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Why are atheist more pessimistic than Christians?
Are they? Every single day /his/ is inundated with tons of Christian threads whining about the state of the world and how the What's has fallen. Christians are some of the angriest, most bitter and cynical people on the entire internet. I've never seen conversion to Christianity benefit anyone, they always get more angry and hateful as a result.
If you were forced to take seriously a bunch of people that believe that shit like the Noah story literally happened or that World used to be a Flintstones episode, you would be pessimistic too.
>you're born doomed
>the whole world is doomed
>god has wiped the slate clean before
>and he will bring about the end of the world again
>also satan is out there constantly plotting against us
yeah christians are very optimistic
The whole point of Christianity is that life sucks so much, it only makes sense to them if there's heaven (which they somehow assume they will certainly enter, because they make make anti atheist thread on a Japanese yaoi forum)
>I've never seen conversion to Christianity benefit anyone
By what metric?
So you explain why there's so much fucked up stuff in the world. Atheists don't believe in anything transcendant, meaning this is as good as it gets. Human nature is pretty obviously flawed, and we'll never reach your classless utopia.
Christians online just seem to wallow in misery or anger at the world, seething about modernity or degeneracy but never seem to actually do anything about it. They just pray for the end times to come so all their enemies can burn and they can go to heaven. It's both /his/ and Twitter, all the online christians are just so negative
about everything, all they care about is two more weeks until Christian returns.

Christians believe that God made the world fucked up and that's a GOOD thing.
And you believe that there's no objective good in the world, and the world is fucked up by all subjective metrics. Also, nothing is eternal. Is this your optimism? Really?
Not the point I'm trying to make. Without God there's no objective metric for anything, no way to say that any state of things is preferable outside of your personal feelings.
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What is up with "why x atheists?" posts these few years? Disturbingly consistent

>Christians doing that thing where they tell other people what they believe

Isn't this a sin? Shouldn't you repent?
I'm not even Christian, I'm just saying that their worldview is far more optimistic than atheism. I've yet to meet an atheist who believed in anything truly eternal.
No they believe god is so good he can get even the likes of us to eternal existence, which means god thinks we’re pretty awesome and so should you
1 million Orthodox Christians dead in the Russia/Ukraine war. Hail Satan!

>you're going to fucking burn forever unless you lead an absolutely perfect life and when you burn and burn and burn and scream out in agony for Jesus to save you, he'll say no

Yes, what a wonderful optimistic world view you've got there. Lying is a sin as well. Repent or it's the fucking fires for you.
Why are you deliberately choosing the lowest IQ interpretation of hell?

>the likes of us
>we're pretty awesome

God thinks you're a piece of shit? THAT is your wonderful optimistic religion?

OK, if hell isn't fire, what is it? In before "it's not actually a lake of fire it's just a metaphor for fucking burning in agony like a piece of shit forever" or "it's actually not being with God which is even WORSE than burning forever actually"
No no its true. That is why there is such an astronomically small number of us atheists. There are so few of us. It is more pessimistic as in the universe becomes much harsher but to be fair an atheist is not averse to relying on subjective things like you, doesn't think they are not valid.
Eternal suffering as a consequence of refusing to embrace natural law.
I think subjectivity is trifling and temporal. Objectibity (God) is absolute and eternal.

>it's not fire it's just some other form of horrifying torture, forever

How very optimistic.
Satan gives us power. Jesus gives Christians nothing.
I am subjective and temporal
The Catholic Church has never given an official stance on whether or not hell is a place of literal fire & brimstone. I'm not saying it isn't, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Augustine have both suggested that the flames of hell are temporal, however it isn't terribly unreasonable or uncatholic to assume that Hell is a place not of literal physical burning but spiritual pain and suffering, as the soul when disconnected from God is in eternal unhappiness, suffering and angst. Whether or not Hell is literally fire and brimstone is uncertain, and quite frankly I'm not terribly interested in finding out, however either way I can imagine that the worst part of hell isn't the fire & brimstone and the burning sense of loss, angst and dissatisfaction which has been brought upon the unrepentant singer due to their own personal decision of disconnecting itself from God. We are all given a chance at redemption, very few accept it.
Choosing vice and sin is its own punishment. If you choose a life of sin then you will suffer. This is justice.

>be perfect or be tortured forever you fucking piece of shit

But your subject objectively exists.
I would disagree. I think it's absurd to think that consciousness (the soul) is material and will disappear after death. The hard problem of consciousness cannot be answered within a materialist framework.
We are given eternal life, just as we are given temporal life. You can choose to make of your earthly life what you will, but it's not unjust when say a fat person, a serial adulterer, or a murderer lives a life of suffering? Their own choices led them there. At this point you're only upset that standards exist. Such is the nature of the leftist, the atheist, the materialist, and the deconstructionist.

