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Why aren't they condemned for it? It was a quite recent event and they commited genocide on the Ainu population and resettled the land with Japanese
overshadowed by New World ethnic cleansing in a global sense, and WW2 Japanese atrocities locally; hunter-gatherers didn't do well anywhere in the 19th century, and there aren't that many Ainu left to complain
but its not like a secret, people know about it
OP will never be Ainu
Wait until you see how Japan still treats it's non-Japanese Islanders. Won't even recognize their languages at all.
Only tranny leftoids care about the Ainus
does this board have any threads that aren't moralfagging leftyfags?
Is this your first day here??? Ton of pro nazi and ordinary haplo threads
Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands was interesting case
There aren’t really enough Ainu to constantly complain about it to keep it relevant and well known, unlike the Ryukyuans/Okinawans who are still numerous and cohesive enough to keep the memory alive. Even thens it’s usually just Chinese and Koreans who constantly bash the Japanese for their crimes against them. Plus Japanese culture doesn’t really have the self hatred angle that many Western countries have when it comes to analyzing their history, so there isn’t any movement to seriously think back on past wrongs regarding indigenous people like say in the United Stated and Canada.
Sounds like what Shandongers did to Manchuddy, even if they were once rulers and overlords over them
t. Manjew
>thread about Ainu
>immediately blames Chinese and Koreans
What? OP asked why japs aren't shamed over the colonization, so then that poster stated the two countries that do shame Japan for it. That's completely relevant and informative. Why are you implying that that poster is blaming those countries for the colonies?
Only whites and white libs cry about muhh Ainu. Chinese wouldn’t bring it up because of Xinjiang and Tibet. Koreans only care about their own. Nice try Takehashi trying to act like a weeb, but Japan is all by itself on this one
what a faggot weeb reddit post, why do faggot redditors trade logic for emotions and act like they are logical. disgusting piece of shit spouting schizophrenic nonsense again
you're using a weeb website
Only a japanese perspective can answer this
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*a Thulean perspective
Only whites are dumb enough to entertain feelings of guilt over their innate abilities being greater than those they displaced/defeated.

A) one of the primary reasons in even taking Hokkaido was to prevent Russia taking it

B) the Japanese were very ineffectual and had to hire Americans to help them suppress the natives and figure out more advanced agricultural practices and mining for the harsh environment of Hokkaido compared to their homeland
>had to hire Americans to help them suppress the natives
yet another American crime.
Because the Ainu deserved it
Literally because they aren't White. Nobody else cares about these things when nonwhite races do it.
Based and true af.
You're almost right, but it's because the Ainu aren't white. The western world does not care when atrocities are committed against people of color. Always been like that and continues to be like that, it's extremely sad.
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But the Japanese are white
Good. America treats their hutters too well and now they act like Plymouth rock was storming the beaches on D-day.
There was no country from coast to coast before us.
Just mouth wash drinkers living in huts
neo nazis say both japanese and ainus are white

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