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Did the Moors actually bring technology, science, etc to Iberia and Sicily? It's hard to get objectivity on this issue because it's either Afrocentrists and mainstream academic historians who are leftists and say they taught backwards whitey everything and established a tolerant paradise, or white nationalists and Nazis who say they were dumb nigs who destroyed Nordic Hyperborea and did nothing but pollute the local gene pool. I know they brought citrus fruits and some other agricultural things but that's about the extent of my knowledge.
The idea that muslims "enlightened" Europe is on the same level as the idea that the church caused the dark ages, that the church was against science, or that the dark ages existed. That is to say, literally made up. It's made up. Completely and utterly bullshit created to support a viewpoint. It's insane that no one questions this. They just believe it.
Yeah, that's obviously a retarded narrative, but what exactly did they do? Clearly they introduced citrus fruits and some agricultural things from North Africa and the Levant. Other than that I'm not too sure.
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They(muslims) developed Spain and, under muslim rule, produced more scientists from Hispania than before under the Goths, Romans, Carthiginians, Greeks, Phonecians etc collectively. After the Reconquista, the native Christians continued the Muslim led development, but were obviously less tolerant
So you're telling me the Muslims were building beautiful cities and temples in foreign lands with their Golden Age knowledge when the House of Allah (Masjid al-Haram) and its Kaaba Cube (al-Ka'ba al-Musharrafa) in the most sacred place for all Muslims (Makkah al-Mukarramah) was a shithole in a desert up until the 19th century when Anglos gave Allah oil? No way, I don't believe it.
>What is Baghdad? What is Damascus?
Yes, the Muslim empire preferred to develop fertile, already populous foreign cities instead of Mecca and Medina. They even established new ones like Kufa and Basra irrc

I also believe Muslim rulers didn't build grandiose mosques and buildings in Mecca and Medina out of respect for the Prophet who preferred simple mosques. Among the companions, there was controversy when Mu'awiya, who was at that time the 'Amir of Sham, built grandiose buildings there and acted like a king
Islam as we know it today, as a unified cultural identity with its center in Mecca, basically ceased to exist in the 700s, and wasn't restored until the early 20th century.

700 years ago, the Muslims of Iberia were basically a different civilization than the Muslims of Saudi Arabia, who were a different civilization than the Muslims of Turkey, who were a different civilization than the Muslims of southeast Asia.
Mecca and especially Medina were places of scholarship and pilgrimage, not for the concentration of wealth and armies. ie. early Muslims travelled to Medina to learn from imams like Malik, not to trade or for labour
Even today, the Saudis take Riyadh as their capital instead of one of the Haramayn. And muslims around the world come to Medina to study at the university there
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Because it gets flooded with sewer shit in rainy season. The house of Allah is cursed.
>against science
There was, never forget what they did in Alexandria, and in Athens.
Muslims btw they understood the potential of the knowledge of the classic period and I think that helped them to improve
i hate mudslimes for ruining my dna
No. The Sicilians were the Romans.
what are you?
nyc italian with an anglo first name so i fit in nowhere.
Probably not, but I think I read somewhere that their style of rule was good economically at least for the Sicilians and made the population wealthy. I think because they sold land previously horded by the feudal lords or church or something.
Obviously a wealthy population = more public works, learning, art etc.
None of the Muslim empires resettled their population into conquered territories. This was uncommon in the middle ages and they barely had a movable population to begin with, they were just a nomadic warrior elite and mostly relied on converts to maintain their empire. It's a myth made up by Israelis who want people to think Palestinians are descendants of Arab invaders and not indigenous levantines.
Lots of Palestinians claim to descend from the Arabian peninsula or claim their families came from there.
Disproven by genetics of true
Morocco was not even a proper kingdom with cities until XVI century, it was mostly made up by berber tribes fighting each others while Andalusians and Tunisians fought to control the region.

And even with that it was expelled from Spain andalusians the ones who brought andalusian arts and music to them. You will barely find in North Africa old than XVI century monuments, much less made with a different style non derived from Nasrid (Granada) people style.

In any case, it was andalusians the ones bringing science and knowledge to Arabs, the greatest minds of Islam were inherently born in Iberia or in Persia. Not to say that Spain already was the birthplace of a lot of philosophers and artists from Antiquity and Early Medieval Era (Columella, Seneca, Martial, Moderatus, St. Isidore, Ildefonsus, St. Leander of Seville, pope Damasus {the man that configurated the Bible that all churches use today}, Lucan, etc.).

In comparasion, Arabs had nothing before Islam. And the main cultural centers of Islam were not even located in Arab lands but in Persian or Iberian regions, yes, Mesopotamia was a persian province for millennia, and it was also persian by the time Arans conquered it.

The only reason for Baghdad to exist was that Persians wanted the capital next to them instead of Damascus, filled with Greeks and other Christian Byzantine communities.
Palestinians have always been the more "redneck" part of the Levant Family due to Intermixing with Bedouins

No Syrian, even a Sunni muslim would claim to come from the Arabia
You part from a wrong concept, since the crisis of the third century up to the renaissance there were no scientific advancements. Abrahamic cults first destroyed roman knowledge then gathered what remained and badly conserved it, modifying many things to their zealous taste. The "wonders" of medieval technology you see in the most romanised parts of europe like hispania are merely copies of what they could decipher from roman ruins and almost forgotten traditions.
>mu-hu Rome
Who gives a fuck, get over it already
>They(muslims) developed Spain and, under muslim rule, produced more scientists from Hispania
Fake news.

They were persians, syrians with 100% white appareance that just happened to have the muslim religion as a fancy new idea (islam was created in 620 and the new muslims reached to Iberia in 711).

And the 4-5 muslim monuments in Iberia were created by natives + white berebers. The Mezquita de Cordoba used blue stones from CHRISTIAN Byzancio. How could it be possible to trade being a muslim with christians from Byzancio? Because these were fake muslims, just natives converted to the new fancy religion.
And the Alhambra was built by natives converted to islam, in this case visigoths as you can see in the painting of the Alhambra.

Believing that today´s nafris had anything to do with white berebers from 1200 years ago is ridiculous. If that was the case, why there is no islamic monument equiparable to the magnificent Mezquita de Cordoba and Alhambra?? Why the most prominent muslim monuments are in Europe? Because they were built by Europeans.
Worst cope I read this month
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Europe wasnt europe until big dick arrived

Its legacy is 100% contingent on their interception, continuing the line of legacy ambitions after Romes fall, continuing to remaning a irrelevant backwater in in their absense
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Nafris are incompetent mulattoes
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as we all know, a prominence brought through clandestine hands, the formation of what would become cult ambitions involving esoteric agendas brought through the successive line on empire.

These are the men that initiated the "european" into the mysteries, the occult and the societies that has determined mankinds fate from the fall of atlantis
Yes, every nation close to europe has been trying to imitate Rome for the last 2000 years, Rome will always live rent free in the heads of every man. You can cope or kys about that fact.
Yes, they had access to religious and academic texts when they conquered the near east, which was circulating Greek works. Germanics were shitting up Europe and plunged them into a dark age, and it took centuries for the texts to be re-translated back into a western language.
Source: your hairy kosher ass
.t Emre Osman Siktirgit III
When Muslims were finally expelled why didn't they continue to develop in their own original areas!? Were they too depressed!?
While Christian Spain colonized an entire continent

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