>those people DONT lead lives of suffering

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You don't seem to understand the Christian understanding of sin. Everyone on the planet is a great sinner who has offended the Lord Our God in someway. Nowhere did Christ ever ask his followers to be perfect, he simply asked for them to recognize their faults, be repentant of them and try not to do them again. Christ's Forgiveness is limitless, you can commit the same sin again and again and again but if you truly have the wish to stop doing so he will forgive you every time and welcome you back with open arms and a warm smile. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to understand that you aren't.
They do lead lives of suffering, and it's entirely just. So why is it unjust when the same principle is applied on an eternal scale?

>God doesn't ask you to be perfect
>Sends you to eternal torture if you aren't perfect

Lying is a sin isn't it?


How do they lead lives of suffering? In before projection and assumption.
>But your subject objectively exists.
Word game, you brought up eternity for comfort because of your every changing nature. I don't wanna argue about post death, you did your job i am more pessimistic and all subjective no eternity for me.
Atheists are more intelligent.
Nobody is sent to hell for not being perfect. If perfection was required to go to Heaven no one would be able to reach it.

Guess what anon, you're not going to believe this...
>How do they lead lives of suffering?
How do obese people suffer? How do adulterers suffer? How do murderers suffer? Do you seriously think these people are healthy?

>they suffer because... BECAUSE THEY JUST DO OK!

Compelling and optimistic.
Suffering in a spiritual sense, not in a material sense.

>they're suffering because... BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK! x2

Compelled and optimistic.
They're already in hell. Do you think adultery makes for a good life? Do you think a murderer is living a good life? This isn't about subjective experience but about objective sin and virtue.

>they're suffering because...BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK! x3
Why are atheists so dismissive? It's like you're immune to sincire criticism or something.

>STILL can't explain how they're suffering
What metric are we using for suffering?

One that is actually measurable.
Suffering isn't empirically measurable

Aaaaaand we're right back to
>They're suffering because THEY JUST ARE OK!
Who cares? Why would that matter?
Also, god's desires are subjective to god. A big man making rules for you doesn't change anything.
Yes it is. All things about you are empirically measurable.
What you mean to say is "I am too big of a pussy to authorize study into the nature and specifics of suffering", which is true. You won't even let me cut live prisoners open to watch them die.
>Yes it is
How do we (objectively) weight physical pain vs loneliness vs poor health vs psychological mental health vs subjective anxiety vs subjective depression vs lack of sleep vs material well-being vs....
you get the point?
>Also, god's desires are subjective to god
If God is subjective than nothing is objective. Most people saying this have a child's view of God though.

>assumes fat people, adulterers and murders have any of those things
I don't believe that's suffering. I believe suffering (in a spiritual sense) is defined by how sinful you are (meaning how far you stray from God).

>No, see, actually suffering means something else and the definition is what I say it is

Why are Christians like this? Don't the believe they burn forev.. sorry, suffer some unspecified but horrible torture forever, if they tell lies?
God's just a dude who claims to have made the world, his opinion isn't any more important than anyone else's.
I would start by counting how many neurons are involved in the pain, and the level of pain-related hormones released, of course.
I would also come up with more words for pain, since the pussy society we live in has only a small handful.

None of this is allowed of course, because you are a coward.
Lying isn't a sin. It's what god does. Christians know this implicitly.

>litterally lying about lying

Seriously, why are they like this?
>I would start by counting how many neurons are involved in the pain, and the level of pain-related hormones released, of course
lmao imagine being an atheist
Look, the coward has started seething because he knows I speak the truth and is too afraid to let me do these things.
Why do you look like a basedjack?
Man, I've never been mad enough in my life to need to save a reaction image like this.
What's that like?

And so we reach the playing with dolls phase.
When your arguments are this retarded there's nowhere else to go.

>they're suffering because THEY JUST ARE! *I* DECIDE WHAT SUFFERING MEANS! Look at this cartoon I drew where I'm the handsome one and you're the ugly one! That proves it!
You were asking about Hell and so I informed you of Hell. I wasn't just randomly telling you who's suffering and who isn't.

And you babbled about how hell isn't burning forever, actually, it's merely suffering immensely forever, followed by you being unable to actually explain what that suffering is.
Because "suffering" in the context of hell is defined in comparison to God. If you refuse to believe in God you can't believe in hell, but you can't even entertain a hypothetical.

You're absolutely rattled and truly babbling now.

>another doll
it's what you believe tho

>this cartoon I drew with an ugly face is you. Haha OWNED.

