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And there's a hell of a lot of stuff that just doesn't add up.

>The letters of Paul show the cult has no interest whatsoever in the life of their founder. Hmmm. That's odd isn't it.

>The early cult was unable or unwilling to preserve a single scrap of direct evidence for their founder. Hmmmm. That's odd isn't it.

>Paul says you can know about Jesus by having visions and nobody argues with that. Never mentions any oral or written record. Hmmm. That's odd isn't it.

>Philo was popular with Christians, he lived in the largest population of educated Hellenized Jews, next to Jerusalem, on a trade route with Jerusalem and he had traveled to Jerusalem. He wrote about persecuted Jewish sects, he wrote about Jews who claimed to be the messiah, he wrote about Pontious Pilate. Never mentioned Jesus. Hmmmm. That's odd isn't it.

>There are inter-testament documents talking about a Jesus Christ that is an archangel-like figure that lives in the sky and is executed by demons. So there were early Jewish ideas of a mythological Jew in the sky, but he was also a real Jew? That sounds a bit odd doesn't it. Imagine claiming there was a historical Zeus who was born after Zeus literature was written!
Atheists pay money to have their cock sliced in half with a scalpel, inverted inside their own body cavity and stitched up in mockery of a vagina.
So no argument then. Concession accepted.
>Tomb of Christ
>True Cross
>Spear of Destiny
>Shroud of Turin
>Sudarium of Oviedo
chuds gonna chud
If there was evidence (that would have to come out of Israel of all places, that is a bureaucratic nightmare that’s nearly impossible to dig at) do you really think Jews would let it come to light? Get real.
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>no argument then
That's all there ever is
Will there be physical evidence of you two thousand years after your death?
>poltard: TRANNIES
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not only does a son of God exist, but a son of God still exists and always existed

You can even today still see the flesh and blood of God, risen for the world to know, if your eyes have been un-blinded to the resurrected truth.
Biblical Jesus does not exist, but there might have been a jew running a cult and claiming to be messiah, which was not uncommon back then. Whoever Paul was, that's the real MVP of Xtianity.
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>Holy Prepuce
>The particular details of Jesus’ life weren’t really important, His teachings were.
>The early church was an underground organization, with constant risk of persecution from the Jews and later the Romans. What exactly do you expect them to have preserved?
>Paul also says to rely on the personal testimonies of hundreds of members of the church that witnessed Christ’s resurrection. The Jews hated Jesus, so why would they write about Him? The Roman’s executed Him for a disturbance of the peace, and didn’t really understand the significance of His teachings. The written record is the gospels pal.
>He lived in Alexandria, not exactly the epicenter of the early church. There were many people that claimed to be the messiah in that time, most of which he didn’t write about. And the Jews, for the most part, had rejected Jesus as the messiah. By the time the church was really starting to grow out of Judea, he was already dead.
>Never heard of this I’m afraid.
Josephus supposedly mentioned him, though only in between agricultural methods which is totally not suspicious and totally not a false copy added in by Christians who had complete monopoly on classical literature for over a thousand years.
The synagogue where he and the Apostles celebrated Passover is very real, and a hugely popular tourist attraction maintained by the Israeli government.
60 years after Jesus died. Josephus wasn't even born when he was allegedly crucified. It's entirely possible Jesus, bible and Christianity is 2nd century or even 3rd century invention.
There is a very strong argument for the Bible having been completed before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem or else it would have been mentioned. The temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
Yes. We've seen mummies. And now we have the internet for eternal mummification.
>b-b-but his body was ascended into the sky he cant be a mummy!!!
Yeah do you realize how dumb you sound rn?

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