hebrew literature is automatically implied here.

Kipp literally personified Ancient Hebrew as a language against Ancient Greek as Ammon here, highlighting the distance of intellectual functioning between the two as languages.
>joins a thread discussing paedo Christian priests
> starts talking about jews
> Nuh Nuh nooo you're the one deflecting from talking about da joos
Did you eat too many crayons as a child?
Deflection deflection rabbi
> still can't stop thinking and writing about Jews and thinks everyone who disagrees is a rabbi
Deflection deflection rabbi. Always with the deflection. How're the new york jew tunnels doin? You guys seal them up yet? Or expand?
> I am not obsessed with Jews but everyone who calls me out for turning every thread into a discussion about Jewish people is a rabbi. If I keep asserting it it must be true
Name for thia mental illness?
Jew Derangement Syndrome
Rabbi please answer
Like trump derangement syndrome, only true
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This is a thread about christcucks, when the context demands I can talk also about their jewish masters.
>actually we molest less children than the jews
Wow such an accomplishment
>Did you eat too many crayons as a child?
That's a strange argument to make because -
(1) The overrepresentation in Christianity compared to say, public school teachers is only present in Catholicism.
(2) Jews in Brooklyn are 18x more likely to molest children than Catholics.
(3) Christianity IS an offshoot of Judaism with some Pagan admixture.

(4) The New Testament is an expansion on the old Testament/Torah in Christianity.
In Judaism the Mishnah and Talmud are expansions Apon the Torah/New Testament.
The Mishnah and Talmud both contain clear justifications for pedophilia, but the New Testament doesn't.

The first major written collection of the Jewish oral traditions, the Mishnah, also known as the "Oral Torah", tells us:

A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."

And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And they are liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer. If she was married to a priest, she eats heave offering. If one of those who are unfit for marriage has intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If one of all those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her did so, they are put to death on her account. But she is free of responsibility.

If she is younger than that age, intercourse with her is like putting a finger in the eye. (Mishnah Niddah 5:4)

The basis for this tradition comes directly from Moshe and the Torah itself, with Numbers 31:17-18 stating:

17 Now kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has ever slept with a man. 18 But the young girls who have never slept with a man, keep alive for yourselves.
>continued again...

As for the Talmud -

Sanhedrin 54b
"The Gemara asks: What does it mean that the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy? Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. And Shmuel says: The Torah does not deem the intercourse of a child who is less than three years old to be like that of one who is three years old."

Ketubot 11b
"Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it. Similarly, the ruptured hymen of the girl younger than three is restored. And a young boy who engaged in intercourse with an adult woman renders her as one whose hymen was ruptured by wood. And with regard to the case of a woman whose hymen was ruptured by wood itself, there is a dispute between Rabbi Meir and the Rabbis. Rabbi Meir maintains that her marriage contract is two hundred dinars, and the Rabbis maintain that it is one hundred dinars."

etc etc etc. The Talmud is only exceeded in insanity by some Islamic Hadiths.
>. The Talmud
Exists mostly in natsocs and antisemites imagination. Jews follow the Torah. The Talmud is known by less than 1% of Jews. It is also misunderstood since it's not technically scripture. It's a series of debates within Judaism over 3000 years hence why you can cherrypick and distort what Jewish people actually believe from it.
>Exists mostly in natsocs and antisemites imagination. Jews follow the Torah. The Talmud is known by less than 1% of Jews

"In the United States and Israel, different levels of yeshiva education have different names. In the U.S., elementary-school students enroll in a cheder, post-bar mitzvah-age students learn in a mesivta, and undergraduate-level students learn in a beit midrash or yeshiva gedola (Hebrew: ישיבה גדולה, lit.'large yeshiva' or 'great yeshiva'). In Israel, elementary-school students enroll in a Talmud Torah or cheder, post-bar mitzvah-age students learn in a yeshiva ketana"

>. It is also misunderstood since it's not technically scripture

"The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד, romanized: Talmūḏ, lit.'teaching') is, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology"