2000 years of theology and THIS is what it comes down to.
You think checking the pain measurement system of the body to determine level of pain is retarded?
Are you fucking stupid?
Spiritual suffering and pain aren't the same thing dude. But since you're an atheist, you don't believe in spiritual suffering. I'm convinced that atheists cannot consider hypotheticals to save their lives.
So not only are you in fact stupid, you also don't understand what a hypothetical is.
How would you feel if you hadn't eaten today?
Pretty measurably shitty.
I wouldn't describe it as pain until several days elapse.
Pain and spiritual suffering are not the same thing dude
I'm sorry you're too simple to see the linkage between these concepts.

>No, see, actually they ARE suffering but in a specific way that I decided they are because...BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK!!! YOU'RE AN UGLY POOPOO HEAD!

Truly pathetic.
They're not the same at all. Can you accept my definition while I try to explain what hell means? Or we can use another word for my definition, that's fine by me.
They're the same, and you can measure both by looking at the brain.
If we were allowed to look closer, we'd be able to measure them better.
There's nothing mystical, mysterious, or spiritual happening when you become sad or hurt.
Please entertain a hypothetical. I can tell you from experience that spiritual suffering and earthly suffering are almost unrelated.
Regular reminder: this is all one guys headcanon and he'll twist and swerve and dive and as we have seen, flat out lie, to own the atheists.
No you can't, you've not looked at your brain scan while having this suffering.
Why are you lying?
> They're the same, and you can measure both by looking at the brain.
>If we were allowed to look closer, we'd be able to measure them better.
Can you entertain the hypothetical that materialism isn't true? Ever? Or are you just going to refuse to consider it?

>please accept my unique definition otherwise my entire argument, world view and religion completely collapses
I'll consider it when you present something that isn't already thoroughly documented and explained.
What if MAAAAGIC is why this ice froze? And not that shit we know about?
>brain scan
suffering is inherently subjective
All things are subjective due to the unreliability of our senses.
However, suffering is no more or less subjective than the weight of a rock. It is measurable and knowable.

But you KNOW fat people, adulterers and murderers are suffering?
If you treat "true" as "false" then you'll never lose an argument again!
Because ice doesn't involve a subject
> All things are subjective due to the unreliability of our senses.
And how do you know this to be absolutely true? Really I don't have to say anything else, you've just scored an own goal here
Every bit of sensory information requires a subject, moran.
All things you see and know are subjective. Either you agree that the world is probably real and we act on that, or you become a nonfunctional madman. Chose.

If you treat whatever babble you think sounds impressive as true then yeah.
I know it to be true for you and me.
You speak language, and are interacting with visual objects, so I already know you believe this. I also know that by pretending otherwise, you are lying.
If you did not believe these things, you would have no reason to breathe, see, eat, talk, or anything.
Subjective in that it cannot exist without a subject, not that I have insight into someone's consciousness. Let's move on from suffering and instead say "separation from God", okay?
Separation from god doesn't seem to do anything. Look at you- you have almost infinite ways to cleanse your sins and join god right now, and that is the logical optimal outcome, but you have not.
Your epistemology is just a straight up contradiction and you're the one who's winning? Tell me, if you're sure that everything is subjective, how do you know that for sure (objectively)? If you don't, why is your experience reliable?
>I know it to be true for you and me
Okay. It's subjective, sure, but how do you know that our subjective experiencd of reality is unreliable at gathering objective truth?

>let's move on

No. You're rattled because your entire world view depends on fat people (an odd thing to include now that we mention it) adulterers and murderers are all suffering, in a unique and special definition of suffering, otherwise your brain will fry from your own internal contortions.
What does this even mean
>H-how are you sure that everything is subjective
I'm not, I am however sure that you believe this, as you are acting as if you believe it.
I am also sure that if you did not believe this, you would be an invalid.
I am sorry you are too simple to understand such concepts.
I'm saying I'm going to use a different word to refer to the same concept, how is it possible to misunderstand this much?
You don't believe what you preach. If you did, you would already be dead and in heaven by one of the numerous paths available to you depending on your specific religious denomination.

Now muslims, THEY believe in their god. You can tell by how they don't value their life.
>I'm not
But you contradict your earlier statement, when you said that you did know that.

Because it's not the same concept at all? Hence why you're having to play these word games to pretend it is? Fat people are separate from God? That means nothing. It's just words you're spitting out to le own le atheists.
I know it's subjective, of course. I'm just not -certain-, because the world is subjective.
I am sorry, once again, that you are too simple for these concepts.
Oh my god who cares, you disagree on a definition. I should've used a different word to begin with to be more clear.
> Fat people are separate from God?
Yes, gluttony is a sin
>I know, I'm just not certain
What is the difference?
i'm fucking done man

>oh my god who cares

Says the shill losing the argument. Do "It's not that deep bro" next, that's always a banger.

