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sorry you're a faggot
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Sorry bud we didn't mean it
It's a genuine shame he didn't take over the third reich. It would have been fucking hilarious.
The first and last chance to see proper homofascism in action.
There's an alternate universe where he was the head of the Third Reich and Yukio Mishima was the emperor of Japan.
this isn't a real concept, right?
Hahaha, of course not, kamrat!
Now, bend over.
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>Röhm takes over the party
>he goes through with his plan to merge the Wehrmacht and SA
>The Reich's government and armed forces never go to war because they're too busy drinking, smoking, snorting amphetamines, starting barfights, and having gay sex
>tens of millions of European lives saved
vgh... what could've been.....
He cute. The wrinkle on the cheek looks like makeup
>OP is a faggot
What a surprise!
No, he would have fucked shit up with his Mussalini tier militia replacing the military. Germany would have been Italy 2.0 with the SA trying to conquer anything. Hitler was right to destroy them. Just like how Trump was smart to ignore the alt-right rif-raff and focus on the tech bro elites and centrists.
>muh SA sucks
STFU bitch. It was 90% veterans with recent combat experince in Spain. Hitler was just envious. Rohm would have allied with the entante (allies) as a bullwork against communism. And Germany would not have lost half its territory to slavics hoards. WW2 would have been crusade against Stalin, and not Germany vs everyone.
>heckin buttsex
Nice try jewboy, but we all know that was made up by himmler to justify a powergrab.
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>TFW the wannabe neo-fascist has divorced himself from reality so hard that literally everyone else is a jew and Rohm wasn't gay.
>doesnt deny being a jew
Go suck off Bert somewhere else, "muh analyitcal philosophy". Numbers and flowcharts aren't reality bitch. I bet you read Nietzsche and notes from underground thought "thats literally me", cause thats what high IQ like you do amirite? Read Julius Evola.
No, he's not legally able to be it. He could be an awesome prime minister, though.
>doesn't deny being a child raping faggot with a dick that compares poorly to his little finger, with an IQ low enough to make an earthworm look like a superintelligence.
Do you see how retarded you sound now?
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Heterosexuality = leftist
Homosexuality = right-wing and traditional
If Rohm had gotten anywhere close to getting Hitler to let him replace the army with the SA then there just would've been an anti-Nazi military coup. That's the whole reason the SA was purged, it wasn't practical to go against business and the military rather than trying to win their support and Hitler didn't actually give enough of a shit about economics to ignore pragmatism.

The real question is what a military coup would've led to. An imperial restoration? A junta? And would they not still have been revanchist? Might've been the same result but with less genocide.
True, but it's a lot funnier to imagine an alternate 1940's where the SA beat that attempted coup, and the Turd-Burgler Reich dominated by hardo-gay Brownshirts
What about bisexuality?
>implying your next response if he had wouldn't have been "only a jew denies being a Jew"
Fascists are just funny gays to begin with.
you said as your neo-bussy dilated
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>source: muh feels
Why are you so bothered by the early NSDAP members having higher test levels than you? Every body is different, bro.

>jew keeps projecting his jewishness onto others
Keep kvetching, Moshe.
>Read Julius Evola.
>In 1933, when Adolf Hitler rose to power, Adolf Brand's house was searched and all the materials needed to produce the magazine were seized and given to Ernst Röhm.
Apologize? the allies should apologize.
Is it true that he stripped naked and ran at his captors? Trying to rape them?
would 'ave been so fucking funny man ecks dee bro heheheh
Holy based

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