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Thoughts on Hyper-Solomonic Accelerationism? What will this new worldview be like?
I expect the Jews and Arab monarchies to be exterminated in large numbers. Not too large though.
Most Jews will flee the Holy Land. Of those that remain, the military-aged men may be executed, and the women may be enslaved.

Military-aged men of the Arab nobility may be executed. The children of the Arab nobility *should* be conscripted into military boarding schools, stripped of their familial and ethnic identity and tongue, and sent to the frontier regions. If some individuals become a persistent problem, they should be castrated and sent to become an administrative eunuch. Any sort of crypto-Arabism should be a death sentence.
Children here refers to 15 and under.
Paul Muad-dib Atreides = Mahdi
Harkonnen = Israhell
Empire = AmeriKKKa
Space Jihad = judgement day
15 and above makes you eligible for execution in Sunni Islam.
and who would do the executing?
Is this a cope you invented to feel less gross about Aisha? There is no specific age for adulthood. It's first menses for girls and first pubic hair for boys. Read the account of the extermination of Banu Qurayza again.
>and who would do the executing?
Sunni Muslim dynasties that conquer these Judeo-Arab ruled regions. Just like the good times.

>Is this a cope you invented to feel less gross about Aisha?
What's Aisha got to do with any of this? And feel gross for what exactly? You sound homosexual.

>It's first menses for girls and first pubic hair for boys. Read the account of the extermination of Banu Qurayza again.
Biological maturity OR being 15 counts as maturity. Either could make you eligible for execution. I would personally go with the latter. Now if we're talking Jewish POWs, then biological maturity is enough to execute them.

I got it... we need to convince the Muslims to all drop themselves out of helicopters onto the cube in order to teleport themselves to their new mecca until they realize they are retarded for worshiping a fucking cube.
>Harkonnen = Israhell
Saudi Ministry of Defense videos have leaned into the Harkonnen angle a lot lately:
Did they gave up on the wall thingy?

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