And this separation from God that all fat people, in every country, in every culture, in every definition of fat, takes the form of what exactly?
>What's the difference between knowing and being certain?
They're relatively interchangeable, but in this context, are being used to differentiate knowing something within the confines of the world, and being certain that the world exists.

It's possible the world doesn't exist and I am in fact dreaming you, but highly unlikely. And we all agree this is unlikely, because we perform actions.
If you weren't such a massive hypocrite you'd be in heaven by now.
>And this separation from God that all fat people, in every country, in every culture, in every definition of fat, takes the form of what exactly?
They're straying from the ideal form of man. If you just refuse to consider anything other than materialism we cannot engage productively because you're assuming your conclusion in the premise.
>being certain that the world exists.
this is what matters for epistemology
It's almost as if you're known for constantly lying as a group, and have done it repeatedly as a person.
Okay, and we all agree the world exists, we can move on to the next question.
If you say otherwise, you are lying, as you are saying a thing to me and are thus betraying yourself.

>suffering is ..um...errr when you stray from the ideal form of man, yeah that's it

You're not only rattled, you're now floundering.
>and we all agree the world exists
But we shouldn't assume that. Why should we?
You just don't believe in virtue or natural law it seems, or anything other than materialism. That's our impasse. I'm done
Because you are acting within the world and thus tacitly admitting that this theory is so much more viable than the others as to not even entertain them.
>please entertain me in good faith after I have lied on numerous occasions!
Honestly, I can't believe a word out of your mouth about theology while you're still alive, given the numerous optimal routes to going to heaven.
Why ought we assume that our senses are set to deliver us epistemicly accurate information then?
Because you are acting as if they do, thus tacitly admitting that this theory is so much more viable than the others as to not even entertain them.
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>Believing in God is when you kill yourself
Why don't you go first?
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Reminder: this was comically fat just 30 years ago. Is he separated from God? Is a bodybuilder who has turned himself into a grotesque mass of twitching muscle also separate from God, he's against the ideal form as well?
I act as such because I believe in God, I don't see why we should assume the truth of something that we haven't proven. I'll be a consistent skeptic
>Is he separated from God?
>Is a bodybuilder who has turned himself into a grotesque mass of twitching muscle also separate from God, he's against the ideal form as well?
Yes, mutilating yourself is bad

And this separation takes the form of...

Followup question, are people with glasses separated from God? They're also against the ideal form.
It's metaphysical, not material, so you wouldn't believe in it. Of course it doesn't take a physical form.
By the fallen nature of man he is inherently separated from God, this is why we have ailments. This is like theology 101 dude.

Why don't these ailments go away when we repent and are rejoined with God?
>when we repent and are rejoined with God?
That's kinda the whole point of life

So the ailments only go away after we die?
That's the Christian view. I'm not going to speculate on the afterlife beyond its existence.
No, you don't kill yourself, you go get killed in a holy manner.
You don't believe in god, you're still alive. He clearly gives you many ways to get to heaven.
fuck off man

Because doing so renders your entire argument absolutely void.
whatever dude. why do i argue with you people, you never understand anything.
I'm sorry, do you not believe god's words?
He clearly gave you numerous paths to get to heaven, if you actually believe him. And there are so many righteous deaths to be had in the modern day.

Fucking RATTLED.

Because you've let this website rot your brain and made le owning le atheists with your little doll playset an actual part of your personality.
Christians are not pessimist at all. Understand that Christians think like Jesus.

Now, atheist/wrongdoers claiming to be Christians is another story.
Beliefs of a typical 4chan Christian:
All humans are so depraved they deserve to be tortured for ever,* but the Yahweh/Yeshua one-parent family will rescue them from this fate if they grovel in abject shame. Hallelujah.
*Design fault perhaps?
Why do you have to be atheist is it more fun than believing in God?
The atheists you are talking about took God out of the christian worldview but still used its priors.
hristianity is not an optimistic religion. It's actually pretty misanthropic and pessimistic in practice, it's just partially mitigated by the fact that all believers will be saved by the magical carpenter and taken to paradise in the end. Case in point: >>17096103. Really most of the things christians criticize lefty atheists for are just the conclusions you come to when you take the magic out of the christian framework but still wok within it.
There are other forms of atheism which are much healthier than psuedo-christianity, byt the way.
Christians don't believe in objective morality though. God's morality is subjective, Yahweh is fickle and constantly changes his mind, and there's numerous contradictions in the Bible. You can use the Bible to argue virtually any moral position.
>But why are repressed minorities sad about being repressed, doe?
Yeah, Timmy, there's another mystery for the ages...

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