>It's a series of debates within Judaism over 3000 years hence why you can cherrypick and distort what Jewish people actually believe from it.
Jews certainly aren't original when it comes to making up nonsensical excuses or openly lying to protect their religious insanity. All the Abrahamics do it. This trend of Abrahamic Psychopathy all started with the Judaism they all descended from.
>natsocs and antisemites
Oh dear. The schizophrenia is flaring up again.
Nobody is talking about Arabs buddy. They're Semites.
Once again invoking the holocaust do silence his opposition. Pathetic.
Most of the people referred to as 'jews' are not orthdox, rabbinic Jews. Scripture comes from the Torah. The Talmud is a set of debates that carries weight among hardline orthdox sects who do not represent the majority of Jews. The Jews you hate so much in the West are not orthodox.
Lol, you're lying yet AGAIN.
Without sources of course.
You never have any valid argument.
>Once again invoking the holocaust do silence his opposition.
> mentions the Holocaust out of nowhere and then accuses his opponent of invoking the Holocaust?
You're mentally ill.
Maybe you guys should just stop it with the baby blowjobs aye?
Why does it need to be a part of your mentally ill religion?
Oh, Because you're all schizophrenic inbred freaks lol.

"Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression."

"Overall, people who live with schizophrenia have lower IQ scores than those who don't experience the condition"
>Lol, you're lying yet AGAIN.
>Lol, you're lying yet AGAIN.
>Without sources of course.
Correction. It's 14% of Jews who adhere to the talmud. That is the proportion of Jews who are practicing orthdox rabbinic Jews.
That's the proportion of Haredi Jews lol. Not the proportion of Jews that read or have read the Talmud. Once again, you're lying. As you always do.
Those psychopath pedo schizo Jew genes always be flaring up at the most unfortunate of times.

"Since its launch last year, users have made around 15 million downloads, mostly of entire Talmudic volumes, Mayer Pasternak, director of Artscroll's Digital Talmud, told the BBC. To put that in perspective, the Jewish world population is thought to be a little under 14 million."
BBC News Magazine 2013
>blowjobs aye?
>Why does it need to be a part of your mentally ill religion?
>Oh, Because you're all schizophrenic inbred freaks lol.
Yawwn. Boring buzzphrases. Get some new lines you boring cunt.
>Overall, people who live with schizophrenia have lower IQ scores than those who don't experience the condition"
Yes all those Jewish ashkenazi geniuses (higher proportion than any other ethnic group) who won nobel prizes like Einstein, Bor, Feynman somehow managed to overcome their low IQ. I'm sure Timmy and Abdul from 4chan would have won a nobel prize instead if it wasn't for the pesky Jews making all these ground breaking discoveries in physics because atoms are Jewish and nepotistc.
>"Since its launch last year, users have made around 15 million downloads, mostly of entire Talmudic volumes, Mayer Pasternak, director of Artscroll's Digital Talmud, told the BBC. To put that in perspective, the Jewish world population is thought to be a little under 14 million."
Were they all Jewish?
I own copies of the Quran and Islamic hadith does that make me a muslim?
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The Jews still angry and schizo guys!
OMG, the smartest Jews are...
Half Italian!!! The Ashkenazi!!!

"The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East."
>(higher proportion than any other ethnic group
Wrong lol.
>nobel prizes like Einstein
Einstein didn't originate E=MC2
That was Hilbert

"While Hilbert's paper was submitted five days earlier than Einstein's, it only appeared in 1916, after Einstein's field equations paper had appeared in print"

Richard Feynman was in reality nothing more than a popular lecturer and almost certainly a spy for Russia considering he fled to Brazil in 1951 for a time after being investigated by the FBI.

The only guy who actually contributed something original was Niels Bohr and his father Christian Bohr wasn't Jewish...

>I'm sure Timmy and Abdul from 4chan would have won a nobel prize instead if it wasn't for the pesky Jews making all these ground breaking discoveries in physics because atoms are Jewish and nepotistc.
Said the literal JIDF Jew being paid by Israel to post mindless shit on 4chan.
>Were they all Jewish?
>I own copies of the Quran and Islamic hadith does that make me a muslim?
Billions of people yet the number downloaded very closely matches the Jewish population...
You are deranged.
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>81 replies
Bravo OP. Bravo.
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I love Jews
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Jewish Children at Yeshiva
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They are so beautiful...
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100% They are angelic Israelites!
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