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Was it really such a good idea to oppose Britain and start WWII? What were the advantages of engaging in the military conflict? The number of casualties was mind boggling. Was it worth it?
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Fuck around and find out as we like to say
Germany didn't want to oppose Britain and even offered them an alliance.
Britain wanted to destroy Germany.
Britain told Jewmany not to invade Poland, and that they would have to go to war if the Wehrmacht did cross the Polish border. This is exactly what they did.
How world would look if 2nd WW didn't started?
Hitler's mistake was not starting war with Britian but letting them escape at Dunkirk because he had a soft spot for them.

If he had listened to his generals and bombed the shit out of Dunkirk, we wouldnt be having this conversation and Churchill wouldnt even be remembered
Honestly, probably poorer and less advanced.
How you even got to that conclusion?
War speeded up development of technology and science.
sure we may be less technologically advanced(doubt it honestly) but poorer?
I doubt it
Stop this spam.
Britain sacrificed millions of English lives to stop Germany from taking a 1 mile wide strip
Why did Germany need to start a war over a tiny 1 mile strip?
Hard to see the imperial trading blocs dissolving otherwise
Because it was rightful German land and Poles were genociding ethnic Germans in their border. Next question.
Name the Germans who were ethnically cleansed and post their autopsy reports.
>rightful land
Rightfully taken away. It was no longer their land.
Where are the bomes?
>Poles were genociding ethnic Germans
"The G*rm cries out in pain as he strikes you"
I love those books
>Rightful German clay
Let's take a look:
>Archaeological evidence for the origins of the town was retrieved mostly after World War II had laid 90 percent of the city centre in ruins, enabling excavations.[34] The oldest seventeen settlement levels were dated to between 980 and 1308.[33] Mieszko I of Poland erected a stronghold on the site in the 980s, thereby connecting the Polish state ruled by the Piast dynasty with the trade routes of the Baltic Sea.[35] Traces of buildings and housing from the 10th century have been found in archaeological excavations of the city.[36]
Sounds like it's a Polish city. Founded by Poles. Build by Poles. Culturally important to Poles.

>were genociding ethnic Germans in their border
Invaders and settlers.
>Poles were genociding ethnic Germans in their border.
I see this posted a lot in these threads but it's never accompanied by AT LEAST a grainy infograph. Is this some shitpost under layers of irony that I'm not in on?
Nein - and whoever lived on the territory of Poland was a polish citizen and, according to the established European tradition, other countries could do jack shit about how polish citizens were being treated in Poland.
Like Turkey can only yap about how Turkish Germans are being treated in Germany now.
Was it worth it to lose 8 million German lives for Danzig? Please answer me
So the claim is that some ethnic minority in another country was being mistreated and that's le bad? LMFAO literally just becoming a libtard to justify Nazism.
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Britain appeased Hitler in order to avoid war and ignored his frequent treaty violations. Hitler mocked the British and said they were worms who won't do shit.
>Poles were genociding ethnic Germans in their border.
Have you dug up the bones and counted them?
why did Germany partition the rest of Poland including Posen?
The nazi government claimed it and set up a false flag to justify invasion. Chuds uncritically accept anything from the Nazi ministry of propaganda.
It is, as other anons have pointed out, blatant propaganda to be consumed and repeated by a "ready" population.
If you can convince people that jews have gigantic invisible financial empires and have been keeping the aryan superhumans down throughout history since the medieval era, they are pretty much ready to accept anything you say as fact, given enough repetition.
>but it's never accompanied by AT LEAST a grainy infograph. Is this some shitpost under layers of irony that I'm not in on?

Because the supposed "German genocide" by the ethnic Poles was:
1) not a genocide
2) Took place AFTER Germany had invaded Poland.

The maddening part of it all would be that it didn't happen in Danzig but in Bromberg and that the supposed "genocide" victims were majorly from the Abwehr, who were actively instigating its German inhabitants to start shit up with the Polish garrison there. But chalk it up to retarded 4niggers to now know do their homework before shitposting
Hitler's entire election mandate was to reverse Versailles. The reason it was non-negotiable for Germany was a matter of honour because they believed they should not have carried the full blame for the widespread destruction during WW1.

Honour is far more important than the land itself.
Have you found out yet?
Germany told Poland not to violate the sovereignty of Danzig or else there would be war.
This is exactly what they did.
Appeased him how? Hitler didnt violate a single treaty. Britain regularly inserted itself into German affairs and demanded to be part of everything the Germans did.
Is Germany a sovereign nation who can handle its own foreign or not?
Britian wasnt appeasing they were trying to gatekeep the German restoration.
Was it really a good idea to oppose a power that:
>Blockades your ports whenever you don't do exactly what they say, thereby intentionally starving your population
>Blockades your ports and intentionalky starves your population even after you do exactly what they say
>Demands that you keep your navy small so you can't protect yourself from the above demand
>Makes alliances explicitly meant to destroy you. With your powerful neighbour that just lost 3 wars trying to destroy country
>Constantly demonizes your population in addition to numerous other subversions and war rhetoric
>Basically all because your scientists and engineers were doing slightly better than theirs in the last few years and you built up industry which competed well on international markets without relying on colonial exploitation

Yes Anon, it was a good idea. Germany after WW2 was treated far better by the outside world because USA was definitely in charge and didn't have any patience for Judeo-Britain's bullshit anymore.
Not really. They voted for him because the country basically stopped functioning. It's also why the communists gained a lot in early 1930s.
That's not true. Getting nepojews out of faculty positions is what rapidly sped up science and technology development pace.

Most of the progress in the 1933-1945 period in Germany and Europe was in fundamental science (quantum mechanics, nuclear physics etc.). Engineering for war purposes only to a far lesser extent.
does it really matter? We are talking about the British, it doesnt matter if the Germans had the best or worst intentions, the British clearly made a grievous mistake and now face extinction over it.
Poland had a policy of Polonization ehich included land+asset seizure, forced language and religious conversation all of which is classified as non-violent organised genocide:


This was not just focussed on Germans, but Ukranians, Bellarussians, Jews etc. which made up over 1/3rd of people living in Polish territories. There were especially many violent clashes with the Orthodox minorities, making it a violent genocide.

>established European tradition, other countries could do jack shit about how polish citizens were being treated in Poland.
That's not true. Poland was violating several international treaties that it had signed with the Entente powers that awarded them lands taken from neighnouring countries. Poland as an independent nation itself was recreated by Germany after liberating the territory from Russia, which also came with treaties.

If the Polish had conquered those lands themselves you might have a point. If they had built those cities themselves you might also have a point. But they did not, so if they break these treaties that opens up the question of why their neighbours should respect their sovereignty if they had violated the very treaties that granted it to them.
Yes, we have photographs even from American journalists.
With this information so readily available why are you going to ask us to spoon feed you?
>was victory worth the cost
Yes, but the Germans didnt win so the question is irrelevant.
Also we arent talking about Germany LOL we are talking about Britain.
Was going extinct worth the victory?

Germany at least has the excuse of losing the war, its obvious they would be worse off.
But to not only win the war but go into debt and get genocided in your own homeland.
That is on another level.
>Was going extinct worth the victory?

Human civilization matters. Cultures come and go. The British spiritually redeemed themselves by destroying Nazi Germany. Even if they die now, they will die as heroes.
>If they had built those cities themselves you might also have a point
Gdansk was a Polish city and always had been.
>[ad hoc communist propoganda piece about a village which isn't even near the city]
The settlement of villages is irrellevant. Before the Hansa there was Old Prussians, before them possibly some Polans, before them definitely Goths and other Germanic tribes.
>Sounds like it's a Polish city. Founded by Poles. Build by Poles. Culturally important to Poles.
None of that is true, even according to Poles themselves because a city did not exist before the Hansa, only possibly some settlement interdispersed with native Prussians. Danzig itself was a trading city founded and built by colonists from Lübeck with Hansa architecture, language and culture and which had nearly 100% German speaking population. To this day the centuries old Rathaus and everything in the old town is German architecture and writing.

There is absolutely nothing Polish about the city and never was.

>Invaders and settlers.
So are all Poles. Stop espousing nigger victim rhetoric. Literally the reason the Teutonic order knights were there was on invitation of the Polish king because he had invaded, but failed to subjugate the natives in the region.
It isn't. See >>17280343
Most of the progress in 1933-1945 was done by the allies. German scientists made more progress during the weimar republic and after the war.
The city was not founded by colonists from Lubeck. Lubeck merchants briefly lived there before being evicted Jew style. The city as a major trade hub only started blossoming when it was under polish control. It is a Polish city and always had been. The Germand had no claim on it.
and Poles made it poor and stupid.
no one should have to argue in favor of the moral supremacy of a people who are more intelligent, capable, and reliable.
>b-but Germany
Germans and Americans can talk like equals I say this as an American.
Germans do not need to entertain Polish ideas of equality.
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fuck off, hope you get nuked.
You dont care about my people, you only want to nurse your ethnic grievance against Germans because Germans called you subhuman then proved it by defeating you in conflict.
Nice fake, Rajesh
dont make me tap the Rotherham sign.
It even has a different font. Post the link or fuck off
Unfettered horseshit. Not only were many if not most of the advancements that we associate today with "modern technology" achieved by Germany in this period, but they were literally the ones promoted the most by the NSDAP party over competing theories that were later disproven.

Nuclear physics:
>Nuclear fission (from which all theories of nuclear transmutation and the last major achievement in this field), Otto Hahn 1938
Computers and computer sience:
>First programmable digital computers, Zuse 1938
>First complete high level programming language: Plankalkül, Zuse, 1943
Quantum mechanics and QFT:
>Heisenberg's matrix mechanics, uncertainty principle and subsequent reformualtion Schrödinger's wave equation becomes the standard theory taught at universities only after the SS investigation highly favoured him over Schrödinger and others' insistence on the continuous formulation (Note: this turned out to be the only correct theory taught in all modern Quantum mechanics textbooks today, but Heisenberg's Quantum jumps was only definitively proven experimentally in 1986: an SS officer literally determined it was the only correct interpretation and sanctioned it during a controversy.
Fundamental aerospace- and control systems engineering advancements:
>First control rocket flight, von Braun, 1943
>...using digital controllers and gyroscopes, 1944
>First pulsejet 1943
Chemical Engineering:
>Fischer–Tropsch process (basis of all syngas/sunfuels to this day), first planf 1936
>PVC production (the most common plastic produced on Earth) with the Griesheim-Elektron process
>PVC to rubber conversion based on the work by Klatte (plants which the German government funded to replace natural rubber shortfalls in WW2).
There are many, many more.

That is not to say there weren't many fundamental advancements by other Western nations; of course there were. But in every per capita measure Germany relative to itself was advancing at break neck pace in all fields.
>The city was not founded by colonists from Lubeck.
It was.
> Lubeck merchants briefly lived there before being evicted Jew style.
They were still living there by 1945.
>The city as a major trade hub only started blossoming when it was under polish control.
No, it was a free Hansa league city.
>It is a Polish city and always had been. The Germand had no claim on it.
They never spoke Polish in the city. All the architecture to this day in the old town is Hanseatic
They weren't, in fact, "Polish citizens", they were free citizens. The League of Nations created the Free City of Danzig which was meant to be semi-autonomous with the union of Poland as way to create the Polish corridor. But no one internationally thought that the land itself was Polish. And Polish autonomy came with conditions.

I don't know how you think that "established European tradition" means one side can violate treaties while the other side should just ignore it.
>violate treaties
You still haven't proven that it happened. You know that?
No, Germans made it poor and stupid.

>no one should have to argue in favor of the moral supremacy of a people who are more intelligent, capable, and reliable.
Then the whole point is irrelevant because Germans are none of those.

>Germans and Americans can talk like equals I say this as an American.
After losing two world wars? You wish.

>You dont care about my people,

I care about my people. Which aren't even Poles.
They weren't achieved by Nazi Germany. At best they were leftovers from Nazi Germany. Everything the Nazis tried to build was a complete failure. Worthless compared to what the allies produced.

>But in every per capita measure Germany relative to itself was advancing at break neck pace in all fields.
They weren't. They build failure after failure and were totally technologically outmatched by the allies. To the extent the USA would have won the war by default around 1946 simply due to their nuclear program.
that is wrong tho
they were official minority protected by league of nations, they had their party, press and seats in parliament
polish minority in germany had no similar rights of protection
WW2 was won by America, the only country on Earth with more German genes than Germany itself.
You're just irrational now.

The achievements that I listed are all very high and well acknowledged by the international community. I challenge you to find a single Quantum Mechanics textbook which doesn't have Heisenberg's name in it.
>>Germany relative to itself was advancing at break neck pace in all fields.
>They weren't. They build failure after failure and were totally technologically outmatched by the allies.

This does not follow, I said Germany relative to itself, not relative to Allies. The Allies would obviously be expected to advance faster since they were fae more numerous and had larger economies.
USSR, actually.

At best the USA build the weapons. Blacksmiths are not warriors. The USA works as a country because Germanic people know their place: Below their superiors.
The accomplishments of the German scientific community were that: Accomplishments of the GERMAN scientific community. Most of the talent working there was procured before the Nazis took over, by the horrible weimar republic even, and the only effect the Nazis had on that was almost entirely negative.

And, again, the actual end results of their research was universally shoddy. The Nazis were poor leaders that were unable to take advantage of any research done. Most of the scientists went on to do much better after the disgusting subhuman trash was hanged in Nurenberg and Americans/Russians were put in charge.
No, USA actually and ONLY the USA won the war.

Sorry, but dying en masse is not a contribution to the war effort.
The NSDAP were Germans Anon. I think you are confused. You might even say they were a product of Weimar too.
>almost entirely negative.
Not really, the achievements above are basically what underlie all modern technology. The economy was also very strong.

Post WW2 economic miracle was also just due to rebranded national socialist policies.
>The NSDAP were Germans Anon.
They were not. Hitler was a Austrian, and all of them were subhumans and therefore not people anyway.

>You might even say they were a product of Weimar too
Austria Empire. Mostly the inbreeding.

>Not really, the achievements above are basically what underlie all modern technology.
The achievements above only mattered when non Nazis were put in charge of them.

>The economy was also very strong.
It was such a failure that they would have collapsed in 1939 without annexing Czechoslovakia.

>Post WW2 economic miracle was also just due to rebranded national socialist policies.
Socialist, actually.
Destroying your enemy is. that is what the USSR did.

Germans make good work monkeys. But they lack the warrior spirit. They are best kept in servitude rolls. Away from any real power that doesn't involve building stuff.
Austrians are German and most of the NSDAP were both born in Germany and good people.

>Socialist, actually
Yes, the NSDAP were, in fact, socialists, as their name implies.

They modern greens and SPD are closer to NSDAP than the AfD, the only difference is the former want infinity migrants.
Russia was ruled by Germans for most of its existence. Your attempt to trigger is quite feable and weak, just like the Russian serf's soul.
>Austrians are German and most of the NSDAP were both born in Germany and good people.
They weren't people.

>Yes, the NSDAP were, in fact, socialists, as their name implies.
They were not.

Got a good quote for you:
>I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
You hate White people, your views are invalid as you are a subhuman.
Simple as.
america won the war
even German Danzigers literally preferred the Poles against the Prussians lol
can i have some papers on this
After Prussians took over the city, many German Danzigers left the city. The Prussian government replaced them with Brandenburgians and other kinds of loyal Prussian subjects. This is why after WW1 "Danzig" was already pro-German and anti-Polish, but these people had nothing to do with the actual Danzigers who built and developed the city throughout centuries.

The NSDAP activists in Danzig were largely the lower classes imported from mainland Germany simply because there were too few local supporters and the 'zuruck zum Reich' thing was largely staged by imported 'Danzigers', real Danziger merchant families liked the Free City arrangement because Danzig could profit immensely from the trade from both from Poland and Germany and they certainly didn't want to cut off ties with Poland.

Danzigers attempted to defend the city from Prussian forces trying to seize it in 1793, they generally hated and despised Prussia and even Schopenhauer wrote about this because his family was among those who left the city because of their hate for Prussia and preference for the Polish.
>millions of english lives
>British ww2 casualties are 300,000
490,000 actually.
over a million in collective totality if we take all people of Anglo extraction across the world.
>The NSDAP were Germans Anon
They were always the most peripheral Germans, like Austrians, Prussians, Germans in Eastern Europe. That's where their support came from, lmao.
>english = british = anglo
God this is the most annoyingly midwit take in all of history. Innovation is driven by necessity yes, the economic incentive is more than enough for that. It also doesn't require you to rebuild half your continent. Honestly it's such a fucking retard take, people like you piss me off.
Amusing that this is exactly the half-baked justification that Russia is currently using to invade Ukraine